Of course finding a cure wouldn't prevent further death. Humans have been killing each other for centuries before the virus outbreak. But what does that have to do with the goal of saving our species? Man isn't inherently evil. Maybe inherently selfish, but evil (besides being an ethical concept that's hard to prove) is more so a product of circumstance. Finding a cure would have taken away a lot of the circumstances that drove a lot of people to doing evil things. While I agree that if it was our time to go there would be nothing we could do about it, at the end of the game there clearly was something we could do to prevent that. It's not like an asteroid struck the planet and we were fukked regardless. Humanity has been ravaged by plagues and viruses for a long time. Cures have been found and we've endured.
yeah u right, I worded it wrong. man is all about self-preservation, whatever the cost..