breh, if you honestly feel this test is "IMPOSSIBLE", "DIFFICULT", or even "SLIGHTLY DIFFICULT" you got a problem. i seriously went through that shyt in 4-5 minutes in the middle of work 40-50 people around me.
thanks to this test, i can now air out who is a a retard on this forum and not listen to their opinions. I think im going to block everyone who called this test hard so when im in "Higher Learning" my brain isnt tainted with their dumb ass opinions. i mean jesus christ people. i'd laugh if it wasnt so damn sad.
This test was made to fool the POOR & UNEDUCATED. People who cant read. People who are slow. People who are dumb as fukk
If you are posting on this forum in 2013 and find ANY of these questions mind boggling you're a big dummy. Keep ya conspiracy theories to yourself. Keep your political opinions to yourself. Watch andi listen to the world but dont dare speak up. Now I know why THE MAN made these tests...I finally get it.. Cause I now see if you cant get through this shyt easily you shouldnt be able to cast your opinion against a person who knows the difference between left and right.
i literally cant believe some of you are complaining how hard this is. I hope ya'll joking. i pray to god you are. Least now I know who to add to my ignore list when they have a problem with my opinion and dare speak up because they have a tongue or the ability to type sentences with clarity.