The Black Community is a Matriarchy. Black Man go find HAPPINESS, LOVE, VALUE and PEACE wherever u can.


Mar 6, 2014
I once told the story of trying to counsel the youth at a Compton community center one time years ago and them young nikkas didn’t want to listen and all wanted to be the next Kendrick and Nipsey in rap

I told them focus on other things like construction, landscaping, IT, etc even told them talk with they mom or dad

Next thing I know had 3 mothers come up to me and tell me don’t tell my son about construction, IT, and all that other shyt.. my boys will make it in music…

I said ok and I was done with community after that, I’ll let these baby mamas do they job which they not doing
I'm 100% certain you made this sht up.


Louisiana Made, DC PAID!
May 9, 2012
IT Cert-Gang Mafia, GMB and HOH
I once told the story of trying to counsel the youth at a Compton community center one time years ago and them young nikkas didn’t want to listen and all wanted to be the next Kendrick and Nipsey in rap

I told them focus on other things like construction, landscaping, IT, etc even told them talk with they mom or dad

Next thing I know had 3 mothers come up to me and tell me don’t tell my son about construction, IT, and all that other shyt.. my boys will make it in music…

I said ok and I was done with community after that, I’ll let these baby mamas do they job which they not doing

Sad AF. :snoop:


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
I'll ask again....

What are some of you willing to sacrifice to see the poverty-infected matriarchal shyt hole that you call a community back in order?

because all I'm seeing right now is pure gas-lighting nonsense.
Only The Most High can fix his chosen ppl (negroes scattered to the 4corners of the earth). This is actually meant to happen. One of the posters before made a post about Klaus and economic meltdown, and black ppl will be hit hardest and will have to get back to following the commandments and ways of the father, most won’t, but the jezebels and thugs and rebels will we destroyed. I just hope not to many of us took the V. It is a bioweapon and many shows elude to that and it’s starting to take effect.

Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
Y’all ever stop and ask yourselves why they should listen to you?

With black men being the least educated, having the least wealth, being the most incarcerated, the least married men in America, y’all think that y’all should open your mouths to tell BW what to do with their HAIR and that they should actually listen to you?? BW are on the path to lap BM in every way and every other race of men has already lapped BM, but y’all are talking about their hair? That’s leadership to y’all?

That can’t make any real sense to you. This is exactly what I’m saying. Y’all are skipping too many steps.

This is exactly what I’m talking about, women with this mentality arent women that can be led.

You “Mother goddess” simps can keep punching the waves until you tire yourselves out and come to the realization that a lot of us have years ago—there is no “Black community” and trying to live your life to appease a fictitious community Instead of doing what makes YOU happy is a waste of time.


Louisiana Made, DC PAID!
May 9, 2012
IT Cert-Gang Mafia, GMB and HOH
Only The Most High can fix his chosen ppl (negroes scattered to the 4corners of the earth). This is actually meant to happen. One of the posters before made a post about Klaus and economic meltdown, and black ppl will be hit hardest and will have to get back to following the commandments and ways of the father, most won’t, but the jezebels and thugs and rebels will we destroyed. I just hope not to many of us took the V. It is a bioweapon and many shows elude to that and it’s starting to take effect.

If God had the power to help us, he had to power to prevent. :stopitslime: :gucci: God dont give a shyt about Black people obviously.


Mar 11, 2022
The four-hundred thousand
There would be social workers coming around checking homes to make sure there was no man living there.

The woman would ask the man to leave so she could receive to assistance. If he didn't leave, she'd call the cops.
And say what? If his name was on the lease/mortgage, how could he be removed?

It ain't adding up.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
If you can only lead when someone lets you lead...doesn't that make them your leader?
It makes you a jezebel. Thugs are menaces to society and lead nowhere 9/10 times. The Most High is all about free will. Jezebels will be dealt with.
I wasn't talking about mixed neighborhoods but ok, point taken. Regardless, there are black men who live the life you seem to think is impossible.

Also, I'm not sure what we're talking about anymore. Are we talking about matriarchy or wealth?
Yall need to close yall legs. There’s 6 black women for every 1 black man. How non of yall virgins and 72% have a child while unmarried and 54% of black men don’t have children? Yall, thugs, and F boys are aiding white ppl in their goal to keep us captive. The longer we live like the heathens, the longer we will be held captive in this foreign land. We need to repent as a people and turn to The Most High. It’s about to get very bad for us.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
"Look at Kevin Samuels." You mean the Kevin Samuels who lied about his education credentials and job, denigrated black women, and died alone and broke?

"Look at Trouble." You mean the rapper you probably didn't hear of until his death, who died involving himself in a domestic dispute between the girl he was fukking and her ex?

If you would have said black men are being attacked, aren't appreciated, and are constantly being slandered by grifters and agitators we ALL would agree with you! Including me. I see no reason to attack any other group of black people though. Especially not based on this SOCIAL MEDIA driven narrative. Only what, 20% of the country uses twitter? So why are we always responding to nonsense from there, posted by agitators,


Dec 13, 2012
This is exactly what I’m talking about, women with this mentality arent women that can be led.

