The Best Man: The Final Chapters, 10 Episode Series Ordered by NBCUniversal's Peacock


May 3, 2012
I loved seeing the gang back together, but the movie pandered to the moment too much for me- if that makes sense. LGBT, cab stealing Karens, Nia Long's Great Resignation moment, etc.

Still so glad this happened, but I hope it stops here. Great way to end the goat black rom com.

Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s
Finally finished it up

Thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish and a great series to end the year with

I really hope Terrance Howard reconsiders his retirement cause god dammit the brotha can act his ass off

Had you cracking up and tearing up in the same episode

I know this is supposed to be the end but I could watch these characters forever, I wouldn’t object to another season at all


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
Okay. So.

Started out great. Loved everything up until Q and Shelby got married.

Felt like it declined after that. Still good, but not great. And Lance's non-binary son was completely unnecessary. They could have left it at him secretly hating football if they needed conflict, or LJ secretly falling in love with Jordan (which is where I thought it was going).

Although it did give us this, which made me cackle:

Ring! Hello?
Q: yeah, what the fukk is non-bindering?

I was PISSED that so many people were on Robyn's side. How tf do you take a man's child to another continent and not expect pushback? Selfish AF. At the same time, that argument was raw and real. Great writing and acting.

Also thought the comedy was on point, and everybody still looks pretty good.

Overall, I'd give it a 7.5/10.
Yea Robyn was foul for that, it seemed like she just decided she wanted to start her own dreams after all these years of being happy the way things were.

She then after getting everything she wanted decided to take the kid to another continent like who would be ok with that and how does that not fukk the kid up? She was being super selfish and all for a career that isn’t going to make money. Dude gave her everything and it still wasn’t enough.
Episode 8….this kid would’ve been dropkicked for being a fukking smart ass. That was not the time for that
Facts, he was wild disrespectful and insensitive because he wanted to play stupid gender politics. If they want more people to care about that pronouns bullshyt they need to learn how communicate it better.
breh, why? This shyt struggled past episode 2.

i wish this has only been a movie
No you mean it got better after episode 2. The first two episodes would have made a bad comedy that no one would have remembered. The show really found it’s stride episode three


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
Yea Robyn was foul for that, it seemed like she just decided she wanted to start her own dreams after all these years of being happy the way things were.

She then after getting everything she wanted decided to take the kid to another continent like who would be ok with that and how does that not fukk the kid up? She was being super selfish and all for a career that isn’t going to make money. Dude gave her everything and it still wasn’t enough.

Facts, he was wild disrespectful and insensitive because he wanted to play stupid gender politics. If they want more people to care about that pronouns bullshyt they need to learn how communicate it better.

No you mean it got better after episode 2. The first two episodes would have made a bad comedy that no one would have remembered. The show really found it’s stride episode three
No, I meant what I said…the show was a mess in an attempt to stretch storylines that didn’t need to fill 8+ hours of tv. A tw/o part sequel for a total of 2.5-3 hours would’ve sufficed

DaMos Supreme

All Star
May 10, 2012
It was cool, I enjoyed the series. Shelby’s characterization probably benefited the most by making it go the series route.

I was wondering how long they were going to drag out the whole Lance coming back as a 48yr.old RB in the pros storyline. Good thing that story came back down to reality (suspension of disbelief be damned).

I’ve resigned to the fact that the majority of black series/sitcoms -especially post 2010’s- (whether new, updated, repackaged or rebranded) will have an LGBT storyline aspect in the mix. Now, It’s just determining how much can you tolerate :manny:? Lance is an old-fashioned pro football player, an avid believer in Christianity but also loves the ladies, and wants his first-born son to be the second coming, of course that was on par for conflict with LJ’s lifestyle.

Didn’t expect Murch getting into MMA heavy enough in which he’s competing in matches and winning :russ:.

Harper and Robin’s disconnect been brewing for sometime (Then they spoiled this somewhat from the jump in the beginning with the time-skip to 2024 teaser).

Tribal Outkast

Nov 22, 2016
It was cool, I enjoyed the series. Shelby’s characterization probably benefited the most by making it go the series route.

I was wondering how long they were going to drag out the whole Lance coming back as a 48yr.old RB in the pros storyline. Good thing that story came back down to reality (suspension of disbelief be damned).

