Tariq is going hard pushing this #DontVote campaign

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
:what: Irrational fears? Have you actually payed attention to what the GOP has done to this country and minorities? I can't take you seriously, if you're saying that they're irrational fears.

This is what you said at first. Then I gave you a list of democratic presidents who still treated blacks like shyt.
Man this is some straight up dumb shortsighted bull. Black Americans have never had any politicians straight up look out for them but what they have done is vote for parties or candidates that most align with their issues. And you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to believe that Republicans and Democrats are on the same side of important issues like economic policies, drug policies, unions, healthcare policies etc. You people in this thread don't seem to actually listen to what these two parties say and how it relates to your daily life because if you did you would understand that the Democrats and Republicans couldn't be further apart. Like this is some basic political science shyt and I have to explain it :what: Motherfukkers haven't been listening to the debates? :what: :snoop:

So basically you're saying go with the lesser evil. Black people have been under the same thumb of injustice, poverty and mistreatment under democratic/republican. That's a fact.

Not only that, this dumb ass doesn't even realize at one point Republicans = Today's Democrats and visa versa back in the day. Calling Andrew Jackson a democrat by anything more than just name and not explaining how the parties switched up their ideologies is EXTREMELY misleading.

This is an example of what modern day Democrats were/are doing to black people :sas1:

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
Too many people died for black folks to be able to vote

Even if you think it's BS....... I pay my respect and vote everytime

Too many people died for you to have the freedom to choose whether or not to vote.

I haven't gone through this entire thread yet, but I fail to see how this is a solid position to take? That being not voting en masse. I understand the cynical frustration of it all, but not voting at all en masse doesn't come off like something that's going to radically affect the system to necessitate change. If anything I'd think it would increase the chances for someone like a Trump or Cruz to get into office. That's not to say Hillary or Bernie are better choices either and I often wonder what might happen if Black people voted Republican in larger numbers. The only thing that bugs me about that thought is, what happens if Black people do that and a Dem/or Dems still prevail? Despite their win (which would likely be narrow), would they view the dwindling support from Black people as a message to take seriously? Or would they pretend even less that they care about Black concerns?

Situations like this is what makes me believe Black people need better pundits and leaders. Some of the success that Tea Party candidates have enjoyed was due to the cultivating of support by pundits and other conservative personalities. They've been laying the groundwork for years, cultivating the mood and climate with talking points, and watering the soil. Occasionally they even got rain such as Obama's presidency. Black people don't seem to take well towards individuals within the community stepping up to take on ambassador roles for whatever reasons. And then here comes Tariq looking to do his part by suggesting Black people boycott voting. Sh!t like this makes me take a deep sigh.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Tell your people not to exercise their rights so the hill billies can win by a landslide .. Then hear this fool complain even more about white surpremacy when it has more of a stronghold

What country do you live in? White supremacy already has a stronghold in the USA :mjlol:

When in the history of the USA has white supremacy not been a stronghold? :why:

How has voting helped remove that stronghold? Give concrete examples of black voting redirecting resources to black hands in large enough number to combat said white supremacy :ufdup:

Feb 7, 2015
This is an example of what modern day Democrats were/are doing to black people :sas1:

If you read my first post in this you'd realize I already know about the Clintons transgressions and pointed them out as an example of why the president does effect your everyday life.

You'd also realize how retarded you and everyone else sound when they say things like "We shouldn't vote because the outcome doesn't really effect us".


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
What does this even mean? I'm not trying to be funny, but this is such a vague and nebulous question that no answer is possible.

I asked you a simple question-how has voting helped black people gain resources to combat white supremacy? If you can't give examples of how voting has benefited black people through tangible policy, via their political participation in the presidential process, then you can't make the claim that not voting in presidential campaigns will hurt them.

You're simply speaking old, tired diatribes you probably heard from some old n#gga who heard it from another old n#gga when they were young.

No. Why don't you lay out the agenda for us.
Why do you n#ggas always resort to this tired line? You're the one saying that voting is so important. Ok, well voting is important to push agendas in the hopes of passing policies at the federal level. I asked if you know of or have any connection to a black group that has such an agenda that will push the presidential candidates for policies that would directly benefit black people i.e. making the vote important and proving your own point.

But you couldn't do that either. You just decided to be intellectually lazy and throw back an old, tired line. Even when I gave you a possible assist in proving how important voting is or could be.

So we are going to blame killer cops on voting now? Really?
I have lazy arguments? Yet you can't even articulate any rebuttal via actual proof to two simple questions?

