The Arab African slave trade the untold truth.


All Star
Dec 20, 2016
Untold? everyone on the fukking continent learn about this first before anything else. :what:

What the fukk do they teach you lot over there? I bet you don't know about the caliphate nor arab empire either, it's impossible to teach the arab empire and not it's slavery. :wtf:
and that empire was as big if not bigger than the Roman.
Like my guy earlier said pretty much only western history.


May 17, 2013
1) Entitlement? what is it we are asking for exactly? What tangibles are we demanding?

2) Acknowledging historical tragedies against said groups is not playing victim. It's a historical facts, Jews are told to get "over the Holocaust" and Japanese aren't told to get over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Furthermore Americans aren't told to get over 9/11 and still habour negativity against Muslims and Arabs because of it.....


Funny how every other race and ethnicity gets to mourn in their tragedies but as soon as the Black man wants to do suddenly it's a problem because it might make White people or Arabs feel bad......yeah like that's the LEAST of my worries mate.

3) Lastly how do YOU know what the quality of state of such individuals or their communities are? Do you know anybody on this thread personally, their economic or living conditions?
Well they're not your masters anymore and you can mourn and do whatever you want, if they whine that has nothing to do with you.

Like my guy earlier said pretty much only western history.
Makes sense I guess, but I learned about both. This is the age of information now, parents of today should not be failing their children. One can simply go on youtube and watch a docu with them. Zero excuses this day and age.


All Star
Dec 20, 2016
Exactly ^^^^^ this deflection tactic is no different to when White supremacists deflect on the topic of White police officers killing unarmed black men in Anmerica by saying but what about "Black on Black Crime?"
Exactly. They're so big on "accountability" but are quick to dish out blame to
any party they can.


Nov 29, 2016
1) Entitlement? what is it we are asking for exactly? What tangibles are we demanding?

2) Acknowledging historical tragedies against said groups is not playing victim. It's a historical facts, Jews are NOT told to get "over the Holocaust" and the Japanese aren't told to get over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Furthermore Americans aren't told to get over 9/11 despite the fact many Americans (usually White) still harbor negative views against Muslims and Arabs because of it.....


Funny how every other race and ethnicity gets to mourn in their tragedies but as soon as the Black man wants to do suddenly it's a problem because it might make White people or Arabs feel bad......yeah like that's the LEAST of my worries mate.

3) Lastly how do YOU know what the quality of state of such individuals or their communities are? Do you know anybody on this thread personally, their economic or living conditions?
What is the purpose of lingering on these tragedies other than to serve the purpose of education? You're not going to get an apology or reparations. Or is it to fuel your already enormous victim complex?

Also, you had the nerve to ask which communities I was referring to. That's just laughable. You KNOW which communities I'm referring to. The communities I'm referring are those that perform the worst in every spectrum of development in American society.

All of this victimhood and deflection of accountability is what's gotten you to the state that you're currently in. Learn your history, develop your understanding of society, build your community and invest in it. This is coming from a fellow black man who was born in Africa and seeks the advancement of his people without any signs of victimhood or cries of acceptance from other races.


Nov 29, 2016
Bingo! you got it give yourself the gold star!

But seriously why is there holocaust museums, why are there memorials for war victims and documentaries about such things?

1) I'm not American but nice try....

2) The poor performance of AA communities is an entirely different subject on to itself, it has nothing to do with people dwelling on the past or acknowledging the past atrocities such as the Trans-Atlantic slave trade or the Trans-Saharan slave trade. Actually try reading a book on American history and will see for yourself.

FALSE, there were many policies (state and federal) and separate factors that were put in place OTHER then slavery which affected African Americans as a population here is a few of them:

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia

Redlining - Wikipedia

Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

Um, that's exactly what we're trying to do please make your mind up friend.... Is the slave trade NOT part of African history?

Born in Africa but then leaves Africa and then has the nerve to criticize African Americans HILARIOUS! Why are so many nations in Africa so poor? Why has African inventions not reached the level of inventions created by African American?. Please do NOT criticize African Americans on about how AA communities are in shambles when ENTIRE countries in Africa are modern day shytholes. Akon even said himself the worst of ghettos in America are like 5 star hotels compared to many parts of Africa. So my advise to you:

Go Fix Africa Before You Criticize somebody else. I'm not even African American but I cannot stand it when outsiders try to minimize the affects of their experiences it's extremely disrespectful.
So, you mean to tell me, that you're now making disparaging remarks about Africans? Are you seriously insulting your own ancestors?

You know damn well the magnitude of the atrocities committed in Africa but that's a matter for another discussion. It's unbecoming of you to laud African-American achievements while demeaning Africa's development and the achievement of Africans, in general.

How can you seek the development of the African-American community when you choose to distance yourself from your own African roots?

