Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Off theory topic but it seems as if some people went into the movie with the sole purpose of disliking Finn. They only watched him and were waiting for 1 little slip up, to say "See....I told you so." Let's be real, Luke wasn't sh!t for Ep IV. His only 2 accomplishments were swing Leia across a bridge that he shot and firing the lucky shot that did it. He got smacked around for the entire movie. Actually, he got smacked around in damn near every scene of Empire as well. But no one is saying how he wasn't ish. We need another thread, one for the haters/those with no understanding of the characters (OT/ST) and the ones that are actually interested in seeing where it goes.
the anger is understandable being that he was built up to be the first lead black jedi and turned out to be a simp padawan space garbage man liar.

now, after seeing the movie i think the anger was overblown but it is definitely understandable after all that marketing and the nonstop Ls he took throughout the movie. with that said his character has a tremendous room for growth but he if wakes up and continues his mission to be simp lord/master than :camby:


All Star
Jul 29, 2013
Off theory topic but it seems as if some people went into the movie with the sole purpose of disliking Finn. They only watched him and were waiting for 1 little slip up, to say "See....I told you so." Let's be real, Luke wasn't sh!t for Ep IV. His only 2 accomplishments were swing Leia across a bridge that he shot and firing the lucky shot that did it. He got smacked around for the entire movie. Actually, he got smacked around in damn near every scene of Empire as well. But no one is saying how he wasn't ish. We need another thread, one for the haters/those with no understanding of the characters (OT/ST) and the ones that are actually interested in seeing where it goes.
People just thought we were going to get a cool-as-ice black lead in a star wars film. A hero whose character's main function wouldn't be comic relief but someone who was respected in the universe as a powerful character with his own agency, not a bumbling runaway who always seems to get upstaged. We just for once wanted to have our cake and eat it too. If Finn was overpowered and adept at nearly everything and Rey was the bumbling co-pilot/sidekick then people around this board would be like :blessed: but women's groups would call her a stereotype. Best believe that. At the end of the day money talks and they probably just figured two jedi leads would be derivative and best to sacrifice one to boost the other. Half of everyone is female and women liked seeing the overpowered girl kicking guy ass while only 12 percent of the US population is black, even less so sci fi fans so they made Finn the lovable loser who ends in a coma and Rey the goddess who gets to meet luke and pursue her destiny.

One a second viewing it wasn't so bad and the film has enough pace to easily overlook some of the more humiliating moments for Finn. John did great with what he was given. I think Rey will have her own problems in the next episode or face some real backlash from fans. Finn is pretty much rock bottom and on the mat right now. I hope can only go up from here.
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Mr. Brown

All Star
Apr 30, 2012
I've seen a lot of people saying which of the new main characters are like the ones in the OT ("Finn is Han"), but Alan Sepinwall made a good observation in his review. He says that Rey, Finn and Poe all have a little of Luke, Leia and Han in each of them.

So Poe is the brilliant natural pilot, like Luke (and Anakin, for that matter), but he's introduced slipping the key data into BB-8 and then being captured and tortured, just like Leia, and he has a wiseass sense of humor that evokes the young Han Solo. Rey at various points gets to be Luke (growing up on the desert planet, discovering a latent affinity for the Force), Han (doing such a good job at flying and fixing the Millennium Falcon that Han offers to mentor her), and Leia (she's also captured and tortured by the local Sith Lord-type, plus she shows a knack for assuming leadership of other people's attempts to rescue her). And while Finn is mainly in the Han zone as the guy trying very hard to not be a part of the rebellion (and most often the butt of jokes), he also gets to handle the lightsaber a few times, and, like Leia, he's initially annoyed to be around Chewbacca.

Kylo Ren, meanwhile, is revealed to not only be this movie's Darth Vader counterpart — which already seems like it's allowing the new filmmakers do a vastly more interesting version of the Anakin origin story than the prequels were able to do — but Han and Leia's son, which is part of the film's unexpected but incredibly poignant shift of Han into the Obi-Wan role. In the original films, Han dismisses the Jedi as figures from fairy tales, and even after he's witnessed the Force in action, he still acts like he has little use for it. All these years later, having become such good friends with Luke, and having become father to Darth Vader's grandson, in whom the Force flows very strongly, it's impossible to play the agnostic anymore. He's the one who tells Rey and Finn that all all this business about the Force is real, he's the one who named his son after Obi-Wan — his scream of "BEN!!!!" as he approaches the catwalk (which itself evokes the tragic father/son confrontation at the end of "Empire Strikes Back") choked me up for more than just the intensity of Harrison Ford's performance — and he's the one who dies at the hands of the villain while his friends and protege watch in horror. And because he's not a Jedi, he's not going to be appearing in visions to Rey down the road; as he barks at Finn at one point, the Force doesn't work like that.
'Star Wars,' 'Creed,' and when your sequel is really a remake

Clayton Endicott

Jul 11, 2015
A lodge of the Saints John of Jerusalem
I think they were a tad bit over the top but i think its now too brutish I think they need to find a solid middle ground. Light saber battles still have not been perfected. Whats the point of having a lightsaber if they are just swinging it around like a broadsword? One day they will get it done
Yeah I think as everyone's training progresses, they'll become more accomplished swordsmen. I want to see more of a balance between the OT and PT fighting styles. Honestly, it was Obi-Wan vs Anakin that was a bit over the top. SO disappointed in Windu vs Sidious. Two form VII masters and that's what we got?


Apr 20, 2015
Some Nikkas didn't like Kylo/Ben????:mindblown:

How can anyone not be incredibly interested where his character goes?:rudy:

Dude is already very powerful.
Hasn't completed his training yet. So he hasn't reached his ceiling.
He is struggling w/ internal conflict. Just like Anakin. The scene w/ Han was heartbreaking.

And oh by the way he's a skywalker and single handily destroyed Luke's setup.

But one of y'all wanted him to be killed off:dead:


Apr 20, 2015
The main issue I have with the film is Rey and Finn not even knowing the Jedi or Sith even really existed and then able to give serious work to Kylo Ren who was stopping blaster bolts with control we've never seen before. I understand that Ren was injured, bleeding, and emotionally drained, but in every dual we've seen, rooks get that work against a more advanced opponent. That would be like a very athletically gifted individual with no boxing experience be able to hang with Tyson, Mayweather, or Ail after only "hearing about boxing" and never even put on a pair of gloves or seen an actual match.

Secondly, like PT, the antagonist aren't very menacing or convincing, Snoke, The First Order Command, just not doing it for me.

As for Finn, breh was abducted from his home, raised by what would considered Nazis/Gestapo, and in spite of all that, he still wanted to do the right thing. So it is no wonder he latches on to the person that saw him as an individual and would do anything to save them, this case it was Rey. You can't call him a coward because he knows what the First Order can do when they put hands on you, so he wanted no parts of that for himself or his new friends, cowardice to us, but survival to him. He fights when he needs to, runs when he sees trouble, and is out to fight for his friends, sounds like Han or Lando to me.

Wonder if Snoke is Darth Plagueis which would be a nice addition to the continuity of the saga.
Kylo was hurt bruh:yeshrug:


Big Yella
Nov 5, 2012
Just to add on to the age discussion. Ben can't be any older than 31 cause the events on ROTJ happened 30-32 before the film. Ridley was 22 while shooting but she could probably pass for 17 or 18 which I'm think Rey is close to.

Also did anybody catch the parallel between the First Order and Jedi Order where they take kids away from their family at very young ages.


and the jedi order didnt "take" kids away from their homes. They were recruited not on some against their free will type shyt. Anakin in phantom menace was even debated amongst the council about taking him away from his mother since she was still a slave


Apr 20, 2015
Finn definitely is force sensitive.

