Tariq Nasheed on new Star Wars movie - "12 Years a Space Slave"


May 2, 2012
Passport Abuse
:mjlol:. Y'all acting like you're off the cuff observations are gospel or something. I'm as hyper aware of Hollywood's portrayal of black men as anyone but that doesn't mean everything plays to the same narrative and anyone that doesn't view it that was is 'not as privy'. Like I said before ya'll want it both ways: more black folks in major movies but only in roles you deem 'worthy'. Again, the role of Fin is a racially ambiguous role. Yall are taking preconceived ideas and notions and trying to make it fit. Its like saying 'yea you're definitely a Pisces' after they tell you their birth date.

I/We never said "EVERYTHING" plays into that motherfukking narrative but since you wanna be stupid WTF makes you think that this doesnt since we already pointed out the standard disrepect of a Black character? How fukking under the rug you wanna sweep it? Wanna call me "mad" "a militant"?

Verbal Kint

May 13, 2015
TC, Ap
Lets break this down
The PROBLEM is with Finn's character. He's given no true arc, no motivation (other than save the white girl, which he FAILED at) and no redemption.
Original motivation was to not kill innocent people, against all of his training and literally everything he'd ever known. After that it was to get as far away from the First Order as possible since he'd be a wanted traitor. Then he was motivated to help the droid get home even though that wasn't his original goal. After that it was to save Rey. Let's talk about that. You keep dismissing it as 'save the white girl' even though you claim your issue is with the CHARACTER and not the racial implications :jbhmm:. 'The white girl' was only the 2nd real person he'd ever encountered and probably the first physical contact he's had with a woman. They escaped death together multiple times meaning he clearly feels strongly connected to her as she's the closest thing to a friend he's ever had. It makes complete logical sense for him to have a strong desire to save her

Like Tariq said, EVERY MAIN CHARACTER IN THESE TYPES OF MOVIES GETS THEIR "HERO" MOMENT. Finn didn't get shyt but his ass whooped.
Its about the character right? So lets talk about THIS movie. You continue to ignore his multiple heroic moments
- disobeying orders to kill
- rescuing poe
- getting 2 kills in the first escape
- saving Rey on Jakku
- getting a few kills in the fight outside the bar
- going on a rescue mission
- bringing the shield down
- fighting a Sith and actually hurting him

Not only all that but in THIS movie, who else got a hero moment? Only Rey and Poe. Nobody else really did anything. Even Han didn't have any big moment before he died

I'm not going to go so far as call brothers "c00ns" on here who fail to see the point, because I know ALOT of brothers who are die hard Star Wars fans, and with anything you are a fan of, you don't necessarily want to see it heavily criticized. But people DEFINITELY have a wool over their eyes if their defending Finn and his emasculated personification.

I like the original Star Wars but am in no way a fanboy or a die hard. And I go into these as open eyed as any other brotha but I don't agree with your assessment. Writing anyone that disagrees off as having 'wool over their eyes' is a weak way of trying to dismiss their arguments without logic

"bu..bu..BUT... It's a TRILOGY! You have to wait until the end before you judge" nikka please. Did you have to wait until Return Of The King before Aragon did something heroic? Did you have to wait until ROTJ before Luke did something heroic? Did you have to wait until Revolutions before Neo did something heroic? Hell did you have to wait until MIB3 before Jay did something heroic? :stopitslime:
Frodo stayed getting sonned in the first LOTR. Luke almost got drowned in a trash compacter. Not to mention that you're comparing this dude to the guys portrayed from the first movie as hardcore action heroes, other than maybe Luke. Aragorn was introduced as a mysterious ranger, Neo as a savior, and Luke as the son of a Jedi. Fin was an anonymous storm trooper. Not the same thing at all

"You want to Finn to be a bad ass bu..bu..BUT it makes him HUMAN to lose at first! It makes him a fully realized character to be afraid and later on he'll find courage!" STFU with that cop-out. First of all, this is FANTASY set in a galaxy where a farm boy whose never seen combat a day in his life previously used the force to destroy a planet destroying weapon. A Galaxy where a fukking 9 year old pilots a space ship and successfully enters a galactic dogfight. And you want to use the bullshyt "realism" excuse when the black character spends the entire movie LOSING. :comeon:

So you're disagreeing with storytelling 101, huh? It's called the Hero's Journey. Know what the first steps are?

