since i got some time to kill let me go ahead and drop my review of this movie
first off, i got say im not a star war fan, i like star trek more but they both made shytty movies, the first trilogy sucked (but had interesting ideas) second trilogy was okay, I didn't like Guardians of the galaxy mainly because I didn't like the set desgns. I like movie like the Alien franchise (while admit that Alien 3 is weak) and Blade runner. I like Tom Cruise's Edge of Tommorow/Minority report but hate Oblivion/WaroftheWorlds but War of the Worlds gets better every time I see it. I liked Serenity. I love the idea of a Space opera but other than the joints i've mention haven't seen a good one yet.
So this is what worked in the movie..
Harrison ford came into the Han Solo character like a glove, just like Stallone in Creed, it was good seeing him in the role that made him a superstar
The new young girl, was great, she was amzingly pretty but she has good bone structure and clearly can grow with the franchise, plus my favorate video game series is Metroid, so I have no problem with her being a lead.
The Villian was a mixed bag, some scenes the voice inflection stuff worked, sometimes they didn't, sometimes it was the script, sometime it was him, I get that he was a startup villian, but its still a mixed bag to me
so now to what didn't work
John Boyega felt like Tracy Morgan to me, I still don't understand why he didn't want to be a stormtrooper any more, and don't tell me the white girl because he was acting stupid before he ever saw her, he may have not been the lead, but was the centerpiece of the comedy act, I guess this can all be blamed on Joss Whedon, everyone wants to be Avengers now, and cater to kids, funny when funny, and when serious- hilarious. Them niccas was shucking and jiving at the enemy base, and only when Han Solo got on the catwalk did the movie become serious
when the fukk did Carrie FIsher not know how to act, the script was weak, but her delivery was bad, and her face seemed stiff a whole lot
and yeah the graphics look good but a lot of it was just them dwarfs in them barrels in the second Hobbit movie, if I wanted to see Peanuts or the Good dinosaur, I would have paid for those movies.
And much like with Star Trek, why did Abrams felt like he had to remake the original trilogy. I guess part of what make computer animation great is that you have contrast, you set something big against something small like Transformers, but sending a whole bunch of X wing fighters to go against this generations Death Star, didn't make a lot of sense to me
I felt like the pilot and John Boyega should have been the same character, im getting tired of the fish out of water narrative, Pompeii wasted 15 minutes sayign that this character was different when they should have made him a poor gladiator like everyone else
overall i know this move suffered from first movie itis, but the movie wasn't serious enough for me, I wasn't entertain, and I can't grade you and hope the second movie will be better, im grading this movie and I will grade the sequel when it comes out
3 out of 5 stars