think we are starting to see that decline 
this jessica relationship storyline is weak and boring already

this jessica relationship storyline is weak and boring already
think we are starting to see that decline
this jessica relationship storyline is weak and boring already
Louis is a wolf when he's on. Louis and Donna kill every scene they're in. They're low key the stars of the show.The power the Jessica has and uses when she needs to makes her so damn appealing and sexy even though she's an older woman. I wanna blow that back out on time, real talk
And if Mike is gonna play with the big boys, he needs to throw Rachel in the bushes. And Louis punk ass needs to be thrown in the bushes too. Can't see how me made it so far at the firm with such bytchass tendencies.
Harvey and Jessica need to groom a ton of lawyer wolves to be just like them and not like punk ass Louis
He's a financier that Harvey did a shady deal with and his grudge with him.Yo I was half watching the latest episode. Who is Eric Roberts and what's his connection to Harvey. I get that he's investing in Mike, but didn't pick up on his history with Harvey.