Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
One good thing about this movie is that it has been able to separate the superficial fans of Star Wars from the die hard and official fans of Star Wars. I am going to start with the positive so people won't think I am hating or nitpicking.First Mr. Boyega and Miss Ridley where great as Finn and Rey; They made a good team had great chemistry as a leading man(not a sidekick) and a leading lady should. Second JJ Abrams was successful in delivering the nostalgia and incorporating little shout outs to the original trilogy......but you can tell he only has a basic and superficial level of knowledge when it comes to the Star Wars mythos and the plot of this movie and the motives and abilities of the primary characters were so vague and inconsistent that I was like :dahell: for half the movie.

1.) Why would LUKE SKYWALKER hide from anybody?!!! this is the same dude who went to Cloud City to save his crew even though he knew he was no match for Vader. This is the same dude who not only confronted Vader in Return of the Jedi but also Emperor Palpatine; and even though Palpatine kicked his ass he was able to sway his Dad( The Chosen One) back to the good side. He would not be hiding from some punk ass Kylo Ren aka "Darth Bratus". The movie goes as far to imply that Kylo defeated Luke in combat and sent him into hiding.
2.) How is Rey able to all of a sudden be able to use Jedi Mindtricks, Force Pulls, Fly the Millennium Falcon better the Han Solo and fight like a master Light saber duelist in the span of a couple of days? She had no Obi wan like Luke and she is not the Prophesied Chosen One like Anakin. she was a cool character in the beginning but she became a Mary Sue in the end. she should not have been able to defeat the guy who defeated Luke and made him a recluse.
3.) Why kill HAN SOLO!!! when he died he took the nostalgia with him. It didn't even feel like star wars after that. The nostalgia helped me overlook the plot holes, mistakes and inconsistencies but when they killed Han Solo the films flaws were magnified...................I hope episode VIII is better.

My cousin texted me that

"Rey, is like if the first Rocky film was played by Stallone in Rocky 4 shape." :russ:


May 11, 2012
The movie really only needed to do one major thing and that's be better than the prequels. Which it does with flying colors. It's a remix of a new hope with some bits of empire and tern of the Jedi thrown in but it works for the most part. I loved the characters and gave a damn about all of them, loved Kylo Ren and his struggle with the light side and wanting to be bad and how he took after his grandfather, and the little things the movie did. The world felt lived in, if felt dirty at times, and there wasn't a lot of exposition. Like the best Star Wars flicks, if just drops you in and you play catch up.

The relationship between Finn and Rey was very very cool and every scene they had together was awesome. And for a Star Wars movie, it was surprisingly really funny with good natural dialogue and exchanges, with Finn getting the funniest lines that are all in character. The two of them flying the falcon is probably my second favorite scene in the movie, the first being the final lightsaber battle. There was so much story and character told in both scenes which is exactly what should be happening.

It's not a perfect flick. The R2 thing was such a crutch, it doesn't feel like a complete movie as a new hope did, and there are clearly other things that happened just because the script said so. Rey really got a hold of those Jedi powers really really quickly lol. Even it being a remix of a new hope isn't exactly the most original thing ever. But it all works for the most part. Definitely the third best Star Wars flick and for a JJ Abrams flick, there are some subtle things in there that speak to themes of the movie. The first order having this all black motif as compared to the empire which had a combination of black and gray and different shades of gray. Which I feel speaks to Vader's struggle to be redeemed and saved while Kylo just wants to be evil and wants to block out all light.

And speaking of blocking out light, Han's death scene was awesome and had so much weight to it added by the blocking out of the sun Mr. Burns style.

It's such a fun movie and such a good time and I'm really excited about where it's going. BB-8 was adorable, 3P0 was annoying as usual, chewie was a boss, and Leia...well Leia could've done more but I get that it wasn't really her story.

And Rey is totally Luke's kid, right?