An actual plan? N#gga, I just asked you if you or any group you knew had a point by point agenda for the presidential candidates for the benefit of black people and you said No. And then proceeded to ask me for an agenda.

Let's be honest. You and people like you are voting simply for the sake of voting. Not because you actually have an agenda for your vote. Not because you some a political group with a point by point political agenda to push along with your votes. Not because you plan to use said agenda to benefit your ethnic group.

You don't have an agenda nor a political apparatus for your vote, so it will be null and void.



May 1, 2012
hypothetically... NO black people vote this year... NONE

do you think it will be better or worse the following 4 years?

and this is an open question to everyone in this thread

my answer:

it'll be 10000 times worse... once candidates realize we aren't even voting.. they won't be doing shyt with our interested at heart..

now you can say they don't do shyt now.... i don't believe that.. even if it's 10%.. it's better than 0%

you ever see a candidate talk about/do something for indian voters? or native american voters? or asian voters? hell nah

but they NEED that mexican and black vote... so to some degree, they pander to us. if we voted MORE, they'd pander MORE.. voting less means we gonna be cared about less, cause they no longer need our votes to win
:duck: black people voted in record numbers for Obama... i believe he had 97% of the black vote

That did us so much good :francis:

No Sleep

May 5, 2012
Souf Caro
I don't really have time to go through a 32 page thread. What are top three priorities specifically that you would like to include as part of a black agenda?

For example, gays wanted gay marriage. Latinos are pushing for immigration reform.

Man, you can read the first 2 or 3 pages and get some good insight on the bases of the thread.

Since you gave me one for the Latinos and Gays, I'll give you one. They can start with some from of reparations for that's simple enough.

Hell, something else I would like to see is the court system revamped, too many times blacks are put on trail with these white supremacist judges and juries and they are not receiving a fair trail.

Now, can you give me some priorities for a black agenda?


May 1, 2012
Man, you can read the first 2 or 3 pages and get some good insight on the bases of the thread.

Since you gave me one for the Latinos and Gays, I'll give you one. They can start with some from of reparations for that's simple enough.

Hell, something else I would like to see is the court system revamped, too many times blacks are put on trail with these white supremacist judges and juries and they are not receiving a fair trail.

Now, can you give me some priorities for a black agenda?
See gays had their hot button and so did latino's. We are like what about a check? What about land? What about court reform? We have no main issue and it comes off as us just wanting a hand out.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
House and Senate are more or less local elections. Especially the house. They literally represent your district. Different from the presidential elections.

Anyone who's eligible to vote can vote if they wish. I'm all for voting locally. Tariq's point, as well as the point of others, is that voting purely for the sake of voting, especially at the national level, is not the best use of your vote. Unfortunately, the black electorate has been doing this, especially with democrats, for a very long time at the national level. It's very rare these days for a Dem candidate for prez to not get at least 80-85% of the black vote. And black voters for the most part don't get much for their support, if at all.

It's even weirder when other groups more or less vote based on who is pushing their agendas. Gays will vote for the candidate that supports their cause. Latinos will vote for the candidate that supports immigration reform that benefits them specifically. Asians will look for candidates who, among many other things, is against Affirmative action (they are going hard against it in Cali and other places). And so on.

Black voters have strongly voted Democrat for some time now. Yet, we've had DA's in heavily democratic areas basically shyt on black victims that were killed unjustly by police officers by not even inditing the killers. We've had democratic mayors call those protesting against one of those killings thugs (Rawlings-Blake), and another who flat out tried to cover up a cop who got caught killing a black youth unjustly on tape (Rahm Emmanuel). Also, it was a Dem president, Bill Clinton, who pushed for policies that resulted in a lot of black people being locked up today for bs charges.

Other people in those democratic areas more or less didn't do a damn thing either. During the Mike Brown situation, the governor of Missouri basically didn't do shyt except sending national guards troops and tell people to go home. Similar situation occurred in Maryland during the Freddie Gray situation. The known notable exception in all this was Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore's state attorney, who decided to charge the cops complicit in Freddie Gray's death. And the only reason Mosby, a much younger candidate who was outspent 3 to 1, got that position is that the people actually got their vote on in a local election.

As for Obama, rather than siding with the electorate that supported him the most, he basically tried playing both sides of the fence in terms of rhetoric, while pretty much doing very little and nothing notable on the police brutality issue.

He could've said that said that there are good police out there, but the irresponsible ones should be held accountable, similar to how he framed his argument when calling certain protesters thugs on a press conference (which is a whole topic in of itself).

He did not.

