Just saw it today. Movie was very meh. Some of the weaknesses have already been addressed but:
1. Rey mastering the force in literally one day. Using jedi mind tricks, telekinesis, and defeating a sith apprentice without any training whatsoever. I don't care if it's implied that she had training as a child. There's literally nothing left for her to learn except force lightning or some other power they make up.
2. Kylo Ren is a completely incompetent villain. And the actor they go to play him looks goofy as fukk.
3. "Starkiller Base" was a stupid rehash with an even stupider name.
4. I don't understand why Poe had to survive. How did that move the story along?
5. Why does Rey have a British accent? Han and Leia don't have accents. Kylo doesn't have an accent. Nobody in that family except for Rey has a British accent.
6. That pointless little orange alien who ran the cantina and didn't do anything.
7. No explanation of the political situation whatsoever.