Can you explain the fears and concerns they had? And their reasoning?
It's the same fears that straight men have when not wanting to associate with gay men. A fear of guilt by association which would lead to revocation of sexual privileges by women.
It's the same fears, unfounded or not, that we have when something tragic happens and we pray to God that the perpetrator isn't black. The idea of them "setting back the race", because white supremacy views us all as one, and as a result of their actions, getting our privileges revoked.
The fear is a denial of access and privilege.
And their fears turned out to be true.
Before the Great Migration, blacks in many urban centers were working hard towards progress and respectability. Attaining education, owning business, building wealth, so much so that, while race relations were not perfect, they were congenial to the point that blacks lived integrated lives, attended integrated schools, could shop in regular stores, if having owned businesses, had white clientele, etc. They built up for themselves relative privilege and access.
The arrival of southern migrants killed all of that in places like Chicago, where the city pushed all blacks to the black belt. The native blacks had to leave behind their homes and businesses in other neighborhoods for the black belt. The Great Migration was the catalyst for Chicago's historic segregation. No longer could native blacks freely travel around the city, patronize downtown stores, or have access to integrated schools or neighborhoods. Access and privileges were revoked and now after years of working towards progress, they had to be subjected to redlining, restrictive covenants, and other predatory laws. For those that could get in, they could still attend the University of Chicago, but they could not stay in the dorms any longer and had to find housing off campus.
So those were their fears and in many places they were warranted. The only recourse that many of these people had was to try to set themselves apart from the arriving masses which proved to be in vain in many cases.
We all have these same fears and they play out in different facet of our lives. I understand that the snobbery is a brick wall but people need to recognize what's behind all that in the video.