You “Mother goddess” simps can keep punching the waves until you tire yourselves out and come to the realization that a lot of us have years ago—there is no “Black community” and trying to live your life to appease a fictitious community Instead of doing what makes YOU happy is a waste of time.
What mentality? The truth?? Which part of that is false.

You’re proving my point. Too many BM think leadership is just dictating and telling other people what to do. It’s accountability, it’s work, it’s sacrifice. Do the work, before you start barking orders about what a bytch should do with her hair.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
If God had the power to help us, he had to power to prevent. :stopitslime: :gucci: God dont give a shyt about Black people obviously.
Don’t make stupid comments without understanding. We are the Israelites of the bible. He chose us to be his special possession but even to this day, we always wanna include other ppl. You notice every other race has zero problems putting their own first but we invite everyone to the cookout? Even then our ppl always ended up going after other women and following their ways.

Daniel 2:43

41And as you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it shall be a divided kingdom, but some of the firmness of iron shall be in it, just as you saw iron mixed with the soft clay. 42And as the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly brittle.43As you saw the iron mixed with soft clay, so they will mix with one another in marriage,c but they will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with clay.

The rulers know who we are so they do everything to keep us down and genocide us through police brutality, gang violence, drugs, LGB, race mixing, poverty, discrimmination, ect..

He will redeem our ppl very soon, but we must return to following his commandments and his ways. All nations have conspired against us and all of them will be captive just as we were in the kingdom to come.


A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
Sorry, OP, but you sound weak.

No man cares about what "street cats", "women", and "children" are thinking. A man gets with other like-minded, disciplined, righteous, and goal oriented men and run roughshot over the street cats.

You really telling me some drugged out, partying, disorganized street guy is better and can hold you at bay? A child can hold you at bay? A woman can hold you at bay?

That is the talk of the weak to me. You hit a little resistance and you running like a bytch.

It’s doesn’t “sound” like he’s weak. He IS weak. In a few days he’ll make a thread about the struggles of making 100k+ and maintaining and living an affluent lifestyle, or the difficultly of having and managing multiple properties that you own. Yet, in a few weeks he’ll post about the ills of black women and how no one respects black men and so on. This man’s whole ego and self-worth is wrapped in his own perceived inability to dominate a woman :mjlol:. This dude a frumpily built (I remember what you look like from when you posted that video off you being trash at basketball), self-aggrandizing, egocentric — fukking goofy. Of course no one is trying to follow your overly emotional goofy fukking ass negro. You been on here 10+ years doing this schtick. You need a hobby, journal, a role model, something. You’re definitely not a man that should be leading shyt! You’re like the anti-Leonidas. :wow:

Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
What mentality? The truth?? Which part of that is false.

You’re proving my point. Too many BM think leadership is just dictating and telling other people what to do. It’s accountability, it’s work, it’s sacrifice. Do the work, before you start barking orders about what a bytch should do with her hair.
You lost this debate as soon as you brought up incarceration rates in a white supremacist country where Black men are the number one targets.

I know in twitter land Black women are the number one target cuz “deY iZ bLaCK AND uh wuMyN n dEy exPerieNcE rAciSm aNd duh sExiZm” but in the real world everyone knows that straight Black men are the number one target.

You nikkas really let these women convince you that because you don’t make a certain amount of money or have a degree you don’t deserve a woman that will allow you to lead :mjlol:

We been under A matriarchy for 50 years and the community has been in shambles ever since, yet these militants still saying we shouldn’t lead cuz we didn’t go to get a degree and cuz white men are targeting us to fill up the prisons :mjlol:

You nikkas gonna be juelzing for these out of order heffers til 2030.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Unfortunately OP is absolutely right about this order. It’s very alarming too. Mind you I’m a black feminist but I still see the fukk shyt in our community.

Black women are placed on top of our community by white society. Black women and girls are promoted and pushed to excel. Black boys go largely ignored.

Gays. The gay black community has been used as a Trojan horse by white society. Whether it’s a gay man or gay woman, they will push anti black male rhetoric. Their job is to ruin the image of black males and promote alternative lifestyles and families.

Street dudes. Street dudes are THE MOST coddled and catered to demographic in the black community. They play a special role. They destroy the community, provide a toxic image for black boys and girls to look up to. You know what the worst part is? There are large groups of people who will cape for them and always have a soft spot. They’ll blame everything under the sun. white supremacy, education, etc. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY will never come to into question.

The 9-5 black man. I’m sorry to say but you are truly at the bottom image wise. You look boring, safe, and you cannot add clout to any woman. You will forever be seen as a walking paycheck. Most women will not see you as a first option until they’re older and tired of dealing with street men. If you attempt to stick up for your community and rebuild, you’ll be met with resistance. “You never been in the streets. You don’t know what it’s like” “you not real” “you’re a square” “but but the gangs can protect our community”
Gotdamn if this isn’t true….