The Absurdity of White Supremacy Hustle


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
Basically, he said "it's my party and I can c00n if I want to, c00n if I want to. You would c00n too if it happened to you" :snoop:

That's what think I said you obviously can't read.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
What is better?

Fighting white supremacy vs cultural revolution

Fighting white supremacy:

Fighting for the love of cacs, whining about "racism" when they don't want to live or mix with you or call you a name, and complaining until finally they all love you and give you positions in their industrys/economy (you will never own them).

Cultural revolution:

Restoring order/rules/codes of conduct in the black communities. Creating your own industries owned by your people which will create your upper/middle class. Now having the power to project which every image of yourself you please and create your own identity because no one can dictate to you what is "proper and not proper" etc etc


Fighting "white supremacy" is a waste of time and focuses on the wrong things. It focuses on whining about what some chink, or spic said like we don't clown these people anytime we feel our damn selves. Whining about other groups not allowing you to dilute them AND YOURSELF with IR marriage that you no pride c00ns have. It focuses on discrimination in white workplaces (which has already been addressed anyway with affirmative action and being able to go to HR for racial shyt). It focuses on getting everyone to love blacks and never say anything disparaging about them. Its complete bytchassness.

In the black community its not about saving anyone either. The cultural revolution happens with our educated people and people who want to rise up. We will become the middle/upper class and the dumbness will stay at the bottom and do the low end shyt once the industries are created. Just like EVERY other community, they have the option to rise up if they CHOOSE to wake up, and a lot will after they see the success. Notice how the cultural revolution has nothing to do with cac's either, its a black effort, and nothing anyone can stop. The only thing in white society we address is LAW, and when we need to manipulate that and the system for our own benefits. Just like everyone else.

This statement is only correct After white supremacy has been identified. If ws is not called out, blacks will have no reason to collectively work as a group. Individualism destroys blacks chances to create an elite class that benefits us. This is why WS must be taught to the black masses

The Agents need to get the FOH :camby:


Aug 17, 2014
Here go with the c00n this and that.

The me ask you this; How far are willing to go to win?
I hate to break to you pal, but rationalizing the oppression of your own people is the pinnacle of c00ning. You can't get any more c00nish than that. And to top it off, you congratulate white people for their sociopathic tendencies.


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
I hate to break to you pal, but rationalizing the oppression of your own people is the pinnacle of c00ning. You can't get any more c00nish than that. And to top it off, you congratulate white people for their sociopathic tendencies.

There are no "sociopathic tendencies" just winners and losers.


Mar 12, 2015
With that said it would be nice if we as blacks had 3 or 4 states (maybe 3 or 4 of those empty states in the mid-west) ran/owned/and controlled by black people. A place where it could just be us. That, for me, would be heaven on earth!!!!!

We have Africa and we see how that has turned out.:comeon:

Liberia anyone?:troll:


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
So I started listening to Neely Fuller rebroadcast on Youtube.
I also read the works of People like Claude Anderson and Chancellor Williams as well as a few other notables.

After all the dialogue and talk, suggestions and plans how end our oppression I realize its all basically a waste time. People like Neely Fuller repeats themselves over and over and Claude Anderson is excellent but easy for people to ignore.

So I have come to these realities:

-There no collective "Black community " with one agenda and purpose. And I seriously doubt if there ever realistically will be one. I doubt you will get millions of Blacks to agree on anything other that for the most part are situations is generally fukk up.

-"African-Americans" are just Americans that come from a low station in life. We here came as slaves, the lowest possible position. And how you start is usually how you finish.

- Whites aren't particularly evil they just saw an opportunity and exploited it.

Most people groups and individuals suffer from forms of greed and narcissism and exploit people when given the opportunity. Whites are no exception people. Nor are Blacks.

- No one will end "White Supremacy" Like everything else the benefits a few while hurting most it will eventually fall on its face. Its inevitable. Just probably not in our life time.

- All these books, talk show programs podcasts and documentaries on racism and examining "White Supremacy" are a waste of time. They just angry for the sake of being angry.

-Most people look down on blacks because they can and its convenient. Its not any deeper than that. They aren't jealously and don't generally see nothing sexy about us.

The one Thing I may add is they fear if were to "wake up" you would do at least half the things to them that they were able to do to you.

- So called "c00ning" is just a survival mechanism. Most people want to play with the winners and not sulk with the losers.

The same things with self hate. Who wants to be associated with the permanent underdog?

