Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
At this point, the biggest surprise will be if Rey ISN'T Luke's daughter. But they've invested too much that that wouldn't even make sense.

I'm hoping Finn isn't related to anyone. I'm tempted to get the visual guide.

Why dare people so hung up on Poe? He didn't do much in this movie. He was gone for the majority of it, so I consider him a supporting character. Matter of fact, he didn't even bother looking for his own droid, knowing what it possessed. Eff Poe...for now.

Who was the pretty pilot though?
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Breh Obama

First Breh President. Coli Prophet.
Jul 5, 2012
Leader of the righteous Brehs!
At this point, the biggest surprise will be if Rey ISN'T Luke's daughter. But they've invested too much that that wouldn't even make sense.

I'm hoping Finn isn't related to anyone. I'm tempted to get the visual guide.
The problem is with Star Wars in general is that the fans are going to speculate until the end of time. I think the producers are kinda forced (no pun intended) to make her Luke's daughter. We all kinda want it that way and they might just have to play it safe and go with that. It won't end up being a big surprise like the Vader/Luke things but it's what everyone wants


Jun 21, 2015
Not sure why dude complaining about me replying to his posts...... I haven't found you yet to directly reply but I hope your first born is set on fire while she/ he is covered in a coat of gasoline..... This is my last post in your direction....... Now talk about the million and 1 times I replied to your bullshyt........

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
Some people are saying Finn is the Han Solo of the next trilogy but what about Poe, i thought he was the hot shot pilot. How can Finn be the Han Solo if he cant fly a plane.

Yep. Poe is the new Han. Its why his character exited out of the movie and then the real Han showed up. Then once he comes back at the end Han is killed shortly afterwards. Poe is going to be fleshed out more in the next movie.

Finn was something different. Which was refreshing, but something that could have been handled better imo.

It's like one those non shooting Storm Troopers decided fukk this Death Star shyt in ANH. I'm rolling with yall Luke, Han and Leia. :skip:
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All Star
May 9, 2012
South East Houston
THE. nikka. GOT. SHOT.

Yall aint notice what that crossbow was doing to Stormtroopers. nikkaz was flying halfway across the yard and shyt. Kylo took that shyt and dropped to a knee!! And the mufukka just killed his old man breh! :damn:

Kylo was far near 100% when he was fighting Rey and Finn.
Just wait till Snoke finishes his training. Hopefully he becomes more darker and gives Rey that work


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
I agree and mentioned it earlier in the thread, but I think it was moreso the other part of the map appearing than Rey - Luke told R2 to power down until the other half was presented.

Nah man. BB8 went to R2 to show him the rest of the map when they comeback from Maz Kanata's Castle -and Rey is kidnapped at StarKiller Base - and dude didn't wake up (and C3PO told BB that it wasn't likely R2 had the map). But when Rey gets to the base R2 wakes up and shows where Luke is so she can go find him,


All Star
Oct 16, 2013
Why is everybody dead set on Rey being related to Luke and Leia?:what:

She's definitely not Solo/Leia's or else they would've mentioned it.

And Luke?:usure:Considering what he went through growing up not knowing his parents, and finding out Vader was his father, you think he's going to let his child grow up to suffer a similar fate? Not to mention the high chance of his offspring being force sensitive, he would've wanted to train them. I'm not buying it, no way is Rey Luke's.. But I could see Rey being the offspring of some of Luke's failed Jedi trainees. They may have been pursued by the First Order and decided to drop Rey off at Jakku so she wouldn't be with them if they got caught:ld:

As far as the movie itself... It was good, not great. I echo the complaints of the many that have pointed out the recycled plot devices from A New Hope, I wish the film was more original.:francis:

The pacing was a little off for me. The film kinda dragged in the middle, but it was pretty strong in the beginning and end.

I think the characters were strongest part of the film by far.. I loved Rey but she did get a little too powerful near the end, she said fukk a learning curve:wow:

I can buy her countering Ren's force interrogation, but the Jedi mind trick was a stretch and her beating Ren in that duel:whoa:. Let's slow down some.. Kylo must've had at least 5 years of training under his belt, no way he should've lost that bad.

I'm not sure what to make of Finn. I like his character but I wonder what role he's going to play in the sequels. I was hoping he'd be force sensitive, but that's looking unlikely at the moment. I could see him becoming a ground commander for the Resistance while Poe calls the shots in the air.. Finn would be similar to Solo on Endor in that regard, I wouldn't mind that development.

Further impressions to be continued.

