The last sentence here is grammatically dysfunctional, and you had all the time in the world to write it with no pressure. Its not even nitpicking, its a severe error that even a 5th grader wouldnt make. But never mind that...
I asked you if you understood basic math, right mr. engineer?
30 questions in 10 minutes....like Jay said, niqqa I can divide....that means you have to read and physically write the answer in under 20 seconds for each question on average, without a mistake. That would be next to impossible for a straightforward, basic test, let alone a test like this.
You said you answered them all correctly in 4-5 minutes, which is less than 10 seconds a question. Thats an impossibility, if we operate under the laws of space and time here on earth.
But perhaps Im talking to an einstein level genius here, so explain how there is a correct answer for 29, and how question 30 is a functional sentence (this is a literacy test after all). You should be able to respond quickly with that answer, given your apparent performance in the literacy test, and your ability to solve questions that arent even solvable.