I'm not even going to speak about the prominent role I play in the development of my people in Africa as I don't intend to share personal information on an Internet forum.

Lastly, I'm simply going to remind you that you won't see any progress in the development of African-Americans as long as you see them as inherently different from their African brethren in the motherland.


Jul 2, 2014
Victimhood and entitlement perfectly sums up the impression a lot of active Coli Militants give out about themselves. This isn't to undermine all the sociologists, historians, etc in the 3d world who do actually seem to have ideas grounded in reality about the 'modern black struggle', the nonsense on the coli is jus the same regurgitated bullshyt spouted by people with a clear lack of understanding of the complexity of history, coupled with the uniquely American fondness for loud and sensationalised bullshyt over the somber but more realistic alternative, see; 'woe is me the east African slave trade that happened hundreds of years today IS PROOF ALL ARABS are fukked up' 'racist Arabs and whites from centuries ago are the reason I am unhappy and unsuccessful' & 'the Egyptians were black not white that means I as a black man totally unrelated to Egypt can draw some type of ego boost from this!!!' lmao: just a very funny group of people on this site. Lack of worthwhile education from legit higher learning institutions I think plays a big part in the ignorance and anti-intellectualism on this forum.


All Star
Dec 20, 2016
Make unfounded conclusions about other people's self beliefs based on their stance on one particular historical event brehs.
I don't have any connections to Egypt nor am I unsuccessful. I don't know why you want us to to look at the slave trade in totality but will blame African Americans exclusively for their "lack of success". Like there hasn't been decades of deliberate sabotage from several parties. Is this an excuse for African American failure? No of course not. But the problem is you automatically assume I said " African Americans are unsuccessful because of the Arab slave trade". This type of narrative you threw the posters on this thread in really makes me wonder about you character:francis:. Pigeonhole your opponent in a position they don't hold to make arguing easier brehs.
Furthermore you can take your " us guys accross the pond are much smarter than muricans" bullshyt and dunk it in the fukking dumpster. :yeshrug:


Jul 2, 2014
Make unfounded conclusions about other people's self beliefs based on their stance on one particular historical event brehs.
I don't have any connections to Egypt nor am I unsuccessful. I don't know why you want us to to look at the slave trade in totality but will blame African Americans exclusively for their "lack of success". Like there hasn't been decades of deliberate sabotage from several parties. Is this an excuse for African American failure? No of course not. But the problem is you automatically assume I said " African Americans are unsuccessful because of the Arab slave trade". This type of narrative you threw the posters on this thread in really makes me wonder about you character:francis:. Pigeonhole your opponent in a position they don't hold to make arguing easier brehs.
Furthermore you can take your " us guys accross the pond are much smarter than muricans" bullshyt and dunk it in the fukking dumpster. :yeshrug:
To be fair, most people think themselves more intelligent than Americans! Lol


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
This was a thread specifically on the Arab slave trade.:snoop:If you want to make a thread on African involvement in the slave trade do so, but you look weak trying to derail the conversation and place blame on every one else on some "look they did it too" shyt.

LOL, we are discussing the Arab or Muslim slave trade, but you are too thick headed to reason logically or maybe you have reading comprehension problems. So which it it?

So let me break down terms for you even a grade school child in the term 2 can comprehend

He was the supplier or seller so let define these terms


The definition of a supplier is a person or entity that is the source for goods or services

  1. 1.
    a person who sells something.
    "street sellers of newspapers, flowers, etc."
    synonyms: vendor, retailer, purveyor, supplier, trader, merchant, dealer;
    shopkeeper, salesperson, salesman, saleswoman, sales assistant, sales associate, clerk, shop assistant, traveling salesperson, peddler, hawker;
    "the seller does not seem to know the real values of his antiques"
  2. 2.
    a product that sells in some specified way.
    "the game will undoubtedly be the biggest seller of the year"


The African Seller above. How wrong it was, it is definitely the facts of history which you are denial about. I don't understand why because it is illogical and almost childlike by going into tatrums.

These were the Buyers, and certainly these people most likely had slaves.

The Qaboo's of Oman in the Arabian Peninsula which did business extensively with Swahili business men and some cases women of the selling and buying human beings.

Let first define what a buyer is, since you cannot grasp certain logical concepts, which a five year old would understand.

  1. a person who makes a purchase.
    synonyms: purchaser, customer, consumer, shopper, investor
    "a prospective buyer"
    • a person employed to select and purchase stock or materials for a large retail or manufacturing business, etc.

Now these were the Arab buyer, and since they were (Qaboo's or Sultans or king) who certainly had slaves when they were alive.


