Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


SOHH Member since 01...
May 3, 2012
Bronx, NYC
This thread pisses me off...another reminder that some people will never be pleased.

Anybody who says that Finn was completely unimportant to the story was obviously going into the movie thinking he was going to be the Jedi protagonist without any evidence aside from the few seconds of him wielding a lightsaber in the trailer...and then hated the movie when that wasn't the case.

I'll post my thoughts on the movie soon


Jan 7, 2014
It was alright...

I didn't like how Finn was marketed as a force user and apparently he wasn't. Rey is walking around with darth plagious staff apparently, what if her last name is palpatine or dooku? That would be cool.

Overall, It didn't feel like a complete movie. I didn't like it.

I liked revenge of the sith a lot


SOHH Member since 01...
May 3, 2012
Bronx, NYC
Lol, I just got back from this movie and I really liked it, so reading these extremely negative responses are hilarious. I'm assuming ya'll just decided ya'll weren't gonna like it unless Finn was the reincarnated version of Shaft + Blade x X-men's Bishop huh?

First, let me get the Finn stuff out of the way since this is a black oriented site, so obviously our eyes were on him predominantly. I loved him. While I understand people's disappointment in him not being force sensitive or the bad ass we thought he would be, I'm actually not that bothered by it because he ended up being something else that I still liked: a nuanced combination of afraid but brave, charming and funny without coming off like a tap dancing c00n, and a damn good actor. The potential for where his character can go is rather expansive. I can see Po dying and passing the torch onto him as the leading captain of the resistance. I can see him perhaps becoming a Jedi. I can see him being a bit of free agent. I don't know, but I'm intrigued. People got most hyped when Rey got the light saber, but I was most pumped when Finn was using it.

While I was expecting Kylo to be a more traditional villain, I was pleasantly surprised to see he was far more layered than that. The actor did a REALLY GOOD job of displaying that torment, confusion, and pain. He was equally convincing with the mask on as a bad ass and off as a scared, unhinged young man. Excellent job and one of the better villains IMO.

Rey was great and I love her chemistry with Finn. She's a believable protagonist and I look forward to seeing where she goes. With that said, I agree with those that said they went too far out of their way to hide her origins. Because it's obvious to me and most others that she is the daughter of Luke Skywalker, I don't see why they couldn't just reveal that fact. They had several opportunities to during the many off screen conversations about her. When Leia and Han were talking, they could have said something like "we're gonna bring our son back, and Luke's kid, too." and then BOOM. Done, and her Skywalker lineage being revealed would make her prodigious talent with the force make perfect sense. Anyway, she was dope. I've grown numb to most basic white female protagonists, so for me to have enjoyed her says a lot about her performance.

Han was of course dope and all about the nostalgia. I personally don't believe hes dead at all. What about you guys? I'm thinking he might have activated a parachute when falling or some shyt. That death felt really "fake out"-ish to me. And I believe if Kylo is to return to the side of light (which I predict), killing his father IMO is a point of no return. Leia was good, and Luke's cameo was on point. Looking forward to him being explored in the next one.

Oh, and Po was great too. Really likeable, and I look forward to seeing the actor's portrayal of Apocalypse.


- Great action scenes including space ship fights and light saber duels
- Fun dialogue that is nowhere near as corny as the prequel stuff
- Great acting from the young ones and they are allowed time to shine rather than be in the shadows of the OGs
- Well worth an IMAX 3D experience
- Brisk pace. Fits a lot into its 2 hour and 15 minute time frame.
- Fin isn't what I expected or wanted, but I got something I still enjoyed very much. As a guy who is very pro-black and sensitive towards how we are portrayed, I wasn't offended by anything he did at all sans falling for ol' Becky Sue :russ:
- The movie is flat out just a fun time.


- It DID feel a lot like a retelling of A New Hope, which is a little disappointing, