This is probably because high value, and good looking black men don’t date online, and a lot of white men are afraid to approach a black woman in person.
This is another lie that was exposed in the study above.
White men don't approach BW in the dating app because they don't desire BW, so why would they approach them in person? As the researcher pointed out, BW are the least desired by non-Black groups. So it isn't a matter of what you alluded to.
This phenomenon has also been reported in the essay below. This was conducted by the University of Colorado. One of the respondents, Lee, was from a middle class background, college educated, and worked with Black women:
"Just the term ‘black women’ conjures up thoughts of an overweight, dark-skinned, loud, poorly educated person with gold teeth yelling at somebody in public. I hope that doesn’t make me racist but honestly that’s the 1st thing I think of.”- Lee, middle class white male in his 30’s, from Florida"
This quote by Lee and several other white male respondents in this essay dispute notions that only a few highly identifiable, old, deep-south bigots hold strong deep seated racialized views of black women. These expressions by white male respondents are indicative of the consistent exclusion of black women as relationship partners by white men, and representative of a powerful mental processing at play that goes beyond the limited language of stereotype.
A Body That Does Not Compare: How White Men Define Black Female Beauty in the Era of Colorblindness
“Just the term ‘black women’ conjures up thoughts
You can't escape white supremacy and a lot of insecure Black folk make up asinine reasons as to why white people don't like them.
I will be frank with the answer as to why white people don't value/like Black folk: they have reengineered Black people to be the antithesis to whiteness. So we must be everything that is bad - ugly, dumb, and genetically inferior. We must be this in order for whiteness to be seen as something that is good and desirable.
If Blackness was made to be desirable through Black empowerment not being stifled, etc..., white birthrates would have plummeted ages ago.
All this study should confirm is that white people are on code whereas non-whites are not on code, confused, and deeply insecure.