Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Once again, to re-iterate, this is the first MAJOR black person in a SW universe. So please quit the fukking whining about the topic being heavily focused on Finn. This is The Coli.

Some of y'all coming off as plants, tbh. This movie isn't perfect by any means, if you want a circle jerk, go to one of the SW-centric forums.

For those of us with an interest in media outside of it's at-face content...these types of discussions revolving around representation are far more interesting anyways. And damn, it's not like there hasn't been plenty of geeking out over the plot-centric issues anyways. How many times have we gone over Rey's parentage or who Snoke is?

Begging her to come with him?chasing her down while screaming in agony:damn:?her being his reason for no longer being afraid:jbhmm:...But your right i guess the love was too one sided to make it a love story:sas1:...he didnt try to fukk one time or come off like some horny guy tryna fukk everything,cant say i saw that or sexual tension either.

it was kindve Romeo Must Die where i thought they were building up to a love story...which maybe they still are,but it never got there...when a man is doing everything for a girl and risking his life for a girl he barely knows,theres pretty much guarantee its ending with a love story.

I'm probably the most critical of Finn....But I think that the accusations of simping are a little overstated.

The dude was about to join a pirate crew and leave her. He asked her to come with, she asked him to stay, and he said peace out....:manny:

Only after she was captured did he decide to come back. On paper it might sound like he was clingey, but it made sense within the actual movie, added to the drama, etc.

She was the one hugging, kissing, and promising to see him again....:shaq:
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Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Have you seen Star Wars before ? They have had characters English accents before but never has a character been a London hood kid or even a American hoos kid dropping slang . He got to throw in a droid , please which was funny and in real life johns pretty funny and it came across in the movie

I haven't seen them all,but I remember Billy Dee Williams sounding like a black man:jbhmm:...Yall stuck on the hood thing,but I'm not even saying he had to be hood...but theres a complete lack of a black "cadence" or tone in Finns voice in the movie is the best way I can describe it.

After seeing this clip though I will backtrack a little bit,maybe I'm not taking into account he's losing a English accent which already comes across as sounding white damn near automatically...I honestly don't know or have I heard enough black people with English accents to say they have a different "black cadence" like we do in America....I expected a different cadence just because of how he came off in attack the Block,but I guess it doesn't work the same with a English accent maybe:manny:?

Regardless though,he did a great job,he stole the show really....Do you think they regret not making him the lead now?They kindve made his story the most interesting,made him the most likeable,so much so you rooted for him more than the girl in the movie who's supposed to be the star....I'll be honest too,i think its just kindve hard to make most women likeable,or believalbe enough to root for...I don't know if I've ever rooted for a woman on film or tv,at least not action films:patrice:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
this isn't the Sith, they are suppose to have a balance of light and dark.

they mentioned it in the movies that he wiped out the jedi trainees under his back story doesn't fit what happened on the film

Im not sure why you don't agree with me that he was weak in the movie then:dahell:? Your right,what they hyped him up to be is not whats SHOWN on film....telling us a villians resume and them living up to it on the screen are two different things....You are basically agreeing with me that he didn't live up to his resume on screen,but you say he's not weak because his resume is strong:patrice:?...This is a movie,show me don't tell me.


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
I'm watching the TFA torrent and after Maz says "whoever you're waiting for on Jakku they're never coming back...but there's someone who still could", Rey whispers "Luke". :ohhh: :ohhh:

Also when the Starkiller base fires and it shows Finn there is the voices of the people in the Hosnian system and he turns around distressed to see it. He's obviously force sensitive.

Yea i cant remember if that scene was meant to show he heard them or was there screams in the other scenes when they stepped out of maz's castle


May 7, 2012
Once again, to re-iterate, this is the first MAJOR black person in a SW universe. So please quit the fukking whining about the topic being heavily focused on Finn. This is The Coli.

Some of y'all coming off as plants, tbh. This movie isn't perfect by any means, if you want a circle jerk, go to one of the SW-centric forums.

For those of us with an interest in media outside of it's at-face content...these types of discussions revolving around representation are far more interesting anyways. And damn, it's not like there hasn't been plenty of geeking out over the plot-centric issues anyways. How many times have we gone over Rey's parentage or who Snoke is?

I'm probably the most critical of Finn....But I think that the accusations of simping are a little overstated.

The dude was about to join a pirate crew and leave her. He asked her to come with, she asked him to stay, and he said peace out....:manny:

Only after she was captured did he decide to come back. On paper it might sound like he was clingey, but it made sense within the actual movie, added to the drama, etc.

She was the one hugging, kissing, and promising to see him again....:shaq:
Finn came back when he the starkiller was used not due to Rey's capture . That happens after .
And so now we just ignoring lando and mace ? I'm black and I don't think a valid criticism of the movie isn't that Finn isn't a black superhero as he was never portrayed as that. his character fits right in with Han and lando as a person who starts out doing something for selfish reasons but winds up fighting for the greater good . If you feel he's more humorous than those guys maybe but it's also how John is in real life and they probably tapped into that , I personally like his character a lot and he's my favorite New cast .

Also no one is saying the movie is perfect but a lot of us are tired of this race debate . I want to discuss starwars , make a second thread to discuss that other stuff all you want .

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Once again, to re-iterate, this is the first MAJOR black person in a SW universe. So please quit the fukking whining about the topic being heavily focused on Finn. This is The Coli.

Some of y'all coming off as plants, tbh. This movie isn't perfect by any means, if you want a circle jerk, go to one of the SW-centric forums.

For those of us with an interest in media outside of it's at-face content...these types of discussions revolving around representation are far more interesting anyways. And damn, it's not like there hasn't been plenty of geeking out over the plot-centric issues anyways. How many times have we gone over Rey's parentage or who Snoke is?

I'm probably the most critical of Finn....But I think that the accusations of simping are a little overstated.

The dude was about to join a pirate crew and leave her. He asked her to come with, she asked him to stay, and he said peace out....:manny:

Only after she was captured did he decide to come back. On paper it might sound like he was clingey, but it made sense within the actual movie, added to the drama, etc.

She was the one hugging, kissing, and promising to see him again....:shaq:

I thought it was a little too clingy and too early,not sure why some of you are critical of Finn outside of that really.....He was weak and scary in the beginning because he was supposed to be,to show he got stronger and not fearful by the movies end....Its not like they made him weaker as the movie went on,cant be mad at a character progressing,especially when the series aint even over:comeon:.

For all we know Finn might be the real chosen one:blessed:?As a matter of fact I got a question,how did Kylo Ren know Finn was the storm trooper who was the traitor immediately?When the lead storm tropper told him what happened he immideatley knew which storm Trooper it was?Did he feel some kindve "light" force in Finn at the village?he even shot the laser beam his direction....I didn't see Finn doing anything that suspicious that he would shoot that laser at em,and draw that conclusion he was the traitor so quickly....He stopped and paused and stared at Finn like he felt something?Does the force allow you to feel if somebodys a good person in general:patrice:?or was this just a misdirection/tease?

Big Dick

All Star
May 21, 2012
Dope movie. Was a little salty Luke was only in the last shot but that was mostly because a review I read made it seem like he showed up during the lightsaber battle at the end so I was kindve waiting for him to show up and put work in.

I liked all the new characters, even Rey though she resonated the least which is surprising given she had the most screen time. I liked Finn the best but let the coli tell it it's because I'm secretly racist and got secret racist tingles everytime someone else saved him. News flash brehs, this is Star Wars and all the characters are gonna be saving each other multiple times which is exactly what happened. And I strongly disagree with the poster who said all of Finns heroics were immediately overshadowed. Finns heroics enabled the other characters to do something heroic which in turn led to Finn doing something heroic and round and round it goes. But yeah I really liked Finn, definitely reminds me of Han in that initially he's about surviving and trying to gtfoh but ends up being down for the cause just because he fukks with the crew of people who are down for the cause.

I thought Ren was dope too. There were def some inconsistencies that I guess we could reason out, like Rey closing her eyes for ten seconds in a lightsaber duel and Ren not using that time to disable her in some way but oh well. I'm too hyped for the sequels and possible Plagues action to be too critical right now.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Dope movie. Was a little salty Luke was only in the last shot but that was mostly because a review I read made it seem like he showed up during the lightsaber battle at the end so I was kindve waiting for him to show up and put work in.

I liked all the new characters, even Rey though she resonated the least which is surprising given she had the most screen time. I liked Finn the best but let the coli tell it it's because I'm secretly racist and got secret racist tingles everytime someone else saved him. News flash brehs, this is Star Wars and all the characters are gonna be saving each other multiple times which is exactly what happened. And I strongly disagree with the poster who said all of Finns heroics were immediately overshadowed. Finns heroics enabled the other characters to do something heroic which in turn led to Finn doing something heroic and round and round it goes. But yeah I really liked Finn, definitely reminds me of Han in that initially he's about surviving and trying to gtfoh but ends up being down for the cause just because he fukks with the crew of people who are down for the cause.

I thought Ren was dope too. There were def some inconsistencies that I guess we could reason out, like Rey closing her eyes for ten seconds in a lightsaber duel and Ren not using that time to disable her in some way but oh well. I'm too hyped for the sequels and possible Plagues action to be too critical right now.

I gotta say its weird to see thecoli whos obsessed with pointing out villians every weakness,focus more on Finn being weak than Kylo Ren....When I didn't see Finn as weak at all really when he wasn't supposed to be...He was taken as a child and forced to fight but didn't want to on either side,he didn't want to kill those villagers,he didn't want to help fight with the Resistance,just wanted to get the fukk outta dodge:mjlol:?He saved people multiple times in the movie,he saved himself and Po,Po even said they wouldn't escape if Finn wasn't nice with the cannons:banderas:....Saved Rey and the android by pointing out the "garbage" ship and helped shoot they way out....Matter of fact he saved Poe who later came back and saved all they azz because he bought the Resistance back with him:mindblown:?Then in the end he was still a hero,are we going to act like he didn't save Rey just because he ended up losing the fight with a damn Jedi even though he apparently has no power other than black power:blessed:?

People complaining about him being weak,obviously just had expected him to be the lead and had they own expectations....Are you meaning to tell me rather than have him take the L in a light saber fight with a jedi,you would rather have had him doing some fukk shyt like setting off an explosion or disabling power in some control room,like they normally make the side character do as the hero fights the main villain:comeon:?I'll take that respectable L over the lame azz W.

One thing I will say I didn't like about his character is I would've liked if they gave him his own reason for fighting....his only motivation so far pretty much seems to be Rey,which is where the simping criticism I think is coming from too....Maybe revenge for them taking him from his family,or wanting to find his family could've been his motivation versus just saving himself, thenn to only caring about saving Rey.


All Star
Oct 27, 2014
the way they carry on with luke and snoke's characters is essential to the success of the series IMO. If snoke is plageious it would deepen the story, especially if they went into how he resurrected and lurked in the shadows over the palp's reign. Even if he isn't plageous, if they detailed the sith aspect and how he didn't fall into the rule of two, stayed under the radar or get darth mauled by palps over that period it would add so much deepness.

luke needs to be overpowered as fukk like he was in the EU, we don't need another obi wan.


Jun 2, 2012
the way they carry on with luke and snoke's characters is essential to the success of the series IMO. If snoke is plageious it would deepen the story, especially if they went into how he resurrected and lurked in the shadows over the palp's reign. Even if he isn't plageous, if they detailed the sith aspect and how he didn't fall into the rule of two, stayed under the radar or get darth mauled by palps over that period it would add so much deepness.

luke needs to be overpowered as fukk like he was in the EU, we don't need another obi wan.

I agree with this, I hope they didnt bring luke back just to train Rey and then he quickly dies I want to see him have some substance and make it to episode 9


Aug 9, 2014
Im not sure why you don't agree with me that he was weak in the movie then:dahell:? Your right,what they hyped him up to be is not whats SHOWN on film....telling us a villians resume and them living up to it on the screen are two different things....You are basically agreeing with me that he didn't live up to his resume on screen,but you say he's not weak because his resume is strong:patrice:?...This is a movie,show me don't tell me.

i don't agree with you, he was a trained jedi who lost to two untrained jedi's. He wasn't weak, they just turned Finn and Ren into Gohan type turned out to be DBZ for the good guys.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Also was this a reboot?because it sucked as a reboot if it did,its almost impossible to really get into it without seeing the other movies....I could care less about two 70 year olds having a convo like two teenagers about they relationship they just couldn't get right:mjlol:...I could care less about their son,or Han being killed by his son,if I never saw any of the movies I absolutely wouldn't have cared about that scene at all....I would've been more interested to see Han confronting Luke about losing their son,but apparently nobody really blames him or was upset at him for losing the son,then running off like a bytch without apologizing,or trying to get him back:dahell:...Han should've stuck around to beat Lukes punk azz:mjlol:....instead they killed him off to do a spin of the "Luke Im your father shyt",except u knew he was about to kill Han:wtb:

Im curious if viewers of the old movies enjoyed the nostalgia,or thought the old characters were a waste of time and momentum killers:camby:?


Nov 18, 2013
I haven't seen them all,but I remember Billy Dee Williams sounding like a black man:jbhmm:...Yall stuck on the hood thing,but I'm not even saying he had to be hood...but theres a complete lack of a black "cadence" or tone in Finns voice in the movie is the best way I can describe it.

After seeing this clip though I will backtrack a little bit,maybe I'm not taking into account he's losing a English accent which already comes across as sounding white damn near automatically...I honestly don't know or have I heard enough black people with English accents to say they have a different "black cadence" like we do in America....I expected a different cadence just because of how he came off in attack the Block,but I guess it doesn't work the same with a English accent maybe:manny:?

Regardless though,he did a great job,he stole the show really....Do you think they regret not making him the lead now?They kindve made his story the most interesting,made him the most likeable,so much so you rooted for him more than the girl in the movie who's supposed to be the star....I'll be honest too,i think its just kindve hard to make most women likeable,or believalbe enough to root for...I don't know if I've ever rooted for a woman on film or tv,at least not action films:patrice:
Finn's voice sounded black to me :manny:
And I just hate the term white washed :manny:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
i don't agree with you, he was a trained jedi who lost to two untrained jedi's. He wasn't weak, they just turned Finn and Ren into Gohan type turned out to be DBZ for the good guys.

So was that storm trooper who beat Finns azz overpowered too:sas2:?Finn basically gave Kylo Ren the same fight he gave that storm tropper,so the only conclusion you could draw is that Kylo and that Storm Trooper were evenly skilled,which means that Kylo in fact was portrayed as weak like I said and your wrong on this one.

You cant name one time in the movie where he was showcased as a dominate villain in a physical fight,or even a verbal confrontation?I recall multiple people feeling comfortable screaming on him,checking him and pointing out his failures....Most villians at least get that one scene where they brutalize and dominate somebody,or at least show they strike fear into somebody....Even Po was clowning him from the jump,and the disrespect never stopped coming:mjlol: