Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


Jun 26, 2012
Don't know how anyone could see Han solo in Finn. I think Poe was more Han solo Tbh. Finn was a character we haven't seen in SW before

Poe is the male version of Princess Leia. His parallels are too blatant. Sending plans to the Droid and being captured. Work for the Resistance similar in vein to Leia and the Rebel Alliance. Confident and self-assured like Leia is.

Finn is Han Solo right down to the jacket. He's the unlikely hero that wanted no parts initially to help with the Resistance like Han in the Rebel Alliance. Both (even in this film) are hopping in situations blindly making things up on the fly. Both have fallen for the female protagonist. And both are snarky, charismatic and entertaining personalities.

Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
Rekkapryde said:
Doing a 7.2 setup.

I've got the equipment, but my living room size is all sorts of fukked :to:

People with a nice, square room are the real MVPs


May 1, 2012
Just saw it today. Movie was very meh. Some of the weaknesses have already been addressed but:

1. Rey mastering the force in literally one day. Using jedi mind tricks, telekinesis, and defeating a sith apprentice without any training whatsoever. I don't care if it's implied that she had training as a child. There's literally nothing left for her to learn except force lightning or some other power they make up.

2. Kylo Ren is a completely incompetent villain. And the actor they go to play him looks goofy as fukk.

3. "Starkiller Base" was a stupid rehash with an even stupider name.

4. I don't understand why Poe had to survive. How did that move the story along?

5. Why does Rey have a British accent? Han and Leia don't have accents. Kylo doesn't have an accent. Nobody in that family except for Rey has a British accent.

6. That pointless little orange alien who ran the cantina and didn't do anything.

7. No explanation of the political situation whatsoever.
Are u serious about the accent I hope not it is determined by where u grew up not family.


All Star
Sep 30, 2015
The 215
That's not how accents work breh

Did the slavers on Jakku have prissy British accents, friend? :francis:

See you got a point there :ld:

Which probably means she's not related to any of them Skywalkers (if they're trying to be logical) and she's not originally from Jakku (I think that was implied anyway)

It could be that...

Or they just wanted someone with a british accent :dead:

im pretty sure the accent is just because Daisy Ridley is English :dead:


All Star
Sep 30, 2015
The 215
I feel like fin's actions were realistic.

It would have been dumb of him to admit to ray that he was a runaway stormtrooper, nikkas is saying this made him a liar but telling the truth wouldn't make sense for a character that just defected.

He freed poe for his own selfish reasons but that's because they were suspicious of him and wanted to examine his blaster to see if he fired a shot, he was probably gonna be disiplined and decided to escape for that reason, you can say that he was selfish in freeing POE but his motives were morerealistic than the alternative.

Standing up to Kylo ren and even injuring him was pretty impressive too.(affectively welded a lightsaber, and broke free of the mind control placed on him shows signs that he could still end up being force sensitive.)

Sure ray was ultimately the one to beat himbut that was after being injured by chewie and fin. The fact that she was able to do this so soon is a fault with HER character, notfinns, that's why people are calling ray a Mary sue and claiming finn moved to movie along.

The whole movie was low key told from finns perspective as someone small and irrelevant, becoming apart of something much bigger than him.

Never once did I feel like Finn wasn't the star of the movie, dispite maybe not becoming a jedi. Finn had the best character development out of all the new characters, followed by Kylo ren.

Ray was basically a sack of potatoes, shehas no reason or motives for her actions, we don't even know who she is at this point.

I actually felt like Finn was the star of the movie. Most of the movie it felt like it was told from his perspective. It wasn't until the fight with Kylo Ren that it switched to Rey. In fact it felt kinda weird when Rey went off by herself without Finn to find Luke.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Saw it on Christmas Eve...

1 - Overall a pretty good movie. Although at times it feels kind of cheap. How so? It felt like they wrote down all the aspects of the original trilogy, changed names and places around, and came up with this movie. It didn't feel like " is the continuation of Star Wars", it felt like a "sequel" to Star Wars rather than simply a continuation of the story. Or maybe I've just been jaded by the many sequels of movies I've seen in my lifetime....

