Am I wrong tho? There is no objective definition of blackness in any part of Africa. Even to this day, it's tribe over race. No self awareness
"The first time I pondered this thought, I was living in Zanzibar, Tanzania. The name Zanzibar is said to translate to “
land of the Blacks” in Arabic.
But no Zenji (or Zanzibar native) I’ve met thinks of themselves as Black. If they lived in the U.S., they would likely be labeled as Black, but generally speaking, the Zenjis I’ve interacted with claim Swahili as an identifier."
Having lived in East Africa for two years, I have come to realize that many Africans define themselves by their tribe, clan, nationality, and religion. They have such pride rooted in their names which help to validate who they are and where they belong. Realizing this, I have struggled to think about how I want to define myself.
While living in Uganda, I was often asked, “What tribe are you?” and it doesn’t feel right to say “Black.” I typically respond, “I’m Black American or African American.” If I say that I’m American, they usually fill in the blanks for me. “So, does that mean you are nikka?” or “You are negro!”