Got him in your cart don't you:sas1:

Are we taking away @wire28 stan pass if this doesn't beat jurassic world Worldwide since he hasnt seen it? :troll:

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
One good thing about this movie is that it has been able to separate the superficial fans of Star Wars from the die hard and official fans of Star Wars. I am going to start with the positive so people won't think I am hating or nitpicking.First Mr. Boyega and Miss Ridley where great as Finn and Rey; They made a good team had great chemistry as a leading man(not a sidekick) and a leading lady should. Second JJ Abrams was successful in delivering the nostalgia and incorporating little shout outs to the original trilogy......but you can tell he only has a basic and superficial level of knowledge when it comes to the Star Wars mythos and the plot of this movie and the motives and abilities of the primary characters were so vague and inconsistent that I was like :dahell: for half the movie.

1.) Why would LUKE SKYWALKER hide from anybody?!!! this is the same dude who went to Cloud City to save his crew even though he knew he was no match for Vader. This is the same dude who not only confronted Vader in Return of the Jedi but also Emperor Palpatine; and even though Palpatine kicked his ass he was able to sway his Dad( The Chosen One) back to the good side. He would not be hiding from some punk ass Kylo Ren aka "Darth Bratus". The movie goes as far to imply that Kylo defeated Luke in combat and sent him into hiding.
2.) How is Rey able to all of a sudden be able to use Jedi Mindtricks, Force Pulls, Fly the Millennium Falcon better the Han Solo and fight like a master Light saber duelist in the span of a couple of days? She had no Obi wan like Luke and she is not the Prophesied Chosen One like Anakin. she was a cool character in the beginning but she became a Mary Sue in the end. she should not have been able to defeat the guy who defeated Luke and made him a recluse.
3.) Why kill HAN SOLO!!! when he died he took the nostalgia with him. It didn't even feel like star wars after that. The nostalgia helped me overlook the plot holes, mistakes and inconsistencies but when they killed Han Solo the films flaws were magnified...................I hope episode VIII is better.
They didn't even imply that he beat Luke.. Luke would mop the floor with dude. Kylo is straight garbage. I think Luke just quit cause the Jedi school went horribly wrong and just went to chill the f*ck out somewhere and get away from the bullsh*t. I actually believed that than Han and Chewy still out there smuggling and owing people money and Leia still waiting on R2 units and trying to take down yet another Death Star.

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
My cousin texted me that

"Rey, is like if the first Rocky film was played by Stallone in Rocky 4 shape." :russ:
LMAO!! I thought for sure she was going to lose a hand or something.......but they had this chick beating the shyt out of the guy who beat Luke, Killed Han and stopped a LASER BLAST mid air......give me a break!!! and I like the Character but it was too far fetched.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
LMAO!! I thought for sure she was going to lose a hand or something.......but that had this chick beating the shyt out of the guy who beat Luke, Killed Han and stopped a LASER BLAST mid air......give me a break!!! and I like the Character but it was too far fetched.
He didn't beat Luke. Where are you get this from? I've seen the movie twice and don't remember it being said or implied at all.

Aside from that I agree with you on Rey as a character


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
:usure:How you so sure though?

I mean I think so too, but no one ever mentioned Luke having a love interest. And everyone was looking for him.
Leia would have known. :ohhh:Prolly keeping it a secret if she does.

Luke could've EASILY had a love interest in the 30 years since. Just saying:whoknows:


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013

Force Awakens stans killing this dude on twitter for articulating the problems with Rey. he is a screenwriter so he has some credibility.

just found out this dude father is the great John Landis.

Yeah, a wack screenwriter who got on through nepotism and ripping off Akira for his only acclaimed movie.:russ:

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
He didn't beat Luke. Where are you get this from? I've seen the movie twice and don't remember it being said or implied at all.

Aside from that I agree with you on Rey as a character
In Rey's vision they had Luke crouching down in defeat with his cybernetic hand on R2 while Kylo Ren and and his goons stood behind him triumphantly. That implies alot and it is out of Character for LUKE SKYWALKER to run and hide from something like that. If anything they should have had him show up to save the day when Finn and Rey were fighting Kylo in the forrest. That lightsaber should have not only flew past Kylo but Rey too! and it should have landed in Lukes hand.

Doctor Wily

May 1, 2012
I think you'll find out who Finn and Rey are related too in the "Rouge one" star wars flick that's coming out next year.

Possible decedent's is my theory.