He could've slapped fed charges on Eric Garner's killer, just like George Bush Sr. slapped fed charges on the cops that beat up Rodney King after they were acquitted. The same killing everyone saw on tape.

He did not.

He did, however, not only openly supported gay marriage (I have no problems with gay marriage personally), after reversing a position he's held for over 10 years, he's actively pushing gay marriage overseas, especially in Africa.
Obama: Gay marriage ruling is 'a victory for America'
Barack Obama tells African states to abandon anti-gay discrimination

He did, however, sign a bill specifically benefiting police officers.
Obama signs 'Blue Alert' law to protect police

He did, however, sign executive orders that deferred deportations for an estimated 5 million undocumented immigrants (both children and parents) and provided undocumented immigrants (who meet a certain criteria) a renewable two-year work permit and exemption from deportation (for those that came illegally as children) and a three-year, renewable work permit and exemption from deportation (for parents).
Obama Announces His New Immigration Plan
Deferred Action for Parents of Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He did, however, earmark $12 million for holocaust survivors. Even though the U.S. had nothing to do with either causing, supporting, or continuing the holocaust).
Obama administration earmarks $12M for Holocaust survivors

His administration even began negotiations with France for holocaust survivors...in France...to get reparations. When the states of New York and Maryland were thinking of contracting a French company that transported jews to concentration camps during WWII, the Obama Administration send both states a warning saying that they are messing up the negotiations.
Obama administration warns states over Holocaust reparation talks with France

Meanwhile, Obama, like most dems (and repubs) is officially against reparations for black people in the US. And he has opposed it for a long time.
Obama opposes reparations for slavery

Now, are there some bills / laws Obama has past that ended up benefiting black people in some way? Sure. Were black people specifically the intended recipients? No, no really.
And even initiatives like My Brother's Keeper (which I like), or even the billions of dollars to farmers, other people benefit greatly as well.

-My Brother's Keeper: Black and Latino Youth.
Obama: Black, Latino Young Men Focus Of 'My Brother's Keeper Alliance'

-The Billions for farmers: Black farmers and Native American .

So with all things in mind, yes, black voters should strongly consider changing their behavior. Black voters have played the "lesser of two evils" game for a very long time and it has bit us in the ass many times over, even with a black president around. Many black voters basically vote on autopilot, whether it be out of tradition, obligation, or otherwise. And when they do, they for the most part don't ask much out of their elected officials. As long as said elected official mentioned some rhetoric about black people that may be interpreted as positive, all is good.

Meanwhile, other groups are getting stuff they specifically ask for. Why? Because at some point, they put the pressure on their officials, and they are willing to pull both their votes AND their money off the table and put it to someone else who will take on their cause.

If both parties, and the Dems in particular, notice that the black vote is willing to not vote (D) this time around, you best believe BOTH parties will notice this. And ultimately, if neither party at a national level are willing to take on causes that black voter specifically ask for, then not voting for either, at a national level, should def be on the table.
They wasn't ready for that:damn:

@bdizzle read this shyt


May 20, 2012
Man, you can read the first 2 or 3 pages and get some good insight on the bases of the thread.

Since you gave me one for the Latinos and Gays, I'll give you one. They can start with some from of reparations for that's simple enough.

Hell, something else I would like to see is the court system revamped, too many times blacks are put on trail with these white supremacist judges and juries and they are not receiving a fair trail.

Now, can you give me some priorities for a black agenda?

I actually agree with the idea of reparations even though as a Kenyan American, I wouldn't benefit. Unless I married a black chick :lolbron:

What black people need is create an agenda and get activist behind that agenda and push it. Our black leaders did it in the 50s and 60s. It took the gay movement more than 35 years to achieve their goal. What i'm opposed to is reactionaries and contrarians with no plan or strategy bytching for the sake of bytching.

No Sleep

May 5, 2012
Souf Caro
See gays had their hot button and so did latino's. We are like what about a check? What about land? What about court reform? We have no main issue and it comes off as us just wanting a hand out.

Whats wrong with us getting reparations though? Are we not as deserving of that as they are immigration and marriage? We have got shytted on the this country a lot worse than those other groups.

No Sleep

May 5, 2012
Souf Caro
I actually agree with the idea of reparations even though as a Kenyan American, I wouldn't benefit. Unless I married a black chick :lolbron:

What black people need is create an agenda and get activist behind that agenda and push it. Our black leaders did it in the 50s and 60s. It took the gay movement more than 35 years to achieve their goal. What i'm opposed to is reactionaries and contrarians with no plan or strategy bytching for the sake of bytching.

One way to start is by not giving these mother fukkers our vote.