The "1 Drop Rule" explained and how it's tied to AfroAmerican identity


Jun 22, 2014
At 6:37 that is what the one drop rule was about. It ain't got shyt to do with people who look like Beyonce or Lisa Raye. They ass was black regardless. It only mattered to people who actually, legitmitely looked white but were known to be of recent African ancestry like the dude in the video. He considers himself black because his family is from a time period in Virginia when the one drop rule was actually real and bout that. It also has nothing to do with bi-racial or light skinned people. I'm pretty sure America has always had a mullatto option, they ass was still a slave though.


The one drop rule was about telling people that they weren't white and keeping them from the white race, not whites attempting to tell us who was black.

Yeah. It was about stopping cases like this from happening


Harry Pace

the founder and CEO of Black Swan records, the first African American music recording company. Harry Pace was born January 6, 1894 in Covington, Georgia. to Charles and Elizabeth Pace. He graduated Valedictorian from Atlanta University in 1903. He married Ethylynde Bibb in 1917. He worked with W.E. B. DuBois on the Moon Illustrated Weekly which was the precursor to The Crisis which became the official publication for the NAACP

He eventually passed for white after always having a "black" identity

words from his granddaughter:


Susan Pace Hoy

My name is Susan Pace Hoy and I am the granddaughter of Harry Herbert Pace. I grew up in an all white neighborhood in a small town, went to an all white school during elementary and high school, attended an all white Episcopalian church on Sundays and grew up with the understanding that my roots were possibly Italian. I never was told anything about my father’s heritage and he never offered any information to us.
About two years ago, my brother told me of my real roots. His wife discovered from the internet, a story of a man- an incredible man. This was the story of a scholar, lawyer, author, entrepreneur, philosopher, insurance executive & record producer. This was a story of a man who founded the largest black insurance company in America, who partnered with W.C. Handy, “Father of the Blues”, founded Black Swan records and produced the first black recording artists in America. This man was an advocate for the black race for nearly his lifetime until he passed into the white world. The article I read off the internet that evening was by Jitu K. Weusi. “The Rise and Fall of Black Swan Records.”

It was written how this man was very light-skinned and could pass for white. That is exactly what he did-years after the fall of Black Swan Records. I was stunned that the man I was reading about was in fact my grandfather. I was the granddaughter of this incredible person. How could this have been kept from us? How could my father go to his death without telling us this unbelievable story? How could he have been married to my mother for so many years and never told her? I always struggled with why my father never could tell us anything about his childhood. He never talked of his Dad unless we questioned him and then I suppose it was all false. My father had only one sibling, a sister, and she is alive and living in the mid-west. “The Secret” that my aunt and my father harbored almost their entire life is now out to the family.
My nephew asks the question how a discovery such as this could make a person question their sense of identity?
Perhaps when you are young and still have so much of life to live and are only just formulating your identity it may not pose as such an issue. Young people today have been around a multitude of cultures for most of their lives. Growing up in the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s, I remember the civil rights movement, and when busing was being used as a way of integration of the schools. When you have lived 50 + years as one race and then suddenly find you’re bi-racial, it has been not an easy adjustment. These past two years have been tough. Our family has been ripped apart. Some are not speaking to one another and some are. Some do not want to delve deeper into this while my brother and I clearly want to know it all. I have shared the story with my very closest friends. They have embraced me and given me their ear while others I have not, just because of the magnitude of the story. At times I feel conflicted. I am so proud to be related to this man. On the other hand, I feel ashamed of myself for the hesitation when asked about my heritage. Now I am constantly questioning myself. Could it be that I am perpetuating racism by these feelings? I am who I have always been- I am the same person, just a lot more enriched. Aren’t we all just a melting pot of cultures? Perhaps this stereotype of what equates whiteness or blackness will someday disappear. I would like to think that as time goes on race can be a thing of the past.

His grandson:


Peter Pace

My sons question about how discovering that you have african ancestry later in your life affects your sense of identity is a difficult and subtle issue. My wife points out that I have been utterly changed by the knowledge. A person reflects on the world through the filter of identiy. Any change to that sense of identity, changes how you look out at the rest of the world and calls into question assumptions about your own life. Anecdotal incidents from childhood that were always considered benign,take on new interpretation. Why was it kept secret from me and what are my responsibilties of disclosure to friends, family and the world at large? The secret becomes my secret. My family is still struggleing with all of this. Some wish that we had never found out, others have become obsessive about finding out more but all of us have been irreversibly changed by this knowledge.

You foreign blacks and half-breeds don't seem to even know what the one drop rule is about, and the fact that you people think it is still in action today is ridiculous. And the damn thing was probably regional. Everything I've ever read about it always had something to do with Virginia and the Carolinas, and it had a lot to do with Native Americans and the Lumbees too.

Basically early Afram/AfroEuropeanAmericans who may or may not have absorbed Native Americans and became Triracials who didn't want to be "black" but couldn't be "white" and wanted to live in 3 tier caste type system. They achived this by identifying as "Indian" when their ancestors were always known as "old issue negroes"

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Jun 22, 2014
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May 29, 2014
That doesnt make those white kids black
I willing to bet if tomorrow the us gov allows for reparations for african anericans. Many people will have an issue with the people posted.

I can white eastern europeans who were slaves too.


May 29, 2014
This just further proves the point we've been trying to get across to you
It doesn't prove anything to me. Jews were thrown in gas chambers during the last world war. The turks attempted to exterminate armenians. The Turks and Greeks have fought over cyprus forever. The English, treated Irish and Scottish people as indentured servants a step over a slave.

Blacks don't have oppression on lock. However, what makes the African Slave trade poignant is that every non-black racial group have rallied to view blacks as less then.
Other non white minorities use the disdain that whites have gain for blacks as some kind of leverage to elevate themselves as more civilized and more in lign with white supremacy.

Y'all can post white people as slaves and all I have to say is this: The US government extending reparations to black slave descendants will bring out people's real view on blackness in America. Then y'all see how ridiculous it is to claim white people as a representation of african americans.

I see one black woman, two black men and a black boy in that picture. Finally, lets be honest those white kids that were slaves....were slave in name only. Cause in reality, nothing separates them from whites in appearance other than some far removed black lineage. Even Abraham Lincoln himself had some debatably black lineage. A black person has a blacknes that is obvious and that is permanent. If someone mistakes you for a white are not black. If the average black person doesn't know that you are black then that's because you are not. Shoot I'd take Halle Berry being callled black before 95% of the people posted in here. Y'all aren't even claiming biracials but straight up white people.

Finally, for aa who believe in the one drop rule today. What tangible gain does it bring to the black community; to claim achievements? To say that you can marry white but claim your partner as black? An attempt to stick it to the man? I honestly don't see it ...
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Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
It doesn't prove anything to me. Jews were thrown in gas chambers during the last world war. The turks attempted to exterminate armenians. The Turks and Greeks have fought over cyprus forever. The English, treated Irish and Scottish people as indentured servants a step over a slave.

Blacks don't have oppression on lock. However, what makes the African Slave trade poignant is that every non-black racial group have rallied to view blacks as less then.
Other non white minorities use the disdain that whites have gain for blacks as some kind of leverage to elevate themselves as more civilized and more in lign with white supremacy.

Y'all can post white people as slaves and all I have to say is this: The US government extending reparations to black slave descendants will bring out people's real view on blackness in America. Then y'all see how ridiculous it is to claim white people as a representation of african americans.

I see one black woman, two black men and a black boy in that picture. Finally, lets be honest those white kids that were slaves....were slave in name only. Cause in reality, nothing separates them from whites in appearance other than some far removed black lineage. Even Abraham Lincoln himself had some black lineage. A black person has a blacknes that is obvious and that is permanent. If someone mistakes you for a white are not black. If the average black person doesn't know that you are black then that's because you are not. Shoot I'd take Halle Berry being callled black before 95% of the people posted in here. Y'all aren't even claiming biracials but straight up white people.
We're not Downingtown were just pointing out how complex race is in this country.


May 29, 2014
Race will always be complex just like the idea of ethnicity, nationalism, politics, etc...I just don't see the gain in supporting this outdated concept in this 21st century.

We're not Downingtown were just pointing out how complex race is in this country.


May 29, 2014

Exactly. How could she miss the point of that post:pachaha:
I didn't miss the point. You insinuate that because they were categorized as slaves, that made them black. I am arguing that blacks are not the only slaves that existed in the world. And them being slaves doesn't mean they were my opinion.


May 29, 2014

Very adult of you. Keep passing off those white people as black I don't care. I just am not drinking the KoolAid that's all. I see these people for what they are, y'all see within the framework of a faulty system that have oppressed you for 5 centuries. Ya they are black because they were slaves...makes a lot of sense


May 25, 2015
I willing to bet if tomorrow the us gov allows for reparations for african anericans. Many people will have an issue with the people posted.

I can white eastern europeans who were slaves too.
What you seem to fail at realizing is the one drop rule has been dead for over a hundred fukkin years.
All of those people posted are now considered white, which leads me to ask why in the hell do you non-american blacks care so much about the one drop rule

Were eastern european slaves descended from the west africans that were enslaved in the united states? didnt think so, so that point is invalid

why dont you go argue with some african men from togo or wherever you come from


May 29, 2014
What you seem to fail at realizing is the one drop rule has been dead for over a hundred fukkin years.
All of those people posted are now considered white, which leads me to ask why in the hell do you non-american blacks care so much about the one drop rule

Were eastern european slaves descended from the west africans that were enslaved in the united states? didnt think so, so that point is invalid

why dont you go argue with some african men from togo or wherever you come from

I don't care about the one drop rule but your friend @IllmaticDelta seem to think that these people are should be in line to the next NAACP function. I have varied interests and I won't let you or anyone else keep me from posting on the topics I choose to engage on. If you have a problem with it you could have have used the ignore function provided.