1. Ordinary World
This is where the Hero's exists before his present story begins, oblivious of the adventures to come. It's his safe place. His everyday life where we learn crucial details about our Hero, his true nature, capabilities and outlook on life. This anchors the Hero as a human, just like you and me, and makes it easier for us to identify with him and hence later, empathize with his plight.

2. Call To Adventure
The Hero's adventure begins when he receives a call to action, such as a direct threat to his safety, his family, his way of life or to the peace of the community in which he lives. It may not be as dramatic as a gunshot, but simply a phone call or conversation but whatever the call is, and however it manifests itself, it ultimately disrupts the comfort of the Hero's Ordinary World and presents a challenge or quest that must be undertaken.

3. Refusal Of The Call
Although the Hero may be eager to accept the quest, at this stage he will have fears that need overcoming. Second thoughts or even deep personal doubts as to whether or not he is up to the challenge. When this happens, the Hero will refuse the call and as a result may suffer somehow. The problem he faces may seem to much to handle and the comfort of home far more attractive than the perilous road ahead. This would also be our own response and once again helps us bond further with the reluctant Hero.

4. Meeting The Mentor
At this crucial turning point where the Hero desperately needs guidance he meets a mentor figure who gives him something he needs. He could be given an object of great importance, insight into the dilemma he faces, wise advice, practical training or even self-confidence. Whatever the mentor provides the Hero with it serves to dispel his doubts and fears and give him the strength and courage to begin his quest.

5. Crossing The Threshold
The Hero is now ready to act upon his call to adventure and truly begin his quest, whether it be physical, spiritual or emotional. He may go willingly or he may be pushed, but either way he finally crosses the threshold between the world he is familiar with and that which he is not. It may be leaving home for the first time in his life or just doing something he has always been scared to do. However the threshold presents itself, this action signifies the Hero's commitment to his journey an whatever it may have in store for him.
Sound familiar? Of course it does. This is Fin's arc in the movie. 1-Regular stormtrooper / 2- decides he ain'y bout that life and leaves / 3- wants to escape and get away from the First Order / 4 - sees them take Rey/gets the light saber from shorty with the glasses / 5- decides to risk his life to save Rey
:camby: with your clearly uninformed opinion of his arc


Dec 13, 2015
Finn ain't no t-dog, t-dog was just some embarrassing punching bag that was only there to be black and useless. Finn is an actual character that manages to have an impact on the story and the people around him.

Verbal Kint

May 13, 2015
TC, Ap
I/We never said "EVERYTHING" plays into that motherfukking narrative but since you wanna be stupid WTF makes you think that this doesnt since we already pointed out the standard disrepect of a Black character? How fukking under the rug you wanna sweep it? Wanna call me "mad" "a militant"?

I've already broke it down. Pretty simple. You're viewing Fin as a black character as if he was written to be black so you attach all the other stuff to it. If you view Fin as a character that happens to be played by a black man none of that stuff holds any weight. I can pick almost any black character and finds ways their portrayal is racist if I really want to, doesn't mean that was the actual intent.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Lets break this down

Original motivation was to not kill innocent people, against all of his training and literally everything he'd ever known. After that it was to get as far away from the First Order as possible since he'd be a wanted traitor. Then he was motivated to help the droid get home even though that wasn't his original goal. After that it was to save Rey. Let's talk about that. You keep dismissing it as 'save the white girl' even though you claim your issue is with the CHARACTER and not the racial implications :jbhmm:. 'The white girl' was only the 2nd real person he'd ever encountered and probably the first physical contact he's had with a woman. They escaped death together multiple times meaning he clearly feels strongly connected to her as she's the closest thing to a friend he's ever had. It makes complete logical sense for him to have a strong desire to save her

Its about the character right? So lets talk about THIS movie. You continue to ignore his multiple heroic moments
- disobeying orders to kill
- rescuing poe
- getting 2 kills in the first escape
- saving Rey on Jakku
- getting a few kills in the fight outside the bar
- going on a rescue mission
- bringing the shield down
- fighting a Sith and actually hurting him

Not only all that but in THIS movie, who else got a hero moment? Only Rey and Poe. Nobody else really did anything. Even Han didn't have any big moment before he died

I like the original Star Wars but am in no way a fanboy or a die hard. And I go into these as open eyed as any other brotha but I don't agree with your assessment. Writing anyone that disagrees off as having 'wool over their eyes' is a weak way of trying to dismiss their arguments without logic

Frodo stayed getting sonned in the first LOTR. Luke almost got drowned in a trash compacter. Not to mention that you're comparing this dude to the guys portrayed from the first movie as hardcore action heroes, other than maybe Luke. Aragorn was introduced as a mysterious ranger, Neo as a savior, and Luke as the son of a Jedi. Fin was an anonymous storm trooper. Not the same thing at all

So you're disagreeing with storytelling 101, huh? It's called the Hero's Journey. Know what the first steps are?

