Gettin' It In
Id have done the same 

what more did you want? they lived happily ever after? he looked her in the eyes and lied to her for his own selfish reasons."Ok"
*black screen then credits roll*
i was sitting there like
There's no way ND wouldn't bank on another TLOU title. It may not have to be directly related to Joel and Ellie's story somehow.I hope this sh1t has no bull sh1t sequels
The truth is, there is no perfect ending to the story in-game. The world is still going to be shyt, with or without the girl alive. Assuming a cure was made, it would take a year to produce the first batch; assuming if they had the lab equipment necessary. If the word got out of a cure, people would be rushing to get it.
Not to mention if one group got the cure, they would become the most powerful people on the planet. They hold the cure to the deadliest plague known to mankind. They can dictate who they save and who dies.
In the end the human body will mutate to develop a anti-body for the cure. That's the special thing about living organisms, we adapt even when we don't thing we do. For example each year the flu evolves, but our bodies mutate to take in the flu as long as the immune system is good.
Eventually within the years to come you will see people develop the cure inside of them, eventually to the point of where it would be a thing of the past.
In the end, the choice Joel makes is not the correct one for mankind but it's the most morally correct.
Joel didn't make the morally correct choice. I think Ellie makes it pretty clear she'd have been ok with dying as she was waiting on her turn. Joel did that for his own reasons because he wouldn't have been ok with it. He basically went against her wishes because he wanted her around which is why he had to lie to her about it. he knew he was wrong.
True in a sense. For me it was the moral choice. Just because, at what cost is killing one human to 'potentially' save the world. Just because when the world has become tribal again for survival, you cannot really trust the Fireflys for their word. Government is no more, as it's all about power in numbers.