The Black Community is a Matriarchy. Black Man go find HAPPINESS, LOVE, VALUE and PEACE wherever u can.


Dec 3, 2013
Yup. In spite of what fake ass pro-black Coli simps say, you can’t “lead” a group of people who feel as if they shouldn’t have to listen to you.

The only group of men in the west who can and regularly do “force” their women to follow them are Muslims and men from countries like India.

When I managed my first restaurant (yes, I am an actual restaurant manager in real life) I went out of my way to hire as many black people as I could. Black women in particular.

The restaurant was owned by a CAC and his son. They didn’t even want me to hire the black women I hired because they had “bad attitudes”. :mjpls:

I hired them anyway AND gave them the hours they needed to sustain themselves even though the owners said we couldn’t afford it (:duck:)

So basically, I put my career in jeopardy constantly to provide for the black people, particularly black women, who worked under me.

I sacrificed to lead, and what did I get for it?

When I’d ask my black female team members to do simple shyt like “don’t be on your phone when the kitchen is messy” and “watch your language in front of customers” they would catch an attitude with me and be combative towards me for no reason.

It got bad to the point where I sat them all down and told them “I’m the reason why you got your jobs in the first place. They (CACs) didn’t wanna hire you in the first place.”

You wanna know what those bytches did? Run to those same CACs and act as if I was abusing them for telling them the truth.

It’s at that point that I realized black men are just better off uplifting and working with each other.

You cannot “lead” a group of people who will run to massa every time they feel like their ego is challenged, even if you are acting in a way that is actually meant to help and protect them.

Those same “queens” that simps in here are putting the cape on for would’ve snitched to CACs back during slavery if there was about to be an uprising. But we’re supposed to lead them?
I’m sorry that happened to you breh, that is really sad. :sad:

I‘ve had people do me wrong after I’ve helped them out, it’s one of the worst feelings ever.


Mar 24, 2014
It's over. Not much in the hood but Gangbangers and Single Moms. Nothing but danger in the hood for a Black MAN..

Sadly towns with positive like-minded people to congregate and reside hardly exist.
And if it happens, within 5 minutes it'll be gentrified.