Tariq Nasheed on new Star Wars movie - "12 Years a Space Slave"


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Except that Finn was exceptionally brave in many parts of the film.

He was a child soldier who refused to take part in a massacre.

He devised a way to get off the ship with a prized hostage, not just a pilot. Though I didn't like how that convo mirrored a Jedi mind fukk.

Stormtroopers can't hit for shyt, but Finn has exceptional acumen with every weapon he touches.

He NEVER shied away from unavoidable conflict. But he was never stupid enough to run headlong into pointless battle. His wanting to get out of dodge was not cowardice, the Rebellion was doomed and he was in a unique position to know why and how.

Rey may have protested too much about not needing his help but the fact is that without Finns bravery at key points she'd be dead several times over.

Finn went back for Poe and only stopped searching when the ship sank.

Someone pointed out that he was the one to choose the Millennium Falcon as a getaway vehicle, not Rey. She doesn't notice it, she's never drawn to it even after he points it out.

On the Falcon they mirror each others how did I how did you speech, and their stance was the traditional romantic one.... With Finn shot in such a way he was shorter than Rey. There was no kiss or almost kiss though the scene called for one.

She doesn't know what a rancor is, Finn does. Why did the rancor drag Finn instead of immediately eating him?

Maz has nothing to say to Rey but she has a lot to say to Finn. Reys destiny is a done deal - shes a courier to return Luke his weapon - but its Finn whose decisions will be the turning point of the story and the Rebellion.

No Finn, no victory. Rey is wrong, she does need him.

And this meme that he's a coward and doesn't do anything heroic is troubling.

You really think Rei's storyline is done? Not by a long shot. She'll continue to be the main protagonist and I believe her character will evolve more than the Finn character.

Her and Finn will not hookup. If they were, they would have already since dude did save her and the scene would warrant some type of romantic reaction. But when nothing happened, I knew his character was doomed to be a eunuch. At best, he'll be friend zoned. But I highly doubt there will be any kiss or sex innuendo between Rei and Finn. When does the main male protagonist and the main female protagonist not hook up in an action movie? Never.

In fact, I believe that the Rei character has a better chance of getting with Poe. I wouldn't be shocked one bit if the Finn character finds out that Poe has been painting Rei's womb at some point in the trilogy. Like Tariq, I wouldn't be surprised if the Finn character either remains a eunuch or hooks up with some alien type of character.


Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
You really think Rei's storyline is done? Not by a long shot. She'll continue to be the main protagonist and I believe her character will evolve more than the Finn character.

Her and Finn will not hookup. If they were, they would have already since dude did save her and the scene would warrant some type of romantic reaction. But when nothing happened, I knew his character was doomed to be a eunuch. At best, he'll be friend zoned. But I highly doubt there will be any kiss or sex innuendo between Rei and Finn. When does the main male protagonist and the main female protagonist not hook up in an action movie? Never.

In fact, I believe that the Rei character has a better chance of getting with Poe. I wouldn't be shocked one bit if the Finn character finds out that Poe has been painting Rei's womb at some point in the trilogy. Like Tariq, I wouldn't be surprised if the Finn character either remains a eunuch or hooks up with some alien type of character.

You misunderstand. Rey's destiny being a done deal means she's one of Dr Who's set points in time. Her storyline is set in stone. She's Galahad.

Finn is the one who can profoundly change his own destiny. His future, to quote J. Conner, is not set. If you ever come across the old scifi story 'Schrödinger's Kitten', thats who he reminds me of, the protagonist in that story. Thats why I wrote what I wrote. A little insignificant India girl who experiences an awakening during a horrible life or death moment, whose normal path from that point has a lot of bad endings, but there's one path in which she's instrumental in stopping the Nazis.

Finn is that little India girl, and the moment he reacted to the screams of victims light years away is when he became the kitten alive in the box choosing to fight the Nazis, instead of dead.

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
You really think Rei's storyline is done? Not by a long shot. She'll continue to be the main protagonist and I believe her character will evolve more than the Finn character.

Her and Finn will not hookup. If they were, they would have already since dude did save her and the scene would warrant some type of romantic reaction. But when nothing happened, I knew his character was doomed to be a eunuch. At best, he'll be friend zoned. But I highly doubt there will be any kiss or sex innuendo between Rei and Finn. When does the main male protagonist and the main female protagonist not hook up in an action movie? Never.

In fact, I believe that the Rei character has a better chance of getting with Poe. I wouldn't be shocked one bit if the Finn character finds out that Poe has been painting Rei's womb at some point in the trilogy. Like Tariq, I wouldn't be surprised if the Finn character either remains a eunuch or hooks up with some alien type of character.

