Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


Jul 6, 2014


@Box Cutta

Clayton Endicott

Jul 11, 2015
A lodge of the Saints John of Jerusalem
sayin shyt like "dont ve surprised If____ happens" aint cool breh :comeon: regardless of how long they been out, stating that they borrowing heavy from then books then proceeding to outline stuff that happens aint the wave, atleast puy it in spoiler tags :francis:
Right on. This were Disney fukked up by coming through, and crushing the EU buildings, only to borrow of that shyt instead of coming with a whole new story. :stopitslime: The more I look at it, that shyt is :scust:. They shytted on all those authors stories and ideas, only to "borrow" their shyt so THEY can eat off it. :stopitslime:


May 1, 2012
Rey gonna go dark side. Or shes gonna be that "balance" they talked about. She got the rage. Next time she fight Kylo she gonna need more rage to deal with him, while dealing with the feelings of avenging Finn.

Meanwhile finn gonna be blowing the back out that new female lead. Once that BBC is off limits to Rey, she gonna go darkside. Once you go black...... :shaq:


Jul 6, 2014
I have transcribed it from the novel. I have not included some of the longer bits that merely provide emotions and whatnot. I got right to the meat of it.

He met her eyes steadily. "We've lost our son, forever." Leia bit her lower lip, refusing to concede. "No. It was Snoke." Han drew back slightly. "Snoke?"

She nodded. "He knew our child would be strong with the Force. That he was born with equal potential for good or evil."

"You knew this from the beginning? Why didn't you tell me?"

She sighed. "Many reasons. I was hoping that I was wrong, that it wasn't true. I hoped I could sway him, turn him away from the dark side, without having to involve you."


"I thought I could shield him from Snoke's influence and you from what was happening."


He had trouble believing what he was hearing. "So Snoke was watching our son."

"Always," she told him. "From the shadows, in the beginning, even before I realized what was happening, he was manipulating everything, pulling our son toward the dark side."

Edit: One more thing, the words "Knights of Ren" are mentioned ONLY once in the book. That tells you how important they are. They are only mentioned by Snoke, when he calls Kylo "Master of the Knights of Ren." That is all.

Edit 2: OMG, there is so much more context in the book. Lor does indeed know Kylo and Kylo knows him too, calling him a "soldier of fortune." During the meeting between Lor and Poe, the former is described as having many adventures and having done a lot and seen a lot." This is no ordinary guy!!

Also, unlike the movie, Poe is captured because he runs to save Lor. My hero Poe!

During the village massacre, Finn (still a trooper) makes it clear that the stormtroopers never see Kylo because of how he reacts. He describes him as "it" and is surprised at his powers.

And the most important (thus far in the book) part of the book for me sheds light on the FO. They are a very new threat. This is from Rey's POV, but very few people know anything about them. The whispers and rumors are just staring.

Edit 3: Kylo suspects that Rey is "her" but he actually only realizes and confirms it during their duel in the snowy forest. As they both struggle to free the light saber from the snow and when it suddenly becomes loose, flying by Kylo into Rey's hand, he says "It IS you."


All Star
May 19, 2012
They did kylo dirty. Dude went from a bad ass to getting his ass handed to him by some immatures. And like someone said, this dude had Luke hiding and presumably massacred the new jedis.

And I'm guessing Rey's the one but had the jedi/Luke theme during one of Finn's scenes.

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
My only knock on the movie is that despite them declaring the books no longer being canon, they borrowed HEAVILY from them. That's why I wasn't surprised to hear that Kylo is Han and Leia's son. And don't be surprised when you find out Rey is his sister. This shyt is Jacen and Jaina without their little brother Anakin but with different names. In the EU, one of Luke's first students was influenced by the dark side and built a crudely put together lightsaber, another one that was powerful as fukk that felt he was more powerful than Luke and went to Vader's funeral pyre for guidance in the Force, and killed billions of people before redeeming himself, and HAD A NEPHEW THAT TURNED TO THE DARK SIDE. Mark my words, Rey (Jaina) will be the one to redeem and or take down Kylo, while Luke deals with Snoke.

That's why the movie was a bit underwhelming to me. This saga has already happened but with different characters. There will be some twists to switch the game up though.
coli nikkas wanna bytch and complain that you spoiler shyt but never wanna read a comic/book that been out for years :francis:


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012

Whoa! If thats not Plagiues then i dont kno who the fukk it could be!

