So I started listening to Neely Fuller rebroadcast on Youtube.
I also read the works of People like Claude Anderson and Chancellor Williams as well as a few other notables.
After all the dialogue and talk, suggestions and plans how end our oppression I realize its all basically a waste time. People like Neely Fuller repeats themselves over and over and Claude Anderson is excellent but easy for people to ignore.
So I have come to these realities:
-There no collective "Black community " with one agenda and purpose. And I seriously doubt if there ever realistically will be one. I doubt you will get millions of Blacks to agree on anything other that for the most part are situations is generally fukk up.
-"African-Americans" are just Americans that come from a low station in life. We here came as slaves, the lowest possible position. And how you start is usually how you finish.
- Whites aren't particularly evil they just saw an opportunity and exploited it.
Most people groups and individuals suffer from forms of greed and narcissism and exploit people when given the opportunity. Whites are no exception people. Nor are Blacks.
- No one will end "White Supremacy" Like everything else the benefits a few while hurting most it will eventually fall on its face. Its inevitable. Just probably not in our life time.
- All these books, talk show programs podcasts and documentaries on racism and examining "White Supremacy" are a waste of time. They just angry for the sake of being angry.
-Most people look down on blacks because they can and its convenient. Its not any deeper than that. They aren't jealously and don't generally see nothing sexy about us.
The one Thing I may add is they fear if were to "wake up" you would do at least half the things to them that they were able to do to you.
- So called "c00ning" is just a survival mechanism. Most people want to play with the winners and not sulk with the losers.
The same things with self hate. Who wants to be associated with the permanent underdog?
- Only thing that would Change things is if a handful of amoral ,highly intelligent, crafty and sometimes downright evil Blacks got together and sat at the table and put together a selfish agenda that would make life better for themselves but help black people residually.
So if it meant sacrificing 75% of Black folk to make life MUCH better for themselves and 25% of Black folks then that is what they would do.
- While I believe in higher power(s) don't believe justice to more than an abstract concept in our physical universe.
So black folks don't deserve justice nor the right to live in the face of more powerful people just because they want it.
In other words, If you want something plan, scheme manipulate and take it in blood if necessary. Preferably with a borrowed knife.
These are just the thoughts of a low down long shoe.
Sometimes Chili, but never Silly.
Rock On....