Thats bullshyt! If they thought that they'd kept bringing him on the network to push. Plus he was on HLN which was owned by CNN calling out Race Soldier dam near defending a bed wench cause he picked the bed wench over the white supremacy who was talking about her.
Tariq has a code to never talk about black people no matter who in front of suspected white supremacist.
Breh you missing my point here. HE saw the money over there.
Nobody cares about CNN is my point. Fox News is the leader in news ratings, viewership and money. Most of the people over there don't even believe that over the top bullshyt, but that's where the money is. So you see them saying more outlandish shyt, cause those crazy viewers love it, and it pushes their star status higher than any CNN, MSNBC shyt...
Tariq got on there and I'm sure got more hate tweets than ever before. Because he was on a show that was bigger than any other show he'd been on before. Tucker is #1 primetime news show in the world brehs. Those MAGA fools probably hit him up at 100 times the rate any other show's fans came with...
Well what would any smart businessman do? He'd go to where the money/fans are at... He never had these republican talking points before. All the sudden I can see him making the same exact conspiracy theories I see on MAGA twitter? MAGA dudes retweeting him... Ann Coulter retweeting him and him retweeting her... Fox News anchors buddy buddy with him...
I never fault a businessman for doing what's good for business... But there was clearly a business decision that was made