- Only thing that would Change things is if a handful of amoral ,highly intelligent, crafty and sometimes downright evil Blacks got together and sat at the table and put together a selfish agenda that would make life better for themselves but help black people residually.

So if it meant sacrificing 75% of Black folk to make life MUCH better for themselves and 25% of Black folks then that is what they would do.

- While I believe in higher power(s) don't believe justice to more than an abstract concept in our physical universe.

So black folks don't deserve justice nor the right to live in the face of more powerful people just because they want it.

In other words, If you want something plan, scheme manipulate and take it in blood if necessary. Preferably with a borrowed knife.

These are just the thoughts of a low down long shoe.

Sometimes Chili, but never Silly.

Rock On....

this the type of crap yall want to read on TLR :scusthov:

so even though I'm clearly asking someone who doesn't think this is possible...what do you think would cause such an important epiphany for black people to achieve the underlined? :ld:
May 15, 2012
OP is a sad individual and I seriously hope a troll

The answer to white supremacy is to stop letting white people shyt on

white people are powerful to you because you make them

all the stuff in your post reeks of pure weakness and low self esteem, you are a weak individual, don't paint me into your collective because we are not the same

you are a meek and I am mighty, I dominant my space where I happen upon, because I choose to

Once you realize this world is smoke and mirrors, stop giving a fukk about white people, you scared of the military, why, it's an industry created by private interest to sell weapons in a manufactured market to keep certain families rich white people are just too stupid to see it and are just flag waving idiots

white people don't need to be beaten, only the families who rule over them, so you must topple their industries starting with the auto, and the energy industries

you small so minded and so pitiful you can imagine usurping anyone so you wanna spread you cowardly thoughts out to make others agree so you won't feel so bad about being a weakling, sorry, there is no sympathy for you, and I will smile the die you perish for you are undeserving of the you air you breath, how can you even call yourself a man

And before people start replyin with dumb ass comments thinking the auto industry which is on the brink of collapse can't be toppled, or the oil barons can be brought to their knees, save your ignorance with your mother this her day

To beat white supremacy you have to cut off their power, literally, you complain they have resources, well make their resources useless

I'm already working on designing vehicles that can replace cars, it's 2015, there's no logical reason why people are still driving cars other than the families that control those industries see to it they cars and continued to be made, so their families can remain powerful, these cars are literally killing the planet and are outdated crude technology that we shouldn't even be using

there's no logical reason to be using fossil fuels in 2015, other than the families who control those resources see to it through political lobbies and strong arm tactics that people are forced to use these until every dollars is accounted for

america is already on the brink of being toppled, black people are not has powerless as you think and not as uneducated as the jew owned media would want to led you to believe

speaking of which with the internet the jew owned media is useless now, and that was their most powerful tool

your main problem is you want to be white, so go do that on your own time, don't come with pitiful ass attempts to undermine my people


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
this the type of crap yall want to read on TLR :scusthov:

so even though I'm clearly asking someone who doesn't think this is possible...what do you think would cause such an important epiphany for black people to achieve the underlined? :ld:

Greed. It would some cunning greedy black people willing to pawn people to get what they want. In others it would take blacks with a REAL agenda. Not the idle talk that we have now.


Apr 3, 2014



Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
I mis spoke but you are taking what i said out of contex

...and im saying this to the "cacs are inherently evil, we are harmless and inherently good" rhetoric group.

...but we are great right and when we do evil things it only cause we came into contact with cacs right?

...if you are saying the latter....are you saying our minds are that impressionable and weak? we cant make our own choices?

My comparrision was towards that crowd...and it holds true in the sense that stealing is wrong, and the amount stolen changes given the situation, but it's still stealing.

You mentioned that 3 times now-- breaking 2 extreme situations down to the simplest form. It's a tricky strategy that some cacs have been using against black people for decades, but we keep playing that game. :stopitslime: Right off the bat, everything has different levels. A theft is not just a theft and an evil act is not just an evil act. Cacs can all tell the difference between $20 and $100, they know which is worse, they don't need to debate which 1 they would take, they don't go talking that "both are just money, it's all the same" nonsense:usure:. Black people stay falling for that trick. Look at Baltimore, black youths riot for justice, then the media, the president and mayor out there demonizing them as a whole group. Yes, there was a clear difference between a violent Bmore protester and a non-violent 1, but they used your logic to demonize everybody. When cacs riot after a basketball games, they don't use your logic at all, they separate everything and break it down into different levels and then start making excuses. :yeshrug: