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If George just released the very original films most of the fans would stop being so mad at him
It was his story, his films, from his money. Besides Han shooting second I don't mind the additions. He did try to make the world of the OT look more diverse and alive like the PT.And I don't blame the fans
What has Lucas done for Star Wars movies since the OT?
Special Editions with a lot of unnecessary bullshyt
A shytty PT that undermines the OT
Blu Ray special editions with a lot of unnecessary bullshyt
He expanded the universe with the PT which gave more material for the EU. Brought interest of Star Wars to a new generation that grew up seeing the PT in theatres.
And he brought us The Clone Wars
I don't think Star Wars would be as poppin if Lucas just left it alone after ROTJ. Sure we wouldnt have these movies we having now.