I once had a white neighbor that started acting funny towards me out the blue once, she never confronted me about it until one day she seen me talking to her husband and she walked up on us and asked can she speak with me about something. He hit me with the

face.... I said sure

she pulled me to the side and said she was disappointed with me. I hit her with the

and asked why. She told me she had heard me on the phone weeks ago telling someone to come and hurt my woman. I was


at that point and told her I didn't know what she was talking about and I walked away before I said something that would've made the situation really go bad. I seen her Husband the next day and confronted him about what his wife said. He told me she overheard me on the phone telling someone to bring someone to beat my wife for me. Knowing I call my woman "Wifey" around him I put 1 and 1 together and realized she overheard a conversation me and my woman had when she was at the store and asked if I wanted something and I said "Get me some wife beaters".
I told him that's what we call tank tees where I'm from and I never said shyt to her about it, I didn't blame her for being lame to slang because she was white and older than me. It's the fact that she thought that low of me to not give me the benefit of the doubt after all the time she's known me.
I say all that to say I only used that reference once on here and that was 5 years ago. The fact that mufukkas going back half a decade to pull up receipts shows that mufukkas legit hate me

the point of communication is proper interpretation so I try to use less turf slang on here because like E-40 said "Everybody ain't up on it".
So respond with
"I don't give a fukk about that story because you said something that I don't like or understand" and continue to say shyt that will get you brownie points from the mob of hate