Yeah, I'm going with the happier interpretation. Wish I never read that thoughSince he's the creative director, it's like what he says makes it feel like a true ending even though it's open for everybody
Neil said once that ''what you believe matters, your interpretation''. he even said, he would do the same thing Joel did and the risks he made for Ellie is worth it. plus in the new DLC it gives you another understanding of the ''Okay'' line (everyone on reddit is saying this and their right). when Riley gives her speech about keep living etc. it mirrors what Joel said at the ending of the main campaign so she accepts the lie. If Ellie ever found out the truth, she would understand his feelings because when Ellie told ''dont go'' it also mirrors Joels situation. its great how Naughty Dog is able to give us more storytelling like to interpret in are own way. bravo!!
In the end. if she does leave him i believe would have gone back to Joel anyway, there bond is too strong.
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