1.) like I said before read my post again I never said he joined the dark side to reach his full potential I said that Palpatine helped him achieve his full potential and that is why Obiwan and Yoda stayed in hiding.
2.) Mace Windu killing Jangofett and Yoda facing off against Palpatine and Dooku was not out of anger but out of necessity. Luke does not have to be angry to go after his evil nephew. When he blew up the death star killing all of those empire soldiers was that out of anger or out of necessity?
3.) Whether Luke was at the temple or not it was out of character for him to let what Kylo did slide.
4.) Whether you want to acknowledge it or not vader was showing signs of redemption after he learned Luke was alive. That is why during the final showdown Luke took the opportunity to try and sway him back to the good side. He felt the change in Anikan. From Empire on he was not the same vader that would force choke his subordinates because they sneezed.
1. 'Anakin the Chosen one was pissed at the Jedi Council, he finally had a Powerful Master that could help him reach his full potential' - that's what you said that i originally quoted...and that's not correct, that's not why he joined the dark side nor is that why yoda went to exile...
2. the examples you give were done with clear heads, after talking about shyt, not outta emotion....if luke wouldve gone after them at that sec, like you suggested, it wouldve been outta anger, and all people need to be swayed to the dark side is that brief exposure to those other emotions they've denied/ignored their whole life...just like he did when fighting vader and the emperor cheered him on to come to the dark side....also, he's vader's son, so he's extra worried about going to the dark side since his dad did it....
3. it's not outta jedi nor other good characters ways in this series....going into exile to think shyt over/get their mind off what has happened after their world has been rocked is what they do....obi did it, yoda did it, and now luke has done it...hell, even leia and han did it after ben became kylo....it's just what 'good' people in the series do....
4. i have no problem acknowledging things when they're correct, but what you saying isnt correct...vader didnt show redemption until luke forced the issue in ROTJ and he started becoming anakin again....until then, vader didnt give a fukk....