Another thing.. I have a lot more time to gather my thoughts properly now that I left the office…
This was partially the reason why on my SM page, I throw up or repost a lot of good things black men do or have done… if I post anything at all it’s underlining proof that we are just as special and important as everyone else… if not more. Especially because I got to young black nephews going through this.. One even came out of hiding to say he agreed with me on certain topics. Even if I hate crabs/c00ns.. and a c00n to me really was never about who you dated.
It was about who’s boot you licking to get in at the expense of shytting on black people. It was about what you put out there to solidify yourself in certain non-blk groups. You rarely see me say wench on here either… because my issue wasn’t about who you dated it was the “why” and the actions behind it afterwards.
It’s not that bm even care if bw date out… it’s the hypocrisy and the denial. My instincts told me this already. “Bulletbags” was one of the biggest clues to this thought process I’ve ever heard. I can never forget that..
Couldn’t imagine another group of women having sub-groups of women that hate their own men so much that they wish death on them.
Lost hope a long time ago though, so