Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


May 1, 2012
Did you post a review?
Naw cause the super stan in me won't allow me to say anything bad about the movie

So my review looks like this Kylo was a beast I give him

Star Wars The Force Awakens a


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
I agree, it was kind of "convinient" how fast she "learned" to use her force powers.

But as I've read someone say, I think it's possible she was trained when she was young and perhaps had her mind wiped when she was left on that planet (To hide her from Kylo, I think). So maybe the training she did as a kid is coming back to her now:manny:.

Also, lets be realistic, Kylo Ren HAD to fight somebody at the end of that film, else peeps were gonna be leaving that film saying "we didn't see enough Kylo:martin:"

At least they tried to explain it away a bit by giving him that injury and making it clear he is not yet a master of his own ability/still needs to complete his training:manny:

I guess my beef is the way Disney (and most of Hollywood) steers away from taking a risk and letting the bad guy win. I think that's why I love ESB so much. If Kylo had won the duel, and injured or at least fended Rey off until the ground broke, it would have been much more compelling and offered more suspense for their next duel. It also would have given her some inspiration for training under Luke. It doesn't even seem like she needs training at this point, if she can just close her eyes and master a saber.


May 5, 2012
Just saw it last night. I couldn't help but be hyped based off reviews but I came out a little disappointed tbh. Still a fun movie to watch and not what I was expecting, both good and bad. 7/10


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
I saw the movie again and I have to agree with people complaints about Rey being to OP and a Mary Sue.:patrice:

Unless it was down on purpose for some crazy plot for Episode 8 I don't why they made nearly almost perfect in skills wise.

That might come back to bite them if they continue this route with her character in the next two movies. She almost fully development and should no problem beating Kylo Ren again with Luke's training.

I also might agree with people complaints about Kylo Ren depending what they do with him in the next sequels.

They can't make him the made villain in the next movie, he already lost a big fight(regardless of his injury's and him holding back) and his already conflicted with the dark and light side of the force.

His not a confident villain so him still probably being the made villain would be dumb because nobody wanna see him lose another big fight in the next movie or him beating Rey and than have a third round in Episode 9. It's a waste of time and people will get bored fast from it.

The only option I see from Ren position in the next movie is him being a secondary Villain or him turning good or a anti-hero.
Sep 12, 2013
"robbing them for their happy ending".... I presume you mean from the end of Return of the Jedi. The main reason is life itself isn't filled with complete happy endings. And if this saga to continue, you have to presume just killing off the Emperor and destroying a 2nd death star isn't enough to REALLY overthrow the regime. It makes sense, given how REAL LIFE history have shown, toppling one regime only would create another.

To me, the force was never balanced after killing off the Sith. The force must have BOTH a dark side and a light side. The dark side will inevitably reemerge. And thus here we are now.
of course evil can never truly be extinguished. i am perfectly fine with the emergence of a new threat. after all it is star wars... the war doesnt end.

it would be different if they were all in a good place and returned to fight the new bad guy, but to discover that luke han and leia are worse off than they were before... again just kinda sucks the wind out of everything. not only that but they are actually TO BLAME this time. kylo ren is the product of their failures.

the celebration on endor will never pack the same punch. you know now that they fukk it all up and ruin everything. the skywalkers are simultaneously the galaxy's greatest hope and also it's greatest threat. so weird.

Rice N Beans

Junior Hayley Stan
May 5, 2012
Chicago, IL
Pacing was too quick. Villain was bad in the Star Wars sense. Characters not fleshed out as well as I had hoped.

One thing Lucas got right was storytelling and it wasn't so much here. Also NO SCREENWIPES?! :angry:

But the movie is still really really good.

EDIT: Also people shouldn't be posting up crazy theories so much yet. It's easily implied that Ben and Rey are possibly related. The whole movie is fan service and you can tell that pretty easily too. The character paths seem pretty straightforward now.

I've seen people come up with crazy stuff about Luke and why he's where he is at. Luke fled just as Yoda fled when he failed with Palpatine: out of shame and guilt. Both hid on planets with low amounts of life so be under the radar. You know force users can "scan" for life and power. I doubt he's out doing anything major in a story arc sense. The Jedi Temple idea fits but I don't think that is why he's there nor for anything else like a grave site or mediation. People kind of think too much into ti and taking the whole movie into account (as fan service) I think it makes the most sense.

Rey's quick adaptation to the force is based on her own bookworming and hobbies. She lives in an Imperial Walker, keeps a little Rebel pilot doll, even wears the helmet. She knows about Han, Luke, the force, she isn't totally new. So when Han reveals it's all legit, she isn't skeptical, and the light saber scene seals it that it's completely real and she tried it out during her interrogation. Her quick adaptation was simply prior knowledge and conformations and simply willing to give it a try. Is that all it takes? Obviously not, but she is ahead of the game so to speak. I know some ppl were spazzing on how she was adept early on but that explains it. People gotta pay attention more to the movie sorry to say.

Ren still has a lot of good in him. You can tell because his face isn't jacked up yet. But I think killing Han was the full committal. Snoke even says in the end "we can complete his training". Being power hungry isn't enough of a reason (considering he is obsessed with being as strong as Vader) but now that he's got a crushed ego and battle scars he can harbor more resentment.

Fin's character is the most interesting as he lines up with Old Han more being a lying escapist. (even down to the jacket! details men) It's implied that he is Force sourced so I don't know where they're taking him. It made the most sense to be Han 2.0 but Rey has the Falcon and Chewbacca thundercock (:scust:) so I personally think he's going to be the secondary Jedi role. Most (all?) movies have had two Jedi roles so I think that's where he will be.
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Jun 10, 2012
It get this but they set dude up in the beginning of the film to be "that nicca" already. I assume we all thought dude was fully trained and was ready for that true villain role but as sh*t progressed he's trash and its really a facade. They went backwards with his character and it takes the intrigue out of it for me. He kills Han:comeon:. I don't know. He reminds me of The Mandarin in Iron Man 3- a joke. Started with a spark but now he's just garbage. But I digress

But they didn't. They constantly reminded the audience that he wasn't Vader. Hux talked to him like he was a rookie. Even Snoke said he wasn't ready a few times. The temper tantrums proved he's immature. He's been killing innocent villagers and nobodies all this time. Chewy damaged him, Finn slowed him down, and Rey took advantage of him trying to convert rather than kill her. He got tested and caught an L. Next time they meet up he'll give Rey that work.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
Anyone can use the light saber. Both Han and General Greivous were able to use it.

This is not all the way true. Yes Han and Grevious used it but Han only used it to cut open an animal to save Luke. Han never used it in a battle. Anyone can turn on a lightsaber, not anyone can use it effectively. General Grevious was TRAINED by a Jedi Master who turned Sith Lord Count Dooku who was Yoda's padawan. So Grevious was trianed in the Jedi Arts. Plus he was a cyborg that can process information quickly and had super strenth. Nobody can just "Use" a Lightsaber in battle. It's already been proven only force users can control it effectively. It takes certain reflexes to fight with a saber that only force users have. The fact Finn could control it effectively on his first time using it and the fact he stuck with Kylo as long as he did including getting a hit to me is more evidence that he's force sensative but doesn't understand his power yet.


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Rice N Beans

Junior Hayley Stan
May 5, 2012
Chicago, IL
But they didn't. They constantly reminded the audience that he wasn't Vader. Hux talked to him like he was a rookie. Even Snoke said he wasn't ready a few times. The temper tantrums proved he's immature. He's been killing innocent villagers and nobodies all this time. Chewy damaged him, Finn slowed him down, and Rey took advantage of him trying to convert rather than kill her. He got tested and caught an L. Next time they meet up he'll give Rey that work.

This is not true. Han only used it to cut open an animal to save Luke. Han never used it in a battle. Anyone can turn on a lightsaber, not anyone can use it effectively. General Grevious was TRAINED by a Jedi Master who turned Sith Lord Count Dooku who was Yoda's padawan. So Grevious was trianed in the Jedi Arts. Plus he was a cyborg that can process information quickly and had super strenth. Nobody can just "Use" a Lightsaber in battle. It's already been proven only force users can control it effectively. It takes certain reflexes to fight with a saber that only force users have. The fact Finn could control it effectively on his first time using it and the fact he stuck with Kylo as long as he did including getting a hit to me is more evidence that he's force sensative but doesn't understand his power yet.

These guys get it. :whew: