Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
I would have argued the exact same thing a few days ago. I said to myself, "There's NO WAY he won't be a Jedi. They're marketing him with the Skywalker lightsaber. They made a point of cutting to his face in the trailer when Han said, 'the Jedi.' SO many fans are looking forward to seeing him be force sensitive. There's just no way they would do this to us."

Now, I just don't know. It just seems to me now that they are only worried about pleasing fans who had high hopes for Rey's character, and no one else.

Why do yall care so much if he's a jedi or not? :heh:

Personally the Jedi are becoming less and less interesting to me. If this movie showed me anything it's that they're all pretty similar for the most part. I think him not being a Jedi makes him way more interesting and opens up better storylines.

Man low key the Jedi are a bunch of chumps. I hear people saying Rey is Luke's daughter. :dahell: Do these nikkas ever raise their kids and not disappear? :beli:

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
People seem to forget Finn was a Stormtrooper who defected... I dont expect him to be a full jedi.. HELL in the trailer you can see the fear in his face when he's holding the lightsabre...

He's all over the place until he finds his direction... He was mind programmed by the empire... he defects... meets jedi and stuff... hears the stories are real .. but does he believe Han or his empire teachings.... Its natural he's conflicted... He should be good mid way ep 8... well after he wakes up anyway

And its obvious Rey is Han's other child/ Kylo's sister... They probably save that reveil for mid way ep 8 when Luke's training her and its not working... He'll call to Leia like your daughter isnt focused.. im gonna tell her the truth .. yadda ya ..

Is it just me or did Finn have way too much personality for a soldier who's been programmed since a toddler. I'm not buying this whole "sudden conscience" thing. Where did he learn his sense of right and wrong? He was also incredibly witty for a minion. :patrice:


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
Is it just me or did Finn have way too much personality for a soldier who's been programmed since a toddler. I'm not buying this whole "sudden conscience" thing. Where did he learn his sense of right and wrong? He was also incredibly witty for a minion. :patrice:

Maybe it's a thing where they program you but it's not permanent. So they do routinely programmings on the Stormtroopers. And maybe the reason why Finn had a lot of wit to him and personality is due to the programming wearing off, but decided to stay in character because he was conflicted on what he wanted to do. We know that in the beginning of the movie, he didn't want to kill the villagers. And there was also the situation where he took his helmet off and Captain Phasma asked him why he did. So maybe he's been "awakened" for a while but had to wait for a chance to escape out of there. After all, if it weren't for Poe, he'd still be on there. The First Order had even been chasing Finn down for a little bit.

Vice Queen

aka Joe Henny
Jan 15, 2015
do you think Rey is Luke's kid, Vice Queen?
She has Skywalker blood, and I'm leaning more towards Luke, but it also depends on how much he still followed the Jedi code and the whole no sex/relationships thing.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
She has Skywalker blood, and I'm leaning more towards Luke, but it also depends on how much he still followed the Jedi code and the whole no sex/relationships thing.

I think in the next one we find out it's his child he had a kid in the EU, which we do know about, but even though the EU which was wiped away they retined the stuff about luke training the kids in the new jedi school. so some elements are retained i guess. :yeshrug:

Mike Otherz

All Star
Jun 7, 2012
I can't believe people are actually defending it :dead:

They can bash George all they want but he only had Vader and Dooku lose when their time was up. He wasn't dumb enough to have them lose immediately unless they were specifically one and dones e.g. Maul and Grievious. Now we're expected to take Kylo seriously when he got completely washed by an unskilled random, not even going to use "rookie" anymore as that implies basic training has been undergone, character is finished. Can't even go with the redemption route as he killed off a fan-favourite character, no one will care.

kylo was lowkey the best character in this until the end. looked like an unbeaten fighter who got ko’d. lost all his mystique.
It's called character development. Finn now has something to prove to others and himself in the next movie. It also shows the casualties of battle and the sacrifice Finn made to protect Rey. Once that point was made his purpose/story for this specific movie was over. So him being in a coma is fine and adds uncertainty for the audience.

1. Kylo took a bow caster shot straight to the abdomen. He's basically dying from that point on. The movie even goes out of it way to show Kylo in pain and bleeding out.

2. Kylo is not as powerful as he leads people to believe and he knows it. He's struggling with his own identity and not being able to live up to expectations.

3. Kylo is very unstable mentally and physically during the fight vs Rey and Finn. With Finn he let his guard down. With Rey he underestimated how much of the force she possessed. Both things are typical of someone who practices the dark side of the force. He is not a Sith nor a Jedi and probably turned to the darkside as a padawan, he's just a practitioner of the force now.

Don't make the mistake of comparing all Jedi to the Best of the Best. The Prequels and the Originals dealt with the creme of the crop, Obi-wan, Yoda ,Luke, Anakin, Mace Windu, basically legends of the Jedi Order. But take two seconds to look at the Jedi in Clone Wars at the stadium or how easily they were taking out by order 66. Jedi aren't untouchable gods and many non force users had the ability to kill them which is no secret.

So bare in mind all of Kylo's disadvantages/shortcomings and the fact that he wasn't fully trained into the equation and its not so far fetched that Rey and Finn didn't get obliterated.

how do you call being put in a coma not getting obliterated? :what:


Wise poster
Jun 26, 2012
- strong acting
- good nostalgia tie in
- great space battle scenes
- nicely paced movie

- retread of precious story arcs
- weak saber fighting scenes

It's weird that Kylo started off as the shyt and then got weaker as the movie went on.

Overall, solid movie and I'd rank it 3rd or 4th best in the overall series.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
It's called character development. Finn now has something to prove to others and himself in the next movie. It also shows the casualties of battle and the sacrifice Finn made to protect Rey. Once that point was made his purpose/story for this specific movie was over. So him being in a coma is fine and adds uncertainty for the audience.

1. Kylo took a bow caster shot straight to the abdomen. He's basically dying from that point on. The movie even goes out of it way to show Kylo in pain and bleeding out.

2. Kylo is not as powerful as he leads people to believe and he knows it. He's struggling with his own identity and not being able to live up to expectations.

3. Kylo is very unstable mentally and physically during the fight vs Rey and Finn. With Finn he let his guard down. With Rey he underestimated how much of the force she possessed. Both things are typical of someone who practices the dark side of the force. He is not a Sith nor a Jedi and probably turned to the darkside as a padawan, he's just a practitioner of the force now.

Don't make the mistake of comparing all Jedi to the Best of the Best. The Prequels and the Originals dealt with the creme of the crop, Obi-wan, Yoda ,Luke, Anakin, Mace Windu, basically legends of the Jedi Order. But take two seconds to look at the Jedi in Clone Wars at the stadium or how easily they were taking out by order 66. Jedi aren't untouchable gods and many non force users had the ability to kill them which is no secret.

So bare in mind all of Kylo's disadvantages/shortcomings and the fact that he wasn't fully trained into the equation and its not so far fetched that Rey and Finn didn't get obliterated.

Stop with this "he wasn't fully trained" nonsense/"defence" please :mjlol:, acting like Kylo had just signed up when he was comfortable using the force and lightsaber prior. They had to establish Kylo "The Loser" Ren as the villain and make him powerful but also wanted to give Rey her big moment in this film so we got that dumb nonsense at the end that even went as far as him getting KO'ed and being saved by the mountain breaking apart :mjlol: and does nothing but make him look like a joke for the rest of the trilogy. They messed up and you know it and that's why everyone's talking about it.​

I can't believe people are actually defending it :dead:

They can bash George all they want but he only had Vader and Dooku lose when their time was up. He wasn't dumb enough to have them lose immediately unless they were specifically one and dones e.g. Maul and Grievious. Now we're expected to take Kylo seriously when he got completely washed by an unskilled random, not even going to use "rookie" anymore as that implies basic training has been undergone, character is finished. Can't even go with the redemption route as he killed off a fan-favourite character, no one will care.

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
So apparently, in the novel, while Finn is laid up in the hospital bed during his coma, this is where Rey and Poe first meet.

They hug each other, act nervously, and Rey thinks that she "likes his face". It's not much, but it could be something....:scheme:

This dude didn't get ONE actual win out of any of this....:laff: