Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


Dec 14, 2015
Just saw it yesterday and it's meh to me. It's a good action flick with nice cameos (from the older movies) but all in all it's disappointing. Flick is still better than first 2 prequels (which are horrendous so it's not like it's surprising) but it's still below the 3 OG ones.

The biggest disappointment for me is Kylo Ren : he's just a suburbian teen with anger issues (and lol at him fukkin things up with his lightsaber when he hulk up) but more importantly, he's just hollow compared to Vador. Vador only had his mother which he left early and witnessed her die. He was born into slavery but was highly skilled so he thrived for recognition which he couldn't have with the Jedis so the reason to pass to the dark side was (a little at least) legit. I don't how Ren switched to the dark side but I can't see no legit reason why he did.
But the real reason he's a disappointment is that he should never have removed his mask. It was the essential part of his character and once he removed it, all the mystic was gone. I couldn't help but :snoop: because it was only halfway through the flick and the villain was already uninteresting to me.

Also, Finn most likely has some force with him (thus why he can make Luke's lightsaber work). He may be a descendant of Mace Windu somehow.

And the scene at the end was so garbage.

I kinda agree with you, maybe it will grow on me after watching 10 times year like I do the last movies. lol , The Force Awakens seemed like it was based on the Star Wars (1977) story line.

Key difference to me between lucas and JJ, lucas was more of a creative artiest and writer


Apr 20, 2015


Duck Season
May 2, 2012
Los Scandalous
Just saw it yesterday and it's meh to me. It's a good action flick with nice cameos (from the older movies) but all in all it's disappointing. Flick is still better than first 2 prequels (which are horrendous so it's not like it's surprising) but it's still below the 3 OG ones.

The biggest disappointment for me is Kylo Ren : he's just a suburbian teen with anger issues (and lol at him fukkin things up with his lightsaber when he hulk up) but more importantly, he's just hollow compared to Vador. Vador only had his mother which he left early and witnessed her die. He was born into slavery but was highly skilled so he thrived for recognition which he couldn't have with the Jedis so the reason to pass to the dark side was (a little at least) legit. I don't how Ren switched to the dark side but I can't see no legit reason why he did.
But the real reason he's a disappointment is that he should never have removed his mask. It was the essential part of his character and once he removed it, all the mystic was gone. I couldn't help but :snoop: because it was only halfway through the flick and the villain was already uninteresting to me.

Also, Finn most likely has some force with him (thus why he can make Luke's lightsaber work). He may be a descendant of Mace Windu somehow.

And the scene at the end was so garbage.
i feels you breh. that nikka kylo was throwing temper tantrums...


Your TSC World Champion
Apr 30, 2012
I disagree kylo ren is the modern dsy villain....vader was a guy u could sympathetic with until he went full evil. Even then he had a bad ass aura like he oculdnt be fukked with

Kylo ren is clearly a bad guy and as they dwelve on to why he is bad which will be explained in the next movie since the fuy that trained him will likely be training his daughter.

Im guessing he became enamored with his grandfather and maybe the lord snoke character used images of lord vader to guide him to the force. Maybe his parents sending him off to luke to be a jedi and maybe he never wanted to really be a jedi...but who knows right now i like that hes a lesser dikk version of that one lannister kid from game of thrones who name escapes me

Notorious 1 E.Y.E.

Nov 12, 2012
the low end. southside chi
plus wasnt this just reference and study for harrison ford going into the scene seeing as how he was going have to act with a puppet and not a real person, he needed a real actor around to bounce lines off of

jabbas already a big enough deal in the star wars verse, that even the empire are hesitant to make deals with him. So as said before i got no qualms with it being there

no, jaba was original humanoid


Apr 30, 2014
in retrospect the last scene with luke played out pretty well, kind of like the ending of TDKR with no words being said, plus lukes expression tells a million stories at once

if they would have just let han shoot first and didnt give darth vader a NOOO! at the end of jedi, i dont think fans would attack the special editions as much

:russ: @ han bobbing his neck like michael jackson to dodge the blaster shot

I used to think Greedo just barely missed shot, but then i saw the slow motion and it's simply :childplease: dude not only anticapates the shot but also moves his head out of the way to dodge a shot that like 2 or 3 feet or even less in front of him. I read that Han is force sensitive and that's how it all happened since that's the only thing that would it make any sense.

I've never minded a lot of the changes that added scenary and stuff, but goddamn that mos eisley entrance with the giant whatever blocking the whole screen is :camby:

Drew Wonder

May 10, 2012
If Luke was Rey (a.k.a. The Star Wars: A New Hope "Mary Sue" Rewrite)
I present to you the Star Wars: A New Hope “Mary Sue/Marty Stu” rewrite, for the writer who thinks Luke is too human and relatable and should’ve been as perfect, plastic and flawless as Rey. Because boys need role models who are superior to themselves in every way.

  • Luke is an expert survivalist living on his own on Tatooine. He isn’t subservient to Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. He loyally waits for a lost companion to return.
  • Luke steals R2-D2 from a Sand Person on a Bantha who has captured the droid. The Sand Person just looks at him and rides away.
  • Luke can understand everything R2-D2 says. C-3PO is written out since he’s not needed to translate.
  • R2-D2 follows Luke around obediently instead of running away and generally just thinks Luke’s awesome.
  • Luke finds Obi-Wan and tells him he’s just a nobody and didn’t even know the Force was real. Obi-Wan hands Luke his father’s saber and then disappears from the movie. No training required.
  • Luke experiences a “vision” upon touching the saber for unexplained reasons. Magic lightsaber?
  • Luke enters the Cantina and knocks down Ponda Baba and Dr. Evazan with a stick when they threaten him.
  • Luke finds the Falcon with only Chewie inside as TIE Fighters start bombing the area. He jumps in and flies it with some wild maneuvers through Beggar’s Canyon while Chewie works the gun port. They destroy the TIEs and return to get Han.
  • Chewie is injured while running from Stormtroopers to get to the Falcon and Luke takes over as co-pilot.
  • Luke fixes the Falcon’s malfunctions by himself before Han can figure out what to do.
  • Han is so impressed with Luke that by the time they get to the remains of Alderaan, he offers Luke a permanent job on his crew.
  • They sneak into a back door on the Death Star unnoticed and somehow instantly find Leia’s cell.
  • Luke uses the Jedi Mind Trick on the guards at Leia’s cell to get inside. (First time the Jedi Mind Trick appears in the movie.)
  • Leia says Luke is amazing, thanks him and won’t stop talking about wanting to run away with him and devote herself to helping him. Luke is not interested and says he just wants to be friends.
  • Han somehow instantly finds the head Stormtrooper Commander and says he’ll kill him if he doesn’t shut down the Death Star’s magnetic shields. The Stormtrooper Commander complies and they throw him in the trash compactor.
  • Darth Vader finds the heroes. Luke watches as Han Solo confronts Darth Vader and is killed.
  • Luke attacks Darth Vader and holds his own. He drops his saber but he is able to Force grab it back before Vader can. (First time Force grab is seen in the movie.) Vader offers to train Luke. Luke lands several blows on Vader and cuts off his hand while remaining unscathed and Vader collapses in a heap. Suddenly, there is an explosion that ruptures the platform between them and Luke leaves to join Leia, Chewie and R2 back on the Falcon.
  • Meanwhile, Wedge leads a small squad to do a bombing run on the Death Star. He easily hits the target without facing much resistance or even thinking about it much and the Death Star blows up.
  • Luke officially joins the Rebellion at the end of the movie and is instantly selected to pilot a ship on a vital mission they’ve been waiting years to do. Their best pilot who just blew up the Death Star, Wedge, is passed over.
And there you have it. Star Wars: A New Hope as bland, generic, shallow, Saturday morning cartoon space opera, without depth, meaning, humanity, heart or soul, a.k.a. Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

I’m thinking we’ll cast Arnold Schwarzenegger as Luke and Chris Tucker as Han Solo.


Woke Dreamer
Dec 23, 2014
So people saying that the big dude in the movie is some character from the animated series who survived an explosion but had his skull crushed or fukked up.