Take the Impossible “Literacy” Test Louisiana Gave Black Voters in the 1960s


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
I refuse to read all that bullshyt. Have your moment of glory.

cant read either? refuse to HEAR the other side. symptoms of a dummy. im sorry you just found out bro. the people around you havr probably known for years and just didnt want to hurt your feelings.
edit: wont drop the :HOGAN: on ya. thats too much. im sorry bro. didnt mean to offend you but step your game up calling yourself higher tech and being had by a test designed to weed out undeveloped minds

no offense to those in the 60s who were duped. but theres no excuse for any of you to be having trouble. zero excuse. and im not gonna celebrate finding out im not illiterate... i prolly did that when i was 5 and read cat in the hat


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
breh, if you honestly feel this test is "IMPOSSIBLE", "DIFFICULT", or even "SLIGHTLY DIFFICULT" you got a problem. i seriously went through that shyt in 4-5 minutes in the middle of work 40-50 people around me.

thanks to this test, i can now air out who is a a retard on this forum and not listen to their opinions. I think im going to block everyone who called this test hard so when im in "Higher Learning" my brain isnt tainted with their dumb ass opinions. i mean jesus christ people. i'd laugh if it wasnt so damn sad.

This test was made to fool the POOR & UNEDUCATED. People who cant read. People who are slow. People who are dumb as fukk

If you are posting on this forum in 2013 and find ANY of these questions mind boggling you're a big dummy. Keep ya conspiracy theories to yourself. Keep your political opinions to yourself. Watch and listen to the world but dont dare speak up. Now I know why THE MAN made these tests...I finally get it.. Cause I now see if you cant get through this shyt easily you shouldnt be able to cast your opinion against a person who knows the difference between left and right.

i literally cant believe some of you are complaining how hard this is. I hope ya'll joking. i pray to god you are. Least now I know who to add to my ignore list when they have a problem with my opinion and dare speak up because they have a tongue or the ability to type sentences with clarity.


Oh you think you can vote huh????..:birdman: lol I messed up on question because I wasn't paying attention. But the point is one fukk up and you can't vote, disqualified. Its not about getting them all right its about if you make a mistake, you can't vote. And this type of mess is getting ready to come back due to the VRA getting thrown in the bushes.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
breh, if you honestly feel this test is "IMPOSSIBLE", "DIFFICULT", or even "SLIGHTLY DIFFICULT" you got a problem. i seriously went through that shyt in 4-5 minutes in the middle of work 40-50 people around me.

thanks to this test, i can now air out who is a a retard on this forum and not listen to their opinions. I think im going to block everyone who called this test hard so when im in "Higher Learning" my brain isnt tainted with their dumb ass opinions. i mean jesus christ people. i'd laugh if it wasnt so damn sad.

This test was made to fool the POOR & UNEDUCATED. People who cant read. People who are slow. People who are dumb as fukk

If you are posting on this forum in 2013 and find ANY of these questions mind boggling you're a big dummy. Keep ya conspiracy theories to yourself. Keep your political opinions to yourself. Watch and listen to the world but dont dare speak up. Now I know why THE MAN made these tests...I finally get it.. Cause I now see if you cant get through this shyt easily you shouldnt be able to cast your opinion against a person who knows the difference between left and right.

i literally cant believe some of you are complaining how hard this is. I hope ya'll joking. i pray to god you are. Least now I know who to add to my ignore list when they have a problem with my opinion and dare speak up because they have a tongue or the ability to type sentences with clarity.


Usually trolls are brevity minded, and limit their bs to one or two lines. You actually spent time typing this lying, stupid bullsht. You must have a mental illness, and a lot of time on your hands.

Question, do you understand basic math? I'll answer, no you do not.


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
Usually trolls are brevity minded, and limit their bs to one or two lines. You actually spent time typing this lying, stupid bullsht. You must have a mental illness, and a lot of time on your hands.

Question, do you understand basic math? I'll answer, no you do not.

im an electrical/computer engineer.

sorry youre a janitor

lol @ having to lie to pass this test. This thread is easily one of the greatest of all times. now im typing too much for ya'll to udnerstand. The only one with a mental illness are those who cannot pass this test. bubba gump ass motherfukkers


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
Oh you think you can vote huh????..:birdman: lol I messed up on question because I wasn't paying attention. But the point is one fukk up and you can't vote, disqualified. Its not about getting them all right its about if you make a mistake, you can't vote. And this type of mess is getting ready to come back due to the VRA getting thrown in the bushes.

going over it quickly and fukking up is one thing. when it coems down to your voting rights you dont rush through a test. 10 minutes is PLENTY of time for this thing.

I just think its incredibly :sadcam:/:laff:/:huh: that some of yall having so much trouble. :whoo:


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
going over it quickly and fukking up is one thing. when it coems down to your voting rights you dont rush through a test. 10 minutes is PLENTY of time for this thing.

I just think its incredibly :sadcam:/:laff:/:huh: that some of yall having so much trouble. :whoo:

I still wouldn't be able to vote......damn :noah:.....

:violent: but neither will you!! It's either I vote or no one votes!!! :pacspit:


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
lol @ having to lie to pass this test. This thread is easily one of the greatest of all times. now im typing too much for ya'll to udnerstand. The only one with a mental illness are those who cannot pass this test. bubba gump *** motherfukkers

:whoo: The last sentence here is grammatically dysfunctional, and you had all the time in the world to write it with no pressure. Its not even nitpicking, its a severe error that even a 5th grader wouldnt make. But never mind that...

I asked you if you understood basic math, right mr. engineer?

30 questions in 10 minutes....like Jay said, niqqa I can divide....that means you have to read and physically write the answer in under 20 seconds for each question on average, without a mistake. That would be next to impossible for a straightforward, basic test, let alone a test like this.

You said you answered them all correctly in 4-5 minutes, which is less than 10 seconds a question. Thats an impossibility, if we operate under the laws of space and time here on earth.

But perhaps Im talking to an einstein level genius here, so explain how there is a correct answer for 29, and how question 30 is a functional sentence (this is a literacy test after all). You should be able to respond quickly with that answer, given your apparent performance in the literacy test, and your ability to solve questions that arent even solvable.


LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls
The wording in question #29 would've gotten me shot and killed because my black a## would have raged the f*ck out at the voting station. A lot of the questions were retarded, but 29 took the cake for me :pacspit:

I'm a few years into college in 2013, and was an honors student in high school, and I'm a reasonably intelligent person, so I'm thinking about da struggah of brotha in 1960's that's been deprived of a decent education all his life trying to figure his way around this bullsh!t test.........in 10 minutes :aicmon::

I'm the undisputed king of apathy, but this sh!t got me genuinely upset more than anything has in a while, especially when I think hypothetically about the person that might have passed (I say hypothetical because 10 minutes :comeon:), but still ended up getting f*cked over :wow:


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
"Writes 'CAC'"


Anyway regardless of whether the test is actually hard, the thing is that these questions are confusing as hell. Add that to the fact that given the context it's fair to assume that the people passing the test weren't used to passing tests in teh first place and probably were nervous as hell, and yeah, this was basically a scheme to keep black people from voting. 10min?

And the most important and obvious thing: what has being able to "draw a line around the fifth letter of the sixth word" have to do with one's ability to vote/understand issues at hand?