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
Ewan McGregor Has a Star Wars: The Force Awakens Cameo - IGN

Frank Oz and the late Alec Guinness are heard as well.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens harkens back to the prior films on several occasions, and it's now been revealed that director J.J. Abrams went so far as to seek out contributions from some notable series alums beyond Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill and the other obvious returns, among them Ewan McGregor and Frank Oz.


Star Wars: The Force Awakens spoilers below.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Spoilercast - IGN Keepin' It Reel, Episode 310

EW, Abrams revealed how that scene was created, confirming that Ewan McGregor, Frank Oz and even the late Alec Guinness are all included in the film.

"The idea of the voices was, we wanted the audience to feel – but not necessarily be presented right in your face — this idea that familiar, Force-strong voices were connecting with her. At least as well as they could," Abrams explained. "You do hear a little bit of Yoda. You hear Luke yelling out, 'Nooo!' from that moment in Empire. And you hear Obi-Wan at the end say, 'Rey... these are your first steps.''"

Interestingly enough, while McGregor recorded that Obi-Wan line specifically for The Force Awakens, the first word, when Obi-Wan says the name "Rey," was actually pulled from a prior line by Guinness from the original Star Wars trilogy. In order to get the snippet, they edited a line of Guinness' that included the word "Afraid," Abrams revealed.

Abrams said that when Force Awakens producer Bryan Burk first played him Obi-Wan saying "Rey," he thought it was McGregor initially and was thrilled when he was told it was Guinness, telling EW, “They cut it, and you hear the performance – he’s saying it the way I would have begged Alec Guinness to have said it. It is so crazy perfect,”

History of Awesome - Star Wars: A New Hope

The director also shared what he thought was the "cool part" of the process in working with Obi-Wan actor McGregor, saying: "He was awesome... incredibly sweet and handsome, and all that stuff. Then he rode off on his motorcycle. Literally the coolest voice over actor ever."

While Yoda voice actor and puppeteer Frank Oz also traveled to Bad Robot to record new lines for The Force Awakens, Abrams said the studio ended up using pre-existing content instead. "He was very generous to say, 'Whatever makes the movie better, I’m happy to help out,'" Abrams said. [Upon watching the film, IGN editors have noted you hear part of Yoda's Empire Strikes Back line, "Its energy surrounds us and binds us," in the scene with Rey and the lightsaber]


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Pay attention to how Luke looks at Rey when he first sees her. He has a sad look and gets teary eyed. It's not until he sees the lightsaber that he gets an angry menacing look on his face

That's the main reason I'm on "Rey is Luke's daughter camp". There's too much pain in Luke's face for Rey to be a complete unknown, at the very least he knows who she is.

More than angry I think he was like "you don't really wanna do this :usure:"

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
One good thing about this movie is that it has been able to separate the superficial fans of Star Wars from the die hard and official fans of Star Wars. I am going to start with the positive so people won't think I am hating or nitpicking.First Mr. Boyega and Miss Ridley where great as Finn and Rey; They made a good team had great chemistry as a leading man(not a sidekick) and a leading lady should. Second JJ Abrams was successful in delivering the nostalgia and incorporating little shout outs to the original trilogy......but you can tell he only has a basic and superficial level of knowledge when it comes to the Star Wars mythos and the plot of this movie and the motives and abilities of the primary characters were so vague and inconsistent that I was like :dahell: for half the movie.

1.) Why would LUKE SKYWALKER hide from anybody?!!! this is the same dude who went to Cloud City to save his crew even though he knew he was no match for Vader. This is the same dude who not only confronted Vader in Return of the Jedi but also Emperor Palpatine; and even though Palpatine kicked his ass he was able to sway his Dad( The Chosen One) back to the good side. He would not be hiding from some punk ass Kylo Ren aka "Darth Bratus". The movie goes as far to imply that Kylo defeated Luke in combat and sent him into hiding.
2.) How is Rey able to all of a sudden be able to use Jedi Mindtricks, Force Pulls, Fly the Millennium Falcon better the Han Solo and fight like a master Light saber duelist in the span of a couple of days? She had no Obi wan like Luke and she is not the Prophesied Chosen One like Anakin. she was a cool character in the beginning but she became a Mary Sue in the end. she should not have been able to defeat the guy who defeated Luke and made him a recluse.
3.) Why kill HAN SOLO!!! when he died he took the nostalgia with him. It didn't even feel like star wars after that. The nostalgia helped me overlook the plot holes, mistakes and inconsistencies but when they killed Han Solo the films flaws were magnified...................I hope episode VIII is better.