...Brainwashing didn't work on him...
...That feeling he got that what he was doing was wrong

...Kylo sensing something from his direction

...Only being a foot solider, but shooting Tie Fighters with good accuracy

...Not just handling a light saber with no training, but doing so surprisingly well for a beginner

He was clearly being guided IMO.
The unable to be brainwashed point is very interesting:jbhmm:


Apr 20, 2015
the anger is understandable being that he was built up to be the first lead black jedi and turned out to be a simp padawan space garbage man liar.

now, after seeing the movie i think the anger was overblown but it is definitely understandable after all that marketing and the nonstop Ls he took throughout the movie. with that said his character has a tremendous room for growth but he if wakes up and continues his mission to be simp lord/master than :camby:
But he was the main reason for the W's. And he hurt Kylo


Feb 17, 2014
That is how real swordfights are. If you get hit you are probably dead. I thought the duels were badass. In fact, the only duel I like from the PT was Anakin vs Count Dooku on the ship in the beginning of revenge of the sith. The way he cut off Dooku's hands, caught the saber and dominated him was straight cold blooded.

My thing is light sabers arent real swords. They are light weight weapons built for speed. And Jedi's are warriors that use the force to sense and predict strikes. The combination of the 2 should call for some crazy piff battles :ohlawd:. Should be high speed, flashy, semi unrealistic. Nothing about star wars is realistic why do the light saber battles have to be? Using a lightsaber like a clunky sword battle in Game of thrones just doesnt seem appropriate imo. I know there are differing opinions on this tho. But i personally wanna see some high speed craziness that any person with normal reaction times could not defend.

Im not talking about unnecessary stuff like this

But something like this
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
I don't know why people are concerned about the following regarding Finn

  • He is not a Jedi, and that is okay. He is a reluctant hero who is brave but heroism is something new to him. He and Rey are both learning how to save the day...FINN IS HAN SOLO....complete with leather jacket. He talks his way out of trouble, he talks his way into trouble, he takes risks. He knew he had no fukkin chance against kylo ren but still rose his sword against him. And he held his own. Finn wasn't a moron, he wasn't a bytch, he wasn't a bufoon, he was just a guy with a strong moral compass who was trying to stop a tornado with a handkerchief. That is intimidating... And he still came thru against immeasurable odds.
  • Don't compare finn to Rey because REY IS fukkING BROKEN. Finn is Terry Bogard, Rey is God Rugal at the highest setting...she makes no sense. In the history of star wars ALL CHARACTORS EVER showed flaws except her...Vader is overly emotional, Luke has self doubt and questions his purpose, Yoda lives in fear of the darkside and is low key a coward always hiding snd avoiding conflict, han solo is a hothead and gets himself into trouble, theyre all too trusting and get manipulated.....Finn is (not in the species sense) human...the flaws you are complaint about are CHARACTOR. REY IS THE ONLY ONE WHO IS BATTING 1.000 so comparing her to finn isn't even fukkin fair. SHE Is badly written, not Finn


Jul 6, 2014
Some Nikkas didn't like Kylo/Ben????:mindblown:

How can anyone not be incredibly interested where his character goes?:rudy:

Dude is already very powerful.
Hasn't completed his training yet. So he hasn't reached his ceiling.
He is struggling w/ internal conflict. Just like Anakin. The scene w/ Han was heartbreaking.

And oh by the way he's a skywalker and single handily destroyed Luke's setup.

But one of y'all wanted him to be killed off:dead:
:wow: :wow: :wow:


May 6, 2015
The unable to be brainwashed point is very interesting:jbhmm:

Ren also demonstrated extreme mental fortitude, she resisted Kylo's psychic attacks.
Kylo was hurt bruh:yeshrug:

A hurt Mike Tyson should be able to put the work on an strong, though completely untrained opponent. Ultimately in every duel we've witnessed pure talent/force ability doesn't give you a chance against a Jedi Master/Sith Lord.