2. I was disappointed that Finn wasn't a new Jedi only because to me the logical first step for Luke Skywalker after ROTJ was to restore the Jedi Order, which he did, so I'm fine with that. Plus we have other movies so be patient I guess. Although I'm completely cool with him not being a Jedi, Disney DID hype us up with the posters and the trailers :mjpls:

3. I like Kylo Ren as a villain even tho he is a poor mans Darth Vader. I like that it showed that he was 100% about that Dark Side life and that he had definitely gone over. When he flipped out and destroyed that computer panel I liked that because it showed the contrasts between a Jedi and a Sith. A Jedi would have take the time to ponder the situation and seek wisdom. A Sith would give in to his anger and rage in order to find a solution because that's how they operate...through anger they gain strength. Same way with him hitting himself after being wounded. Because he is a Dark Jedi (not necessarily a Sith yet) the pain he gets from beating his wound would make him even stronger. After Snoke completes his training, I suspect he will be truly able to draw upon the power that a Sith would gain from such pain. Also, remember that while Vader was the Emperors right hand, he wasn't able to just run roughshod all over the Imperial soldiers for no reason. The non-movie material fleshes this out, but even back then Vader was subject to berating from the Emperor as well. It just so happened that Vader was one of the Emperors most powerful weapons so he was intent on maintaining control of him. It's the same way with Kylo. Vader was a kind of quiet disciplined rage that probably only comes from Anakin being a former Jedi, where Kylo is raw and unpolished like his lightsaber.

4. Speaking of lightsabers...there are different forms of lightsaber combat. Some are flashy and acrobatic, others are more defensive and straight forward. Then there are forms are are strictly light side because of their nature and dark side because of their nature. I know it's funny to laugh at that gif of Anakin vs. Obi-Wan but you have to remember that Jedi usually only use their lightsabers for defense or to stop an opponent. Sith use their lightsabers more aggressively and offensively. If either one of them stopped or bluffed in their rotations with their lightsabers, they would have been cut in half because that would have been the response to an attack with the saber. Remember Lucas borrowed from different sword styles IRL in order to flesh out lightsaber battles. What Anakin and Obi-Wan were doing were "flower circles". With actual swords you could use it to stop arrows or parry an opponents attack using the speed and momentum one would gather from the rotations. Luke was never a polished saber user in the movies because he didn't have enough time to master lightsaber fighting or learn the many subtleties of them. Likewise, Vader's saber skills were diminished greatly because of the cybernetics that Palpatine put in him to keep him alive, but were still more than enough to toy with what was the equivalent of a Padawan in Luke. Kylo was taught by Luke but never completed his training. That's why Rey was able to beat him, because she was very powerful in the force AND using Lukes old saber. Kylo was giving in to the darkside but he's not even a full Sith so all in all that was a pretty fair fight and once again highlights how the darkside while powerful, can cloud your judgement and lead to ruin....

5. I liked Rey as a main character and felt kind of robbed when they didn't flesh out her character more but again, we got more movies to go so we'll see. I had zero issues with Poe tho. Poe was that dude in every scene that he was in. His character epitomized the spirit of all the Rebels in Star wars and he didn't disappoint when they gave him the title of Leia's best pilot.

6. My man Han :to:

I might actually go see it again because I saw it at the Pavilion in BK and that shyt was TRASH and ruined my experience. I only went because it was the early show and I thought that the theater they were gonna put us in was the renovated joints with nicer seats (when I saw GOTG there it was all good) but it was these nasty ass cloth seats in a theater that was literally falling apart. shyt made me mad but I was more geeked for the movie and the movie more than made up for it so it's all good.

tl;dr 8/10...better than the prequels but not better than the OG films, and left me wanting...but that's what the later episodes are for so its all good :obama:


May 1, 2012
But again, she grew up on Jakku. Who on Jakku had a British accent? :heh:
I give you that I wouldn't apply to much logic to any JJ Abrams movie I learned that on star trek lol Kirk was Captain within the first hour.


May 8, 2012
She might not be able to do a good america accent I know Patrick Stewart is terrible with them also.

Patrick Stewart (as Jean-Luc Picard) is the gentleman captain of a starship. It makes a little more sense for him to have an upper-class British accent.

Rey grew up as an indentured servant in a desert backwater.


May 1, 2012
Patrick Stewart (as Jean-Luc Picard) is the gentleman captain of a starship. It makes a little more sense for him to have an upper-class British accent.

Rey grew up as an indentured servant in a desert backwater.
lol I know that I am talking about in general when he is acting I have heard him do several accents and while he is a great actor he is not capable of doing any other accents as passable.