The Arab African slave trade the untold truth.


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
Never learned about this college or school. This is completely left out of curriculums. But yeah their slave trade was just as bad as the transalantic.
I see a lot of "CAC" hatred on the coli but Arabs deserve just as much disdain IMO.

I bet you did not learn this in school either, but a simple google search would had suffice.

We need to be truthful, and tell the story straight! The Arab slave trade was very complex unlike the western narrative which was one dimensional. In the past a west African muslim can go to Middle East or the hajj, and live there without bodily harm, conduct his business, and go home in his or her free will. He may had lived in the same city in the Middle East whereas someone of this own "race"(obviously non Muslim) as we look at today a "slave". If you like it or not, slavery was business back then regardless of color, especially slavery in the muslim world. Which was wrong.

Here is what i found online. I hope you guys are able to ingest it.

Arabs also enslaved Europeans according to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured between the 16th and 19th centuries by Barbary corsairs, who were vassals of the Ottoman Empire, and sold as slaves.[16][17][18] These slaves were captured mainly from seaside villages from Italy, Spain, Portugal and also from more distant places like France or England, the Netherlands, Ireland and even Iceland. They were also taken from ships stopped by the pirates.[19]The effects of these attacks were devastating: France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships. Long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants, because of frequent pirate attacks. Pirate raids discouraged settlement along the coast until the 19th century.[20][21]
Periodic Arab raiding expeditions were sent from Islamic Iberia to ravage the Christian Iberian kingdoms, bringing back booty and slaves. In a raid against Lisbon in 1189, for example, the Almohad caliph, Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur, took 3,000 female and child captives, while his governor of Córdoba, in a subsequent attack upon Silves in 1191, took 3,000 Christian slaves.[22]
The Ottoman wars in Europe and Tatar raids (although not Arabic themselves) brought large numbers of European Christian slaves into the Muslim world.[23][24][25] In 1769 a last major Tatar raid saw the capture of 20,000 Russian and Polish slaves

Arab slaves[edit]

Arabs were sometimes made into slaves in the Muslim world[79][80] in spite of customs against it. Sometimes castration was done on Arab slaves. In Mecca Arab women were sold as slaves according to Ibn Butlan and West Africans had slave girls of Arab origin.[81] An Arab Damascene girl was a slave to an African black ruler in Mali who was encountered by Ibn Battuta.[82] According to al-Maqrizi, slave girls with light skin were sold to West Africans on hajj so it was normal for "white" slaves to be seen in West Africa. Arabic was spoken by the Damascus slave girl of Arab origin to Ibn Battuta in Mali.[83]Ibn Battuta met her in 1353 near Timbuktu.[84] She was described as "an Arab girl from Damascus who spoke to me in Arabic" by Ibn Battuta. Slave girls of Ethiopian and Turkish origin were obtained by the West Africans arriving with Mansa Musa according to Al-Maqrizi.[85] Battuta specified that she was fluent in Arabic, from Damascus, and of Arab origin.[86] The Arab girl's black African master's name was Farbá Sulaymán.[87]The West Africans with Mansu Musa were in Cairo when they bought the slave girls of Ethiopian and Turkish origin, it was in Mali where the Damascene slave Arab girl was encountered by Ibn Battuta, and Egyptian procured Turkish slaves were in Mali according to Al-Umari which show that black Africans in the Sahara had slaves of North African, Turkish, and Middle Eastern origin.[88] Besides his Damascus slave girl and a secretary fluent in Arabic, Arabic was also comprehended by Farba himself.[89]
A Chinese non-Muslim man had a female concubine who was of Muslim Arab Hadhrami Sayyid origin in Solo, the Dutch East Indies, in 1913 which was scandalous in the eyes of Ahmad Surkati and his Al-Irshad Al-Islamiya.[90][91]

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia

Mansa Musa

Let tell the story straight, and really have a honest conversation about it. Muslim slave trade was far more complex than the Western World narrative.

And lets not talk about the Swahili Coast

Also please take a peak and see who was the main perpetrators of the East african slave trade. I don't think many of the members here can reality handle the truth or the reality of what happened in the past.

History of the Oman and Zanzibar Sultanate


Tippu Tip or Tib (1837 - June 14, 1905), real name Hamad bin Muhammad bin Jumah bin Rajab bin Muhammad bin Sa‘īd al-Murghabī, was a Swahili-Zanzibari trader of mixed descent. He was famously known as Tippu Tib after an eye disease which made him blind. A notorious slave trader, plantation owner and governor, who worked for a succession of sultans of Zanzibar, he led many trading expeditions into east-central Africa, involving the slave trade and ivory trade. He constructed profitable trading posts that reached deep into Central Africa.
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Menelik II

I wanna see receipts!
Dec 4, 2016
It actually isn't just Sudan breh, this brook breaks it down perfectly:


Every Black person living needs to read this shyt, especially the Muslim nikkas

I'll be posting more Arab bigotry a little later to further emphasis my point......

This is Sudan, and its slang/derogatory in Sudan. A professional person wouldn't use it, or wouldn't be used in any formal circles. It's like as bad as saying chicken head or hoe.

Menelik II

I wanna see receipts!
Dec 4, 2016
Again sir not true I have seen Arabs living in America use this word online towards Black people. (They know better then to use it in real life in against black people in America)
It's not common at all, I've asked Arab speakers and they had never heard of it. It very local. For one thing, it's a word that's in many of their names "Mohammad abd Saud" or whatever, so it's not something that's common. But if you think it is :hubie:


All Star
Dec 20, 2016
I bet you did not learn this in school either, but a simple google search would had suffice.

We need to be truthful, and tell the story straight! The Arab slave trade was very complex unlike the western narrative which was one dimensional. In the past a west African muslim can go to Middle East or the hajj, and live there without bodily harm, conduct his business, and go home in his or her free will. He may had lived in the same city in the Middle East whereas someone of this own "race"(obviously non Muslim) as we look at today a "slave". If you like it or not, slavery was business back then regardless of color, especially slavery in the muslim world. Which was wrong.

Here is what i found online. I hope you guys are able to ingest it.

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia

Mansa Musa

Let tell the story straight, and really have a honest conversation about it. Muslim slave trade was far more complex than the Western World narrative.

And lets not talk about the Swahili Coast

Also please take a peak and see who was the main perpetrators of the East african slave trade. I don't think many of the members here can reality handle the truth or the reality of what happened in the past.

History of the Oman and Zanzibar Sultanate

Appreciate the information and the attempt at honest discourse. But this isn't even comparable. So because a few African leaders had slaves this is somehow mitigating the fact that 20 million plus african slaves were kept by Arabs? Don't really know what you were trying to accomplish by sharing this but this just seems like a derailment tactic.


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
Appreciate the information and the attempt at honest discourse. But this isn't even comparable. So because a few African leaders had slaves this is somehow mitigating the fact that 20 million plus african slaves were kept by Arabs? Don't really know what you were trying to accomplish by sharing this but this just seems like a derailment tactic.

I am being truthful and real about the topic. In the Arab or muslim world slavery was not always race base, whereas in the New world North America, South America, and Caribbean it was pretty much cut and dry, in other words if you are "black" you are a slave which is a contrast in the Arab/muslim world. A African Muslim can go to any predominately Arab (let say Saudi Arabia) conduct business, and leave the country in his free will, but at the same time that African(non Muslim normally) is enslaved in the same country where that same African Muslim probably lived in conducted his business as a free man. country that isAlso it is obvious you did not read that my post, it was a common site to see fair skinn slaves in the Muslim Sahel region according to Muslims scholars i posted. If we discussed this topic, lets keep it straight.

Here is the quote again, and then process this in your mind. This is a test of your reasoning skill without being emotional, and looking at things objectively.

Here is the quote.

According to al-Maqrizi, slave girls with light skin were sold to West Africans on hajj so it was normal for "white" slaves to be seen in West Africa.

Egyptian procured Turkish slaves were in Mali according to Al-Umari which show that black Africans in the Sahara had slaves of North African, Turkish, and Middle Eastern origin

Unfortunately it was a business nothing more and nothing less!
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All Star
Dec 20, 2016
I am being truthful and real about the topic. In the Arab or muslim world slavery was not always race base, whereas in the New world North America, South America, and Caribbean it was pretty much cut and dry, in other words if you are "black" you are a slave which is a contrast in the Arab/muslim world. A African Muslim can go to any predominately Arab (let say Saudi Arabia) conduct business, and leave the country in his free will, but at the same time that African(non Muslim normally) is enslaved in the same country where that same African Muslim probably lived in conducted his business as a free man. country that isAlso it is obvious you did not read that my post, it was a common site to see fair skinn slaves in the Muslim Sahel region according to Muslims scholars i posted. If we discussed this topic, lets keep it straight.

Here is the quote again, and then process this in your mind. This is a test of your reasoning skill without being emotional, and looking at things objectively.

Here is the quote.

Unfortunately it was a business nothing more and nothing less!
Again the fact that their slavery was "color blind" doesn't make it any less egregious. Nor does is make it okay because they had white slaves as well as black slaves. This tactic of bringing up African slave owners is commonly used as a deflection when discussing the transalantic slave trade. It corny and can clearly be seen by anyone with a shred of intelligence.


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
Again the fact that their slavery was "color blind" doesn't make it any less egregious. Nor does is make it okay because they had white slaves as well as black slaves. This tactic of bringing up African slave owners is commonly used as a deflection when discussing the transalantic slave trade. It corny and can clearly be seen by anyone with a shred of intelligence.

Again the fact that their slavery was "color blind" doesn't make it any less egregious.

True indeed, but this thread only blamed one group, which is definitely not a fair analysis if you really wanted to be objective.

Nor does is make it okay because they had white slaves as well as black slaves

I agree with this statement, but you forgot Arabs as well.

This tactic of bringing up African slave owners is commonly used as a deflection when discussing the transalantic slave trade.

Well..... The African Muslims were suppliers of the demise of fellow Africans non Muslims, so you have to view history in it totality, and not in one dimensions. So lets keep it real, and not cut corners shall we!

It corny and can clearly be seen by anyone with a shred of intelligence.

As i said before it was a business which only a few people whether Arabs or Black muslims benefited from.


Nov 29, 2016
Some people would rather choose to continuously play victim instead of improving their communities, and more importantly, their own lives. Shocking display of victimhood and entitlement in this thread.


All Star
Dec 20, 2016
True indeed, but this thread only blamed one group, which is definitely not a fair analysis if you really wanted to be objective.

I agree with this statement, but you forgot Arabs as well.

Well..... The African Muslims were suppliers of the demise of fellow Africans non Muslims, so you have to view history in it totality, and not in one dimensions. So lets keep it real, and not cut corners shall we!


As i said before it was a business which only a few people whether Arabs or Black muslims benefited from.

This was a thread specifically on the Arab slave trade.:snoop:If you want to make a thread on African involvement in the slave trade do so, but you look weak trying to derail the conversation and place blame on every one else on some "look they did it too" shyt.


May 17, 2013
Untold? everyone on the fukking continent learn about this first before anything else. :what:

What the fukk do they teach you lot over there? I bet you don't know about the caliphate nor arab empire either, it's impossible to teach the arab empire and not it's slavery. :wtf:
and that empire was as big if not bigger than the Roman.