I definitely agree with you on the kills. Leatherface had no business dealing with these kids but damn was he brutal in this. I thought the way the camera followed the chainsaw upon its ripping of the floor was dope. Reminded me of something Sam Raimi would do.I agree, it kind of had that Bay flare to it. What made this easy to watch was I knew the characters were just there to be slaughtered. None of them were likable. And the movie delivered imo with the kills.
I wonder who behind the scenes thought Sally was cherished enough to have her brought back in this though. She isn’t scratching most folks’ Top 10, 20 lists of Final Girls. She also went batshyt insane at the end of the original film.
They wanted her to be 2018 Laurie Strode, but also skipped the mental hurdles Laurie battled through before facing the big bad evil.