Faisal bin Turki, Sultan of Muscat and Oman
Faisal bin Turki, Sultan of Muscat and Oman - Wikipedia


Taimur bin Feisal


Turki bin Said, Sultan of Muscat and Oman
Turki bin Said, Sultan of Muscat and Oman - Wikipedia

Now please don't quote me, because you going to look more ridiculous by making further comments or outlandish and illogical statements. If you do quote me, please present a counter argument with facts, and make sure it is well thought out and with reputable sources.

Last edited:


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
Victimhood and entitlement perfectly sums up the impression a lot of active Coli Militants give out about themselves. This isn't to undermine all the sociologists, historians, etc in the 3d world who do actually seem to have ideas grounded in reality about the 'modern black struggle', the nonsense on the coli is jus the same regurgitated bullshyt spouted by people with a clear lack of understanding of the complexity of history, coupled with the uniquely American fondness for loud and sensationalised bullshyt over the somber but more realistic alternative, see; 'woe is me the east African slave trade that happened hundreds of years today IS PROOF ALL ARABS are fukked up' 'racist Arabs and whites from centuries ago are the reason I am unhappy and unsuccessful' & 'the Egyptians were black not white that means I as a black man totally unrelated to Egypt can draw some type of ego boost from this!!!' lmao: just a very funny group of people on this site. Lack of worthwhile education from legit higher learning institutions I think plays a big part in the ignorance and anti-intellectualism on this forum.

You are right on here, and i noticed that when i was on LSA as well. It is no different they are two sides of the same coin, and that is why i rarely post on American forums these day. However at least the women on LSA have the ability to present well thought out counter arguments to my claims. These guys present no substantial counter argument to counter my points.


Jul 2, 2014
I have watched that video before. He offers some interesting information.

Speedkillz I've been posting on this forum a couple years, and lurking since it started. I never used to care much about the opinions of people on this site, but my current attitude towards Coli posters is a response to the ridiculous level of racism, much of it held up by bad and lazy historical research, that goes on on this website.

I have qualified my position countless times by saying I understand that due to the African American historical experience, a certain level of anti white/arab/'other' feeling can be accepted. Its just that this forum, echo chamber that it is, takes it to the extreme and most of you seem unable to see any error in your ways.


All Star
Dec 20, 2016
LOL, we are discussing the Arab or Muslim slave trade, but you are too thick headed to reason logically or maybe you have reading comprehension problems. So which it it?

So let me break down terms for you even a grade school child in the term 2 can comprehend

He was the supplier or seller so let define these terms



The African Seller above. How wrong it was, it is definitely the facts of history which you are denial about. I don't understand why because it is illogical and almost childlike by going into tatrums.

These were the Buyers, and certainly these people most likely had slaves.

The Qaboo's of Oman in the Arabian Peninsula which did business extensively with Swahili business men and some cases women of the selling and buying human beings.

Let first define what a buyer is, since you cannot grasp certain logical concepts, which a five year old would understand.

Now these were the Arab buyer, and since they were (Qaboo's or Sultans or king) who certainly had slaves when they were alive.


Faisal bin Turki, Sultan of Muscat and Oman - Wikipedia



Turki bin Said, Sultan of Muscat and Oman - Wikipedia

Now please don't quote me, because you going to look more ridiculous by making further comments or outlandish and illogical statements. If you do quote me, please present a counter argument with facts, and make sure it is well thought out and with reputable sources.

Lmao didn't read. Stick this up your ass you called me an idiot and negged me but continue to message me. You must be lonely.


Nov 20, 2016
This is going to be somewhat long.

The problem with these discussions is that they tend to be full of exaggerations, emotionalism and propaganda. Almost none of them are nuanced and sober. Take the claim that "Islam is oppressive to the black man and caused slavery". There is so much overly simplistic BS wrapped into that one statement that deconstructing it requires a lot of energy.

1)When discussing the subject of slavery of Islam, it is necessary to make two very important distinctions:
  • Slavery as it is regulated in the actual legal texts
  • Slavery as it was practised by the Omani/Yemeni sultanates that raided the East African coast.
According to the actual legal regulations, raiding people for the sole purpose of acquiring slaves is strictly impermissible. The texts of Islam took a strong stance against this. It says in a hadeeth qudsi: “Allaah, may He be exalted, said: ‘There are three whose opponent I will be on the Day of Resurrection, and whomever I oppose, I will defeat … A man who sold a free man and consumed his price.’” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2227). However, the texts do allow for captives of war to become enslaved. This should be seen in the context of how the world was organized at the time of the revelation. Back then, there were countless ways in which a man could end up in slavery. Kidnapping, being in debt, one could be born into a slavery etc.. All of these avenues were closed and only one was left open: captives of war. Even then, the children of such captives would automatically be born free. The slaves received salaries and could buy their freedom. They were not to be overburdened and they were to wear the same quality of clothes as their masters. So in regulating slavery at the time, the ways through which one could end up becoming a slave were drastically reduced and the avenues through which a slave could attain freedom were increased. Freeing of slaves is in fact an expiation for many sins.

For the above reasons, modern legal scholars have deduced from the legal texts that the objective of the Shar'iah was to phase out slavery entirely. They see the fact that the institution of slavery no longer exists (at least not in the same form as before and not as prevalent) as a blessing and they argue that re-instituting that system is against the objectives of the Shari'ah.

Also, maiming of human beings is strictly forbidden as a general rule and that includes slaves. Castrating slaves, branding them with iron, cutting off their limbs etc is strictly forbidden.

Now, what I've mentioned so far is how slavery was originally practised by the early Muslims. They followed the legal texts more closely.

However, in the later centuries of the Islamic civilization, certain rulers (Ottomans, Omani and Yemeni sultanates mostly) began adopting certain practises that were illegal from an Islamic perspective. Pay close attention to this: just because rulers did something, this does not mean that it was sanctioned by or justifiable according to the religion! This is a very important point. The practise of raiding certain countries specifically for the purpose of acquiring slaves is strictly forbidden and there is no debate about this, as is the practise of castrating male slaves (this practise seems to have been introduced to the Ottomans through contact with the Italians by the way).

Stating that Islam caused the East African slave trade is thus categorically false since the actual legal texts of Islam forbid what took place in the EA slave trade (raiding villages for the purpose of acquiring slaves; maiming slaves, etc).

2) The statement that Islam is "anti-black" is categorically false. The primary texts as well as all the major schools of thought are unequivocally anti-racism and anti-tribalism. Were there certain latter scholars that made some problematic statements? Of course. Are we supposed to follow them blindly like sheep? Absolutely not.

Allah says about mankind in the Qur'an:
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ

O people, We have created you male and female and made you nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily, the most noble of you to Allah is the most righteous of you. Verily, Allah is knowing and aware.

Surat Al-Hujurat 49:13

Human diversity is one of God's Signs:

وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ خَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلَافُ أَلْسِنَتِكُمْ وَأَلْوَانِكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّلْعَالِمِينَ

Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Verily, in that are signs for people of knowledge.

Surat Ar-Rum 30:22

The Prophet pbuh stated:

نَّ اللَّهَ تَعَالَى خَلَقَ آدَمَ مِنْ قَبْضَةٍ قَبَضَهَا مِنْ جَمِيعِ الْأَرْضِ فَجَاءَ بَنُو آدَمَ عَلَى قَدْرِ الْأَرْضِ فَجَاءَ مِنْهُمْ الْأَحْمَرُ وَالْأَبْيَضُ وَالْأَسْوَدُ وَبَيْنَ ذَلِكَ وَالسَّهْلُ وَالْحَزْنُ وَالْخَبِيثُ وَالطَّيِّبُ

Verily, Allah the Exalted created Adam from a handful which He took from the earth, so the children of Adam come in accordance with the earth. Some come with red skin, white skin, or black skin and whatever is in between: thin, thick, dirty, and clean.

Source: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2955, Grade: Sahih

The Prophet PBUH reinforced this massage:

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ أَلَا إِنَّ رَبَّكُمْ وَاحِدٌ وَإِنَّ أَبَاكُمْ وَاحِدٌ أَلَا لَا فَضْلَ لِعَرَبِيٍّ عَلَى أَعْجَمِيٍّ وَلَا لِعَجَمِيٍّ عَلَى عَرَبِيٍّ وَلَا لِأَحْمَرَ عَلَى أَسْوَدَ وَلَا أَسْوَدَ عَلَى أَحْمَرَ إِلَّا بِالتَّقْوَى أَبَلَّغْتُ

O people, your Lord is one and your father Adam is one. There is no virtue of an Arab over a foreigner nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white skin over black skin nor black skin over white skin, except by righteousness. Have I not delivered the message?

Source: Musnad Ahmad 22978, Grade: Sahih

لَيْسَ لأَحَدٍ عَلَى أَحَدٍ فَضْلٌ إِلا بِالدِّينِ أَوْ عَمَلٍ صَالِحٍ حَسْبُ الرَّجُلِ أَنْ يَكُونَ فَاحِشًا بَذِيًّا بَخِيلا جَبَانًا

No one is better than anyone else except by religion or good deeds. It is sufficient evil for a man to be profane, vulgar, greedy, or cowardly.

Source: Shu’b al-Iman 4767, Grade: Sahih

The primary texts categorically state that there is no preference for white skin over black skin and vice versa. God does not look at the shapes and colors of humanity, He looks at their hearts and their actions. This is stated in another narration by the Prophet PBUH.

However, this does not mean that there is no racism amongst Muslims. Anyone who makes such a statement is an idiot, there clearly is. And although slavery was not based on a color code historically, in modern times the stigma of "slavery" has been attached to "blackness", thanks to modern Western conceptions of race.