So there’s “years” in the afterlife?
Just an eternal now. A lot of people can't believe they can still see, move around and feel the familiar aspects of existence when discarnate. Consequently they think they're still alive because the rational logic part (human experience is made up of many "sheaths" and not all of them are accessible to the recently deceased) isn't active. Same thing in a dream where people don't question, just accept.
Its also why pretty much every single Eastern culture had a process to guide the spirit and show them how to move correctly whereas without it alot of souls remain earthbound and this is where you get ideas like the succubus/wet dreams from as sexual energy is one of the "sheaths" I mentioned and they feed upon it to sustain themselves.
There are
aspects of the Game that would blows peoples minds if they truly knew what the deal was.
The cold spots and spider webs yes
My sleep quality is fine tho
Though so based on what you said in OP.
Talk to the girl out loud, get her attention and tell her there is nothing here for her in this realm any more. Make it conversational, like you are speaking to a living friend in emotional turmoil that you want to help and instruct her to let go.
Tell me if you notice a shift in the cold spots/webs - these are side effects of her presence and parts of her manifestation as the temperature drop is due to sucking energy to sustain presence and the webs are overlaying effects on the sheaths which is the the same process used in dreams. A lot of this stuff is all linked together but most humans don't care to study/believe what others say vs practical experience.
Try that and let me know if you notice a shift in ambiance because the girl is not in a good position now and it will only get worse for everyone without doing anything. Remember, for her she still feels exactly the same as living yet doesn't click why no one responds to her interactions as that part of her intellect is currently bypassed. You have to guide her to let go and if you can't then I'll see what I can do to help.