Lets break this down
Original motivation was to not kill innocent people, against all of his training and literally everything he'd ever known. After that it was to get as far away from the First Order as possible since he'd be a wanted traitor. Then he was motivated to help the droid get home even though that wasn't his original goal. After that it was to save Rey. Let's talk about that. You keep dismissing it as 'save the white girl' even though you claim your issue is with the CHARACTER and not the racial implications
. 'The white girl' was only the 2nd real person he'd ever encountered and probably the first physical contact he's had with a woman. They escaped death together multiple times meaning he clearly feels strongly connected to her as she's the closest thing to a friend he's ever had. It makes complete logical sense for him to have a strong desire to save her
Its about the character right? So lets talk about THIS movie. You continue to ignore his multiple heroic moments
- disobeying orders to kill
- rescuing poe
- getting 2 kills in the first escape
- saving Rey on Jakku
- getting a few kills in the fight outside the bar
- going on a rescue mission
- bringing the shield down
- fighting a Sith and actually hurting him
Not only all that but in THIS movie, who else got a hero moment? Only Rey and Poe. Nobody else really did anything. Even Han didn't have any big moment before he died
I like the original Star Wars but am in no way a fanboy or a die hard. And I go into these as open eyed as any other brotha but I don't agree with your assessment. Writing anyone that disagrees off as having 'wool over their eyes' is a weak way of trying to dismiss their arguments without logic
Frodo stayed getting sonned in the first LOTR. Luke almost got drowned in a trash compacter. Not to mention that you're comparing this dude to the guys portrayed from the first movie as hardcore action heroes, other than maybe Luke. Aragorn was introduced as a mysterious ranger, Neo as a savior, and Luke as the son of a Jedi. Fin was an anonymous storm trooper. Not the same thing at all
So you're disagreeing with storytelling 101, huh? It's called the Hero's Journey. Know what the first steps are?
Sound familiar? Of course it does. This is Fin's arc in the movie. 1-Regular stormtrooper / 2- decides he ain'y bout that life and leaves / 3- wants to escape and get away from the First Order / 4 - sees them take Rey/gets the light saber from shorty with the glasses / 5- decides to risk his life to save Rey
with your clearly uninformed opinion of his arc