Tariq Nasheed on new Star Wars movie - "12 Years a Space Slave"

Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
When does the main male protagonist and the main female protagonist not hook up in an action movie? Never.

Some of the examples might be a bit of a stretch, but there are a few that don't have a romance angle

The original Star Wars
I, Robot
Mad Max: Fury Road
Winter Soldier
Pitch Black
The Day After Tomorrow
The Replacement Killers
Pacific Rim

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006


cacs on tumblr y'all....

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013


cacs on tumblr y'all....

you know how much gay finn poe art there is :merchant:

white nerds have gotta be lol of this shyt

it's like throw this dude in the bushes and make the crimson pirate a main character :skip:
Feb 2, 2016
I signed up just to counter some of the arguments I saw pop up. This movie pissed me off a lot both as a Star Wars fan and a Black viewer, so i watched this thread like a hawk before signing up.
Through my observation of this thread, I witnessed a few people bring up some of the following points

1.Finn was written as a white character.

2.Han Solo was incompetent and as much of a punk as Finn.

First off, regardless of Finn originally being written for a white person, they obviously made changes after the fact. The old script for one, did not have the character being named "Finn" (As some stupid throwback to Huckleberry Finn and his helping a runaway slave because racists at Disney only see Black individual's identity through mere colorlines and making a fashion(Marketing) statement.). His original name was "Sam", and the Poe Dameron character was originally Black, and was going to be a Jedi, so JJ saying he made Finn Black for diversity's sake is actually BS.
Sam was also supposed to be top of his class, have swagger like Han Solo and undergo a warrior's ceremony and rebirth, not be some bumbling, no-skilled incompetent like Finn was. Convenient that they had these changes we ended up with after they made the character Black. Can you really believe they planned for the same "Droid please!" nonsense for Sam? If so, then you are only lying to yourself.

Now onto Han, from the beginning, Han was always described by the creators and portrayed by them, to have swagger, and be an admirable specimen of masculinty, even when he loses, such as in Empire. He is not made a joke of. He saves Luke's ass in A New Hope, saves Luke's ass in the beginning of Empire, didnt let the woman dress him down or emasculate him like Finn does in this film, had piloting skills, a cool ship and sidekick, commanded fleets and he got to Cassanova it up with Leia and give her a sensual goodbye kiss, after which she professes her love to him, before he is put on ice in Empire. Finn's portrayal here is not even on the same level. You are playing dumb or thinking the people you are trying to convince, are dumb, if you are trying to push these false equivalencies.
Even the older movies had better black portrayals than Finn with Lando Calrissian and Mace Windu, despite not being in main star roles, Disney is simply more racist than George Lucas, even he realizes that with his "white slaver" slip in that one interview he had.
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Feb 2, 2016
I already answered this question of getting play, the answer to the question of a movie where the lead doesn't get any play is the original Star Wars, Luke gets a kiss on the cheek from leia, that's it

And as a side note Hunger games is also an answer to that question

You are critiquing a movie series you have never watched and, I'm guessing, a genre you aren't really into

The original Star Wars ends with Luke being saved by Han and empires strikes back starts with Luke being saved by Han, where Han carries him off and ends with Luke getting his hand cut off and being rescued by Leah

Finns beginning don't say anything either way about his future and it's not a false hope that he will develop, having characters start as humble characters is a common plot device in sci fi to a certain extent and definitely in fantasy

A perfect example of this is Jon snow in game of thrones, who if you had watched the first series, you would have never thought that he would turn out to be the main character, and a powerful one, it is common in fantasy books, to have the protagonist start out humble

Before you continue watch the original Star Wars and imagine Luke was black and check the dialogue

and see if Luke wasn't a whiny ass bytch screening Beeeeen! The same way Finn was screening Reeeey!

Another false equivalency. Luke is Leias brother, that wouldn't be getting play at all, that would be getting hillbilly.
Farfetched that Rei and Finn are related.
New Hope ends with Luke gaining a new power, a light saber, blowing up the death star and getting commendation and a medal, not being assed out stranded on planet Backwoods in a coma, "Destiny awakens", clearly not. Luke is good with machines and can actually pilot things, Finn is a no skilled janitor who needs to wait on space Metro. He does not even actually save Rei at any point because they thought any man saving her would hurt the feminist wonder woman indoctrination they were going for. He was basically made pointless.

Luke had a mystical discipline to learn and a path set out before him. Finn is left in Limbo.
And last but not least, you are conflating Lucas with Disney here.
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Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Just gonna quote myself from the SW thread :

John Boyega Teases Finn & Poe Romance In Star Wars 8

They're actually about to make Finn a f@g....:snoop:

@wire28 @Ziggiy @Supercoolmayo @Ghostface Trillah @Primetime @Mowgli @Dr. Narcisse @Din0can @Joe Sixpack @John Hull @Interloper

They already used TFA to push him as an emasculated sissy. And now that all these cacs jumped on this "Stormpilot" nonsense (Clearly intending to keep Finn from Rey), they're about to have this dude fawning over another man...who named him....:scust:

I tried to warn y'all....the agenda is REAL.

All you dudes trying to defend this movie and this character...defend THIS.

Dear lord...

I wanna see y'all defend THIS.

And I'm sorry...but Boyega, even though he's usually on point on racial issues...seems to have stepped back from his past comments. I wonder if someone got to him. He had said like a month ago that this was "all in Oscars head"...now he's straddling the line? Why?

I hope he has the good sense not to allow them to make his character a gay.
Feb 2, 2016
The emasculation continues, as expected. TPTB really are pushing this shyt hard, at least thats who I presume is really behind this, not merely some tumblr people. TPTB after all, like their slaves to be more feminine and submissive, easier to control, also less scary for them. Making Finn gay makes him a safe nikka that you can leave around the white princess, like a eunich of antiquity.