Study Finds White Americans Believe They Experience More Racism Than African Americans


May 16, 2012
They're not really prepared. If black people started stocking up on guns, they would get scared as hell and start changing laws. Notice how the racist vigilantes will only target black teenagers or black people over 50. They're scared to death of us.

True...that second ammendment bullshyt would go out the window quick if minorities and immigrants were buying up all the guns. Swedish style gun laws would get passed through congress at record speed. Its cool as long as jimbo from the swamp stocks up on his AR-15's tho :whoa:


Apr 16, 2013
True...that second ammendment bullshyt would go out the window quick if minorities and immigrants were buying up all the guns. Swedish style gun laws would get passed through congress at record speed. Its cool as long as jimbo from the swamp stocks up on his AR-15's tho :whoa:

When the Black Panthers started getting a bunch of guns the NRA actually shifted their position to stricter gun control laws in the 1970s. That's why California's gun laws are the way that they are.

cole phelps

Nov 11, 2013
How crazy is that that these people are happy to watch someone burn to death in the public square.
whats crazier is the story behind it....

By 5:00 p.m., a mob of about 4,000 whites had crowded into the street on the south side of the Douglas County Courthouse. They began to assault the police officers, pushing one through a pane of glass in a door and attacking two others who had wielded clubs at the mob. At 5:15 p.m., officers deployed fire hoses to dispel the crowd, but they responded with a shower of bricks and sticks. Nearly every window on the south side of the courthouse was broken. The crowd stormed the lower doors of the courthouse, and the Police inside discharged their weapons down an elevator shaft in an attempt to frighten them, but this further incited the mob. They again rushed the police who were standing guard outside the building, broke through their lines, and entered the courthouse through a broken basement door.
It was at this moment that Marshal Eberstein, chief of police, arrived. He asked leaders of the mob to give him a chance to talk to the crowd. He mounted to one of the window sills. Beside him was a recognized chief of the mob. At the request of its leader, the crowd stilled its clamor for a few minutes. Chief Eberstein tried to tell the mob that its mission would best be served by letting justice take its course. The crowd refused to listen. Its members howled so that the chief's voice did not carry more than a few feet. Eberstein ceased his attempt to talk and entered the besieged building.
By 6 p.m., throngs swarmed about the court house on all sides. The crowd wrestled revolvers, badges and caps from policemen. They chased and beat every colored person who ventured into the vicinity. White men who attempted to rescue innocent blacks from unmerited punishment were subjected to physical abuse. The police had lost control of the crowd.
By 7 p.m., most of the policemen had withdrawn to the interior of the court house. There, they joined forces with Michael Clark, sheriff of Douglas County, who had summoned his deputies to the building with the hope of preventing the capture of Brown. The policemen and sheriffs formed their line of last resistance on the fourth floor of the court house.
The police were not successful in their efforts. Before 8 p.m., they discovered that the crowd had set the courthouse building on fire. Its leaders had tapped a nearby gasoline filling station and saturated the lower floors with the flammable liquid.
Shots were fired as the mob pillaged hardware stores in the business district and entered pawnshops, seeking firearms. Police records showed that more than 1,000 revolvers and shotguns were stolen that night. The mob shot at any policeman; seven officers received gunshot wounds, although none of the wounds were serious.
Louis Young, 16 years old, was fatally shot in the stomach while leading a gang up to the fourth floor of the building. Witnesses said the youth was the most intrepid of the mob's leaders.
Pandemonium reigned outside the building. At Seventeenth and Douglas Streets, one block from the court house, James Hiykel, a 34-year-old businessman, was shot and killed.
The crowd continued to strike the courthouse with bullets and rocks. Spectators were shot. Participants inflicted minor wounds upon themselves. Women were thrown to the ground and trampled. Blacks were dragged from streetcars and beaten

Meanwhile the plight of the police in the court house had become desperate. The fire had licked its way to the third floor. The officers faced the prospect of roasting to death. Appeals for help to the crowd below brought only bullets and curses. The mob frustrated all attempts to raise ladders to the imprisoned police. "Bring Brown with you and you can come down," somebody in the crowd shouted.
On the second floor of the building, three policemen and a newspaper reporter were imprisoned in a safety vault, whose thick metal door the mob had shut. The four men hacked their way out through the court house wall. The mob shot at them as they squirmed out of the stifling vault.
The gases of formaldehyde added to the terrors of the men imprisoned within the flaming building. Several jars of the powerful chemical had burst on the stairway. Its deadly fumes mounted to the upper floors. Two policemen were overcome. Their companions could do nothing to alleviate their sufferings.
Sheriff Clark led his prisoners (there were 121 of them) to the roof. Will Brown, for whom the mob was howling, became hysterical. Blacks, fellow prisoners of the hunted man, tried to throw him off the roof. Deputy Sheriffs Hoye and McDonald foiled the attempt.
Sheriff Clark ordered that female prisoners be taken from the building due to their distress. They ran down the burning staircases clad only in prison pajamas. Some of them fainted on the way. Members of the mob escorted them through the smoke and flames. Black women as well as white women were helped to safety.
The mob poured more gasoline into the building. They cut every line of hose that firemen laid from nearby hydrants. The flames were rapidly lapping their way upward. It seemed like certain cremation for the prisoners and their protectors.

Then three slips of paper were thrown from the fourth floor on the west side of the building. On one piece was scrawled: "The judge says he will give up Negro Brown. He is in dungeon. There are 100 white prisoners on the roof. Save them."
Another note read: "Come to the fourth floor of the building and we will hand the negro over to you."
The mob in the street shrieked its delight at the last message. Boys and young men placed firemen's ladders against the building. They mounted to the second story. One man had a heavy coil of new rope on his back. Another had a shotgun.
Two or three minutes after the unidentified athletes had climbed to the fourth floor, a mighty shout and a fusillade of shots were heard from the south side of the building.
Will Brown had been captured. A few minutes more and his lifeless body was hanging from a telephone post at Eighteenth and Harney Streets. Hundreds of revolvers and shotguns were fired at the corpse as it dangled in mid-air. Then, the rope was cut. Brown's body was tied to the rear end of an automobile. It was dragged through the streets to Seventeenth and Dodge Streets, four blocks away. The oil from red lanterns used as danger signals for street repairs was poured on the corpse. It was burned. Members of the mob hauled the charred remains through the business district for several hours.
Sheriff Clark said that Negro prisoners hurled Brown into the hands of the mob as its leaders approached the stairway leading to the county jail. Clark also reported that Brown moaned "I am innocent, I never did it; my God, I am innocent," as he was surrendered to the mob.[6] Newspapers have quoted alleged leaders of the mob as saying that Brown was shoved at them through a blinding smoke by persons whom they could not see

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
True...that second ammendment bullshyt would go out the window quick if minorities and immigrants were buying up all the guns. Swedish style gun laws would get passed through congress at record speed. Its cool as long as jimbo from the swamp stocks up on his AR-15's tho :whoa:
Breh the Left, which we love to follow, is all about weapon suppression. Folks should be suspicious about this! I try to tell folks! We are being trained to be scare of defending ourselves. Kats need to think things through. I gotta say I"m not down for violence. But if you don't defend you and yours to the death you are already losing in more ways than one!


Nov 27, 2012
We are living in the race war, right now. AND LOSING.

Whites run Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. etc. and ya'll worried about guns.. 90% of your life will be dictated by white companies, while black men near 50% unemployed but the answer is guns.. ok sure...... :beli:


Jun 22, 2012
We are living in the race war, right now. AND LOSING.

Whites run Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. etc. and ya'll worried about guns.. 90% of your life will be dictated by white companies, while black men near 50% unemployed but the answer is guns.. ok sure...... :beli:

That's what I'm saying, we need to start owning shyt.

cole phelps

Nov 11, 2013
We are living in the race war, right now. AND LOSING.

Whites run Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. etc. and ya'll worried about guns.. 90% of your life will be dictated by white companies, while black men near 50% unemployed but the answer is guns.. ok sure...... :beli:
speaking of race war I recommend this book to you brehs what went down is sad and mind blowing Its VERY relevant.
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Nov 27, 2012
I'm just looking into 22lr ammo deals but I feel you 100%. :lolbron: kats can just pm me I am not a fan of derailing threads.
I'm just saying, ever since Sandy Hook it's pretty obvious gun laws aren't ever changing. I just hope more people would realize that it's a distraction.

They want us to bytch about trivial shyt while they pile millions on top of millions.

I don't know about ya'll but this year I'm getting serious about this Tech VC money... gotta get in that world.