As for Rey and Poe, that's going to disappoint everyone who guessed he was gay after the convo he and Abrams had about how to give him a reason for surviving that crash instead of dying as originally planned.

I can see a love triangle between Poe Rey and Ren. Ive called it myself at one point. But I only accept that if Poe is her brother or cousin. His parents did roll with Luke Leia and Han. He's the family she'd looking for.

I'd rather Finn and Rey ended up together. I'd also rather Finn ends up First Prime Minister of the new galactic federation, giving out awards like Leia to bring it home, but whatever.

The mains don't hook up if the man is non white and the woman is white. The same doesn't hold for the reverse. All this to say I don't disagree with anything in your post. But I love Finn as played by John Boyega, therefore I'm biased.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
But Luke destroyed the Death Star. He still redeemed himself in monumental fashion. Finn did not. In fact, in the most monumental scene, Finn was brutally beaten to the point of being in a coma and needing to be carried off the field of battle.

Finn may have shot down some planes, but he was not the overall hero. I'm not saying the character was bad, but he wasn't the hero that the male protagonist usually is.

And to add insult to injury, dude didn't even get any play from his female protagonist counterpart....in an action movie. When does that happen? Never.

I already answered this question of getting play, the answer to the question of a movie where the lead doesn't get any play is the original Star Wars, Luke gets a kiss on the cheek from leia, that's it

And as a side note Hunger games is also an answer to that question

You are critiquing a movie series you have never watched and, I'm guessing, a genre you aren't really into

The original Star Wars ends with Luke being saved by Han and empires strikes back starts with Luke being saved by Han, where Han carries him off and ends with Luke getting his hand cut off and being rescued by Leah

Finns beginning don't say anything either way about his future and it's not a false hope that he will develop, having characters start as humble characters is a common plot device in sci fi to a certain extent and definitely in fantasy

A perfect example of this is Jon snow in game of thrones, who if you had watched the first series, you would have never thought that he would turn out to be the main character, and a powerful one, it is common in fantasy books, to have the protagonist start out humble

Before you continue watch the original Star Wars and imagine Luke was black and check the dialogue

and see if Luke wasn't a whiny ass bytch screening Beeeeen! The same way Finn was screening Reeeey!


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
You really think Rei's storyline is done? Not by a long shot. She'll continue to be the main protagonist and I believe her character will evolve more than the Finn character.

Her and Finn will not hookup. If they were, they would have already since dude did save her and the scene would warrant some type of romantic reaction. But when nothing happened, I knew his character was doomed to be a eunuch. At best, he'll be friend zoned. But I highly doubt there will be any kiss or sex innuendo between Rei and Finn. When does the main male protagonist and the main female protagonist not hook up in an action movie? Never.

In fact, I believe that the Rei character has a better chance of getting with Poe. I wouldn't be shocked one bit if the Finn character finds out that Poe has been painting Rei's womb at some point in the trilogy. Like Tariq, I wouldn't be surprised if the Finn character either remains a eunuch or hooks up with some alien type of character.


why do people keep repeating this notion that the male and female protagonist always hook up when in the original star wars there was no hook up between luke and leia

and hunger games is another example of that

poe was supposed to have died, bringing him back at the end of the movie was a late change to the script, thats why you dont even see how he escaped http://io9.gizmodo.com/wait-redacted-was-supposed-to-die-in-the-force-awake-1748949179 and it's not even clear that he will be in 8, do rey and poe even meet in the movie?

that being said, there is confirmation that an "ethnic" female character is being cast for episode VII and there, 8:13 and 16:33

there is speculation that this may be finn's romantic interests, but its just speculation at this point

looking at previous movies as a reference it can go either way with finn and rey
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May 16, 2012
Im kinda split on this argument. One one hand I really don't like how they left of with his character. Finishing the movie in a coma after all he been through while Rey goes off solo was pretty weak. But on the other hand for the rest of the movie outside those last 30 min he didn't look nearly as bad as Tariq makes it seem. He put in work as much as any other char and was the one who advanced the story at every major point. He also put up a good fight against Kylo Ren considering he wasn't force sensitive. Hell the way he worked that lightsabre I think there's still hope for him being a jedi eventually :yeshrug:. But it all depends on how they treat him in the next movie. If he's relegated to sideshow status it definitely validates all of Tariq's points


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
there where 2 specific instances where he did look like a runaway slave and made me cringe 1) when they were being bombed by the tie fighters and there was an explosion behind them and he jumped out of his skin while rey was running without flinching and 2) when they were in the starkiller base and han asked him if was ready, that was a moment where i cant even front, he looked and sounded like a runaway slave

the other stuff, i think people are reading race into it

what tariq did is take every single instance where finn wasnt being the perfect shining hero as being racist, because supposedly in all Hollywood movies the male lead is the perfect shining hero, the problem is that in the original star wars luke was mostly a whiny ass bytch, in fact i would speculate his whiny voice, short stature and the puppy dog quality of his character is why mark hammill's career never took off
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Nov 25, 2014
Forget what you've heard, Disney's 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' is racist

Despite What You've Heard, Disney's 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Is Racist

ByCherella CoxFollow|01/18/16 - 07:54 AM EST
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275have been ravingabout Star Wars: The Force Awakens' progressive casting and script.


The heroes of the film are an African American stormtrooper named Finn and a young woman named Rey, a step forward for a franchise that has some dark, deeply racist moments. But, digging beyond just the casting of the lead characters, Disney, the new owner of the Lucasfilms franchise, hasn't done nearly enough to bring the hugely influential and popular Star Wars franchise into 2016, when it comes to progressive racial politics.

Roth Cornet and Donna dikkens of HitFix, Nicholas Powers of theIndypendent andJacob Hall of Screencrush love the racially diverse cast. Gwendoline Christie (of Game of Thrones fame) says she is proud to be playing a "progressive female character." The U.K.'s Pink News agrees.

Even bigots see the movie as too progressive. There was the reprehensible #StopAppropriatingWhiteCulture hashtag on Twitter, which surfaced images of the lead African American character Finn saying: "Where da white wimmins be at?"

They're all wrong -- and not just in regards to their backward and demeaning comments. Star Wars VII is far from progressive. The movie still promotes age-old stereotypes of black men.

Let's look at Finn, played by Nigerian-British actor John Boyega. He has been ripped from his family and forced to work for his captor. Sound familiar? Finn's life story casts him as a slave.

And how does Finn get his name? He starts the movie with a name given to him by the original slavers, FN-2187 but then is named "Finn" by Poe Dameron, a white pilot. It reminds one of Kunta Kinte in Roots, who is forced to take the name "Toby" by his white slaver. Some read "Finn" as his liberation name, but I see it the other way around. Star Wars' "Toby," truly liberated, should have picked his own name.

Finn is a buffoon. He's a stormtrooper, trained by the evil First Order, but he can't fight -- Rey, the film's female lead, is a much better fighter than he is.

"We got a character who couldn't win one fight on his own, who repeatedly needed saving, who didn't get a 'traditional' win," write Greg Anderson-Elysee and Frank Miller, self-described "black nerds" on comic news site the Outhousers.

He can't fight but he's also not savvy. When Han Solo tries to subtly signal that he look in a certain direction, he's confused by the pantomime. And when it's time for him to be competent, what is he competent at? His special skill that earns him a place in the Rebel plot to destroy the bad guys' evil base: He's was a janitor there once. Really, Disney?
Perhaps dashing the fears of the most racist Star Wars fans, Finn doesn't get the girl in the end of the movie -- he is harmless and impotent, a racist's dream. In fact, Finn is punished for chasing the white woman in the movie. He almost dies on several occasions, trying to save her.

Finn "didn't even get to kiss Rey. Romance tends to be at the center of American hero films, and if both Rey and Finn were Caucasian, I bet there would have been some lip lock at the end of the film," writes Joseph Phillip Illidge, the former Batman editor for DC Comics and co-owner of production company Verge Entertainment.

No wonder other prominent African American voices aren't completely happy with Finn either.

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Disney took a big and long-overdue step making a person of color the lead of its newStar Wars film, but not nearly big enough. (And what about African American women? New character Maz Kanata's voice is that of Nigerian American actress Lupita Nyong'o. It's almost an insult that, given Finn's flaws, there aren't any black women actually seen on screen.)

Disney has a history of producing films that even recently have had hidden message of racism and sexism. Of course, the company's founder's racist views are well-known.

And let's be clear: When young African American men and women see Star Wars, they may not even think about the skin color of the protagonists, but the subtext of Finn's background and story do not help them understand that they are -- or should be -- full and equal citizens, with all the privileges and rights entailed.

Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion in cash and stock in 2012. This was an opportunity to erase bitter memories -- both for Star Wars and other signature Disney franchises -- and it's unfortunate that it fell so short in a movie that has already been seen by so many. It has so far grossed nearly $2 billion dollars worldwide, a number that is sure to increase on this holiday weekend celebrating the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

While the America we live in today may be more appealing than the one King left, too little has changed. Movies, commercials and music are one of the best ways to combat racist ideology. Perhaps the next installment of Star Wars will really be the progressive film this universe needs.


Oct 14, 2015