This goes beyond wrestling, stan wars, and other bullshyt. This is about principle and understanding.
You have a former wrestler that is tired of how tone deaf the company is trying to explain the issues that should be taking accountable for.
Then you have a promoter who could take those grievances and try to make something happen for the future of the company, along with creating a better environment for wrestlers of all color. Instead, this dikkhead post a backhanded douchebag tweet like he's fukking Dana White.
Nevermind the reality that AEW is so fukking bland and one sided when it comes down to whose being booked, you had a worker who just wants something better for the company and you tell her that she "stinks".
This is the same wrestler that put Britt Baker on, wrestled with fukking crohns disease and still felt the sting in the ring, and improved over time but she's in the wrong for wanting wrestlers like Hobbs to have next without being next in line at Dark.

I wanted this company to become WCW in the best ways, and not the worse ways brehs