I’ve resigned to the fact that the majority of black series/sitcoms -especially post 2010’s- (whether new, updated, repackaged or rebranded) will have an LGBT storyline aspect in the mix. Now, It’s just determining how much can you tolerate :manny:? Lance is an old-fashioned pro football player, an avid believer in Christianity but also loves the ladies, and wants his first-born son to be the second coming, of course that was on par for conflict with LJ’s lifestyle.

Didn’t expect Murch getting into MMA heavy enough in which he’s competing in matches and winning :russ:.

Harper and Robin’s disconnect been brewing for sometime (Then they spoiled this somewhat from the jump in the beginning with the time-skip to 2024 teaser).
Honestly I think they spent too much time on the son/non binary thing. It’s like they had to force something to find a reason to make Lance get mad. They could’ve had that little suspense after he first put on the makeup or whatever, then just made everybody laugh and say we knew all along or something in the next episode. How everybody ok with it but Lance? We all knew he’d accept it eventually so why drag it so long?

Yeah Robyn reminded me of an ex on a way way smaller scale lol. Sometimes you can give your all but it’s never enough. Robyn and Harper’s relationship shows why some people don’t want to have kids. They were both making big ass decisions not caring about how the kid felt at all. Out here making single people decisions lol.

Murch becoming an MMA fighter is crazy but very much understandable lol. Awesome character development.

Jordan’s character was just there to me. Nia looked great but I didn’t care about nothing she did other than her looking good.

Terrence Howard/Quincy did his thing in this series. He was probably the most likable ever in the series. He and Shelby were great together. Shelby straight up stole the series to me. The difference between this version of her and the one in the first Best Man is night and day to me. I don’t know how this series plays out if Shelby is not there or if her role was smaller. And the scene with the Jodeci song… All I’ll say is I understand why it let to what it led to for those two lol.
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Down By Law
May 1, 2012
Dallas, TX
Overall the series was entertaining and above average but at the same time I wouldn't sit down and binge watch season 1 again;

The good:
Hell it was good just seeing all the characters back together and everyone looked good.
Quinton/shelby characters always had good chemistry

Jordan: didn't see a lot of development in her character, she was still the same goal driven woman with a somewhat covert thing for harper, her soulmate

Merch/kandi- merch becoming a 48 mma fighter seemed very unrealistic and kandi's character really didn't add a lot of value, but she was figuring it out

Harper/Robyn- I mean robyn was introduced in the movie has someone who kept changing careers and couldn't figure out her purpose and she was in love with a starving artist writer who had dreams and a plan. She finally just got tired of the ride of being second place

Lance: I saw a lot of range with Morris as an actor, some character development with him as well that I didn't expect

The bad:

The whole LGBT-Non binary stuff was soooooo contrived that it ruined 2-3 episodes of the series. Then the sterotypes of the ALPHA black father who is ready to whoop his son ass at a moments notice and being too ignorant hiding behind machismo was cringeworthy. One minute LJ is masculine talking about football and then the next he's throwing his ass in a circle to Saucy Santana. It just got way too deep down that rabbit hole for me.

Robyn/Harper was annoying as hell. She went from wanting to stay a summer in ghana to move there and just up and take the man's daughter but at the same time Harper could've compromised more. He always felt the was the superior one in the relationship and his career mattered over EVERYTHING which is why she kept saying he would never change.

Lane: one minute he's quoting bible scriptures and having dreams of his wife, the next he's sticking his dikk every woman he comes across. Just felt at times they didn't know what to do with his character as I mention the problems with his son.

There were other minor things but overall there was a lot to like and dislike about this series= 3.0 for me...

DaMos Supreme

All Star
May 10, 2012
The creepy professor was some forced Tyler Perry shyt. We couldnt just have a fellow black person looking out for another? Overall I enjoyed the show. The ladies still looked great :blessed:
This 1000 %, if I could give more rep, I would breh. I was going to add this exact sentiment to this thread, because I think that is being overlooked. Like it was a complete unnecessary swerve to turn Dr.Temple into a predator for the hell of it. There was nothing direct or subtle showing the Professor going that route, IMO. shyt, for the most part he come across like he didn’t want to be bothered and accepted Kandi’s offer begrudgingly, and only did it out of sense of obligation//looking out.

Just to have a seemingly highly reputable person who commanded respect and had a good lighthearted but dropped advice to Murch to just turn around and prey on his wife :martin:.