This movie was good...maybe even very good. But I'm shocked this is 95% on RT.
I saw it today and watched Creed again afterwards. Creed was better
All the new actors/characters are very good in their roles. However, they all would feel *off* at times
Boyega reminded me of a young Will Smith....but if he was scary. It's like JJ didn't know how to handle that character. There were just too many cringe worthy moments. There was some very good scenes though. But it would then be offset with silliness. "Droid please" smh
I wanted him to be helping Rey take down Kylo. Not get taken out and then it allows Rey to have her "moment". I know Kylo isn't in his prime...but there was no reason for him to be dispatched that easy by a rookie.
Also Kylo needed the mask at all times imo. The only time he should have taken it off was for when he had his scene with Han. That would have been good enough. It also would have added more emotion for me.
Harrison Ford killed it.
Princess Leia was sadly cringeworthy.
I think the only REAL flaw of this movie. JJ Abrams.
Yes, he made the best movie since the originals. But I kept thinking that if this was in a better director's hands it would have been much better.
Still very good. 7.8 out of 10.