Mongolians did not have contact with every Eastern European country like that. And in the Case they did, are you really trying to imply that a minuscule amount of non European DNA is enough to completely change the intellectual capacity of a group of peopleLet me guess, the Aryan blood has to be kept completely pure and uncontaminated by non euro DNA to function properly ?
South Korea industrialised themselves and were given large amounts of foreign aid to do so. You think the practices of conolisation was standardised everywhere ? You think certain countries were not left economically worse off than others. Do you know about sanctions imposed by European governments on their colonies for simply becoming independent. Do you think African countries were given any where near the same type of aid as South Korea, in fact, many are still paying tax for their independence.
And that's not getting into the hand Europeans played in consistently stifling any signs of growth in Africa after indepence. Who do you think was behind the demise of people like Kwame Nkrumah and Thomas sankara? People who were progressing their nations.
You don't know shyt about shyt, dumbass. And to think all this hatred you have stems from seeing black men dating white women
Elliot Rodgers ass cac![]()
1. The mitochondrial gene pools of Czechs and other Slavic populations are practically indistinguishable
2. I'm still not a CAC. I've provided proof of my blackness. The burden of proof was on me to prove my blackness and I came through. Now the burden of proof is on you to prove your claims
Anyways, let's just agree to disagree. This discussion has gotten out of hand. The genetic breakdowns can be left in HL but this thread is about people reconnecting with their roots.