666 ReVeNGe 666
This game gives me anxiety
You know what's crazy? I knew I felt uneasy playing this shyt but I never even considered it was the game causing that feeling. shyts actually really uncomfortable, on some evil omen shytThis game gives me anxiety
You know what's crazy? I knew I felt uneasy playing this shyt but I never even considered it was the game causing that feeling. shyts actually really uncomfortable, on done evil omen shyt
My god damn surgeon died
My god damn surgeon died
Man I pretty much played this all dayI turned some Random scrub Ethan into a master Gardening, my nukka on to that Agriculture
I had some random cac Charles gave him the chemistry skill and now he's a master at munitions, I got the workshop mod to make shotgun shells, I made a whole heap shot gun shells and loaded up and took out maybe 4 or 5 juggernauts over the course of the day, also made some grenades for my grenade launcher
I unlocked the military strike but if it can't take out a house I'd rather use my skills
Last thing I did was destroy my hospital and make a Auto shop so I can trick out my cars, upgraded my suburu, my ram truck and my delivery van they look like some madmax ish now
Just got a shooting range to max out my shooting on all my guys
Last thing I did was destroy all the plague hearts in my town so I gotta do my legacy ish
I've been playing offline but I'm trying to add you guys, OP needs to update the first post with everyones XBL tags
LOL I just might, I'm watching the game now. Say what if Golden State loses I'lll jump on to celebrateyou getting back on tonight? ill be on after the warriors game
LOL I just might, I'm watching the game now. Say what if Golden State loses I'lll jump on to celebrate