I return to the thread and there has been over 30 pages of Finn bashing? Really? Ninjas please. And it would seem that most of the people had never even seen a Star Wars movie, or else they would have noticed that Finn was the man, first-go-round when compared to the other's (lack of) accomplishments. But anyway....
It would appear that I was right about the map waking up R2.
J.J. Abrams Explains Role of R2-D2 in The Force Awakens
The more that I think about the movie, the more I'll say that this movie did absolutely nothoing to advance the story. Say what you want about the PT, but there was an excellent story there, hidden beneath horrible dialog, CGI overdose and slapstick humor. We know damn near everything we need to know except "who was Anakin's father?" AS good as this movie is, it did seem like a wasted opportunity. They should have made it a stand alone film, or given more exposition as to what happened or what is happening.