The Absurdity of White Supremacy Hustle


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
OP is a sad individual and I seriously hope a troll

The answer to white supremacy is to stop letting white people shyt on

white people are powerful to you because you make them

all the stuff in your post reeks of pure weakness and low self esteem, you are a weak individual, don't paint me into your collective because we are not the same

you are a meek and I am mighty, I dominant my space where I happen upon, because I choose to

Once you realize this world is smoke and mirrors, stop giving a fukk about white people, you scared of the military, why, it's an industry created by private interest to sell weapons in a manufactured market to keep certain families rich white people are just too stupid to see it and are just flag waving idiots

white people don't need to be beaten, only the families who rule over them, so you must topple their industries starting with the auto, and the energy industries

you small so minded and so pitiful you can imagine usurping anyone so you wanna spread you cowardly thoughts out to make others agree so you won't feel so bad about being a weakling, sorry, there is no sympathy for you, and I will smile the die you perish for you are undeserving of the you air you breath, how can you even call yourself a man

And before people start replyin with dumb ass comments thinking the auto industry which is on the brink of collapse can't be toppled, or the oil barons can be brought to their knees, save your ignorance with your mother this her day

To beat white supremacy you have to cut off their power, literally, you complain they have resources, well make their resources useless

I'm already working on designing vehicles that can replace cars, it's 2015, there's no logical reason why people are still driving cars other than the families that control those industries see to it they cars and continued to be made, so their families can remain powerful, these cars are literally killing the planet and are outdated crude technology that we shouldn't even be using

there's no logical reason to be using fossil fuels in 2015, other than the families who control those resources see to it through political lobbies and strong arm tactics that people are forced to use these until every dollars is accounted for

america is already on the brink of being toppled, black people are not has powerless as you think and not as uneducated as the jew owned media would want to led you to believe

speaking of which with the internet the jew owned media is useless now, and that was their most powerful tool

your main problem is you want to be white, so go do that on your own time, don't come with pitiful ass attempts to undermine my people

Let me tell you something about me: I truly don't care. I ONLY care about black peoples status and wealth to risen to the point where it can increase MY personal power.
So the ONLY way I see blacks winning is if hey fight fire with fire.

Otherwise well be listening to lectures ,podcasts and buying DVDs forever.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Blacks have not committed horrible attrocites recently (compared to whites) because we are not in positions to do so...
This shyte is some coping mechanism that cacs been using forever. They on some, "Well if we don't invade and enslave them, then they will do it to us" :merchant:...Then it was, "We can't let these black slaves go, because they will want revenge and do what we did to them"...Now it's like, ":smugbiden: " If those blacks get get into strong socio-economic position, they will start committing atrocities worse than us"

:camby: with that hypothetical, fear-mongering bullshyte.
:comeon: Don't fam.

And if so where's altar?
And who is the high priest?

Some cacs, imo, have evolved their rhetoric from the days of the KKK. No more alters, or grand wizards. White supremacy is a democracy, a code of conduct, white extremists aren't wearing hoods anymore or doing the bible thing. They on internet forums, chat rooms, congregating at the places our black asses :rudy: don't go to.


Feb 12, 2015
This shyte is some coping mechanism that cacs been using forever. They on some, "Well if we don't invade and enslave them, then they will do it to us" :merchant:...Then it was, "We can't let these black slaves go, because they will want revenge and do what we did to them"...Now it's like, ":smugbiden: " If those blacks get get into strong socio-economic position, they will start committing atrocities worse than us"

:camby: with that hypothetical, fear-mongering bullshyte.

Some cacs, imo, have evolved their rhetoric from the days of the KKK. No more alters, or grand wizards. White supremacy is a democracy, a code of conduct, white extremists aren't wearing hoods anymore or doing the bible thing. They on internet forums, chat rooms, congregating at the places our black asses :rudy: don't go to.

Lets agree to disagree.... I believe there are no inherent differences between us....

And i believe the people who do are over compensating and trying to find a reason how the last 600 years happened.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Lets agree to disagree.... I believe there are no inherent differences between us....

And i believe the people who do are over compensating and trying to find a reason how the last 600 years happened.

No one needs to find a reason for how the last 600 years happened, it's pretty well documented.


All Star
Jun 27, 2012
Some of you ninjas need to get on your spiritual shyt. Then and ONLY THEN will you be able to make sense of all this and even give yourself an end game.

There isn't a single thing on this planet earth that will be able to fill that void except what's inside you.


May 6, 2012
My opinion on how to improve will sound counter-intuitive.

for a second you have to think like fukk "the black community" and get yours. make a plan on how to build wealth for yourself and your family. dropping jewels is cool but people will only follow what they can see, smell, feel and taste. Once people start to follow you, don't just hand them stuff, force them to find ways to be valuable to you in order to fukk with you. but at the same time, be very conscious of who is using you, who you are paying (taxes, interest on mortgage, car manufacturers, etc, etc). then, get with like-minded people (game will recognize game). the more power you get, and the less you sell out your principles, the more people will be attracted to you and model themselves after you (or maybe even improve on what you teach them).

Also, forget trying to shame white people or the govt into giving you what you want. Forget the concepts of "deserve" and "owe". Forget "fair". Only concept you need to focus on is "options". You have to force their hand in such a way that they eventually have to respect you. Respecting you has to be "their" best option (and keeping it real, this isn't really about white people, i'm really talking about "The Beast"'). but to do that you need power. To get power you need unity. to get unity, everyone you are trying to unite has to feel they need to unite and they are better off uniting. you have to fulfil the "what's in it for me?" question. This is the part where we often fail because we all think people think like us and they should want it for the same reason we want it instead of trying to actually understand we all have different motivations. Don't just expect for people to join your cause because it's romantic. if you need them, figure out a way for them to need you as well and then they have to unite with you. consolidate power that way.

basically be the change you want to see and don't expect things to just flip over night. shyt has been messed up for 100s of year, there's no quick fix for this. but yeah, in a weird way, i guess the solution is a weird form of selfishness ironically.

i've been trying to say this for a while on here. As long as we keep waiting for what is "owed" to us, we'll keep being victims. shaming the oppressor is not a viable tactic because the oppressions is institutionalize. the enemy is a headless beast. the best option in my opinion is for everyone to make an accurate assessment of where they are today june 15th 2014, what ressources and skills they have. what responsibilities, debts and obligations they have and come up with a plan to better your situation while keeping in mind, no one will hand you anything unless they perceive it as an opportunity for themselves (whether it's "owed" to you or not, they don't have to give it to you if you have no leverage). we all need to educate ourselves on the concepts of leverage. we need to do this on an individual level (solitary). then once that is set we do it for our household and ride or die partners (kids, wifes, husbands, siblings, parents, close friends). once that is set, we do it for our hood and community and so on. eventually maybe a few generations or hundred years from now we do it as a whole human race but it has to be in this order. you have to take care of yourself first (yes even before your family). but as long as we keep waiting on what is "owed" to us, we will remain hoes in the game.

peep the sig.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Because this had never been the focus. Name a movement that has been created like Tariq has created for white supremacy that was for economic empowerment and really framing out industries and creating networks. It hasn't happened because black people are not organized and are all over the place. might want to take a class on African American history.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Bruh, don't try that Nelly Fuller shyt on me. It will take the educated blacks to form organizations in there respective industries ACROSS AMERICA and take ownership of their communities. "The united black doctors of America", "the united construction industry of America", putting together stuff like that and trying to control the capital in the community. shyt like this is not the focus, the focus is "white supremacy", thats why the ones who are so called "awaken" think making movies like Dear White People is doing something, or "challenging white supremacy" aka fighting with non black peoples opinions and views on twitter. Begging whites that their lives matter. The perspective is ALL WRONG.

There's actuly TONS of organizations just like that already out there. The problem is most of these organizations don't receive the necessary support from the people.

Danny Up

Jun 9, 2012
This shyte is some coping mechanism that cacs been using forever. They on some, "Well if we don't invade and enslave them, then they will do it to us" :merchant:...Then it was, "We can't let these black slaves go, because they will want revenge and do what we did to them"...Now it's like, ":smugbiden: " If those blacks get get into strong socio-economic position, they will start committing atrocities worse than us"

:camby: with that hypothetical, fear-mongering bullshyte.

Some cacs, imo, have evolved their rhetoric from the days of the KKK. No more alters, or grand wizards. White supremacy is a democracy, a code of conduct, white extremists aren't wearing hoods anymore or doing the bible thing. They on internet forums, chat rooms, congregating at the places our black asses :rudy: don't go to.
White supremacy is you guys crying about being held back and doing jackshyt about it. What would you do if you weren't being held back by the evil forces?>