Sound familiar? Of course it does. This is Fin's arc in the movie. 1-Regular stormtrooper / 2- decides he ain'y bout that life and leaves / 3- wants to escape and get away from the First Order / 4 - sees them take Rey/gets the light saber from shorty with the glasses / 5- decides to risk his life to save Rey
:camby: with your clearly uninformed opinion of his arc
you doing body counts now?

Nah fam...lets look at the story.

hollywood is NEVER off the hook as far as i'm concerned, cause focus groups validate all the hidden and societal implications of EVERY action that takes place.


Dec 8, 2012
Can someone break down Lupita's character it's kind of ironic because of the thread title. We need to break this shyt all the way down.

I lost it at someone saying Fin using bass mouth expression's.


Nov 18, 2013
Fin was a beast :yeshrug:
Finn was a leader :yeshrug:
Finn was skilled :yeshrug:
Finn was smart :yeshrug:
Finn was brave :yeshrug:
Finn had heart :yeshrug:
Finn had everything you could want in a hero :manny:
It seems like the only people who have a problem with him are coli militants and black people who have insane expectations for him and want to find a problem with everything.
Pretty much everybody, including the ***** idiots who were hating on Boyega, love him.


Dec 8, 2012
Fin was a beast :yeshrug:
Finn was a leader :yeshrug:
Finn was skilled :yeshrug:
Finn was smart :yeshrug:
Finn was brave :yeshrug:
Finn had heart :yeshrug:
Finn had everything you could want in a hero :manny:
It seems like the only people who have a problem with him are coli militants and black people who have insane expectations for him and want to find a problem with everything.
Pretty much everybody, including the ***** idiots who were hating on Boyega, love him.
*Says the c00n of coil


May 1, 2012
I've already broke it down. Pretty simple. You're viewing Fin as a black character as if he was written to be black so you attach all the other stuff to it. If you view Fin as a character that happens to be played by a black man none of that stuff holds any weight. I can pick almost any black character and finds ways their portrayal is racist if I really want to, doesn't mean that was the actual intent.
So basically your position is that you believe that bullshyt about the character not being written/tailored around the actor being black?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Tariq gems in the vid

"He was the sidekick for everyone"

"I wouldn't say he was comic relief, he was c00n relief"

"There's a little ol android that be tasering him like how a cop tasers nikkas"

"Then the Chewbaca character carried the Black dude off like a bytch"

"Anybody tells you that dude was hero, if he's Black he's a c00n and if they're white they're a White Supremacist to co-sign that shyt. That's the kinds of Negro they like, a unix, a castrated negro. That role that brotha played... Lupita could have played that shyt. They wouldn't even have to change the script. A woman could have played that role. Nia long could have played it"

"Some people are like "I gotta see how the Finn character will develop in the new movie" oh stop, y'all sound like slaves "oh we gon get shytted on now, but let's see how we get treated in heaven, how we'll be treated in the future" nah you're getting shytted on now. I don't give a damn about maybe, I'm watching the black dude get thrown under the bus now. They're some Black people who are totally cool with that, I'll play second fiddle, I don't mind being the side-kick. Some of y'all just don't mind being the sidekick. Some of y'all don't mind being the damn sidekick. You don't mind being the unix, the asexual black friend, you don't mind playing the subservient c00n role because you probably play now in real life. So if you can play in it outer-space that's it's even better:damn:"

:laff:'''''''''''''''''''' :wow:'''''''''''''''' :laff:'''''''''''''''''' :wow:
I don't agree with Tariq on EVERYTHING...but this nikka has so much game to give :ohlawd:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
The nail in the coffin for me watching Finn...

Nikka was a stormtrooper garbageman :mjlol:
This nikka on the Death Star:
