What about White on White child sex crimes?
May I ask are you black?*Sigh* seen the movie enjoyed it. Stop crying.
genuine question. do you find this cover a bit strange?
F.N. =Field nikka
So many levels to this...
How so?What a shyt thing to say. Tariq was an a$$hole to say this.
AMC 24 on Mt. Zion?some of the folks on this site are militant to a fault. I saw the movie on the Southside of ATL and nobody had an issue with Finn's character
genuine question. do you find this cover a bit strange?
Seems like Tariq read this thread because he's responding to alot of the arguments and critiques he's getting here @ 38:00 in his podcast
@ The Gospel at 56:00 he clownin them "Its Gon Get Bettuh" cats
Convinced alot of y'all didn't even watch the movie
this due Poe shows up out of nowhere to just "save the day"No. He is in a coma.
Rey has defeated Kylo Ren, inherited the Skywalker lightsaber, and becomes the new pilot of the Millenium Falcon. She, Chewie, and R2 go to meet Luke, where she will presumably train to hone her enormous Force power to become a great jedi.
Poe is the new hero of the Resistance, after leading Black Squadron in his X-wing to victory against the First Order. He has blown up Starkiller Base and become a hero.
Finn is in a coma. That's it.
dude has NO weapon on that front cover
"He's symbolically castrated" - Tariq Nasheed.