After my 2nd viewing. In the beginning at the village when kylo "sensed" Finn i think thats a clue to him being force sensitive. The way he just stopped to acknowledge one fukkboy foot soldier then kept it moving like " nah i must be high he aint shyt"

Then when the starkiller base popped off i cant tell if Finn heard the screams from the planets or people around him but he did turn around first while them aliens was just moving shyt unfazed til he spun around all scared.

And as far as Rey's awakening. After her vision her convo with maz basically gave her a quick tap into the force. She said close your eyes and let it flow thru u etc which is what she did.

JJ's directing style didnt let lil moments of importance breathe it was just on to the next scene without the classic star wars scroll turn to the next page edits after an important moment. Kylo will be a problem because unlike slave anakin who aint have shyt to lose, ren's fall is deeper and each level down should give him more power and now that DBZ upgrade is coming
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Jul 6, 2014
:dwillhuh: :dwillhuh: :dwillhuh:

We know who left Rey on Jakku • /r/StarWarsLeaks
Well people, my mind is blown. I literally am sitting here giddy. Please watch this clip of Rey's visions from the caverns, posted kindly by faalabi (I don't know how to link to his name to give this redditor credit, but thank you). TFA

What you will see and hear is this:

Sequence of events begin in what appears to be Cloud City, then as Rey - a little girl laying in the rain (but Rey the adult is remembering herself there). Please note that Rey is about to be killed by someone with a very distinct helmet. All of a sudden we see a red saber spear the would-be killer and save Rey.

The camera pulls back and we see that the holder of that weapon is Kylo, surrounded by the KOR and the dead bodies of students of Luke's Academy. Rey sees Kylo's mask, camera focuses on his mask and directly cuts to the scene of her being left on Jakku.

From this visual we get a story. Whatever happened to Ben Solo that caused him to kill those students, he was willing to kill one of the KOR in order to save little Rey and then he is the person who delivers her to Jakku. After all, she is his cousin. The daughter of Luke.

Incidentally, the voices from the saber's memories are real. You can hear Obi Wan, Luke and some say Yoda too (I have not yet heard Yoda). The force is being described starting at 0.20.

EDIT: I am not saying Kylo holds her arm. I am saying that Kylo is the one on the ship leaving as the person holding her arm says "quiet girl."

at first i was thinking this is bullshyt... only because Kylo just doesn't seem to have any clue who she is even after he knows she came from Jakku.

but then I got to considering the scenes where he also says that he doesn't know who she is... he doesn't outright say it, but it's implied when he speaks with Snoke.

then I got to understanding it all comes back to what you said... and maybe Snoke never even knew she existed at all?! What if Kylo was protecting her from Snoke this whole time!?

Think about this for a second... would he have really reacted that way when he force pulled the dude letting him know about "the girl" and say "What girl?" in such a serious tone if she served no importance to him? He's so calm and collected regarding most other intel that Stormtroopers and others bring to him, and for the most part he only lashes out w/ rage privately, not usually against his First Order allies... but in this instance, he does grab the dude and ask. And if I remember correctly, the scene cuts rather quick.

TL;DR: Kylo / Ben saved this girl, he knows she's Luke's daughter, he has a soft spot for her like a little sister, and he knew that he had to hide her from Snoke if he wanted her to live. and in his arrogance he felt that she'd never be a threat, so he dumped her on Jakku and hid her from both Luke and Snoke in order to let her live and prevent her from becoming a Jedi. He is keeping up the lie in front of Snoke.

I believe this is true and that the shot at the end, with Luke standing on that grave - it's the grave of his little daughter. He thought he lost her in that attack, couldn't sense her because of all the death, loss and grief and now that she has "awakened" in the force, he could sense her - but was unwilling to believe it.

So he travels to her grave (he obviously didn't find her remains in the burned down temple/academy/house, so he made a symbolic grave) or perhaps to that of her mother and waits for the girl whose death hurt him so bad he went into exile to never hurt anyone ever again (and also to never feel that pain again and get away from it all).

When she actually appears and it turns out it's not some trick or anything like he feared, he is completely stunned and speechless.

Which brings me to what happened to the other 6 KOR standing behind them. Were they then killed in order to keep his secret?
This fight scene is going to be awesome.

I've really come to believe that Kylo Ren is as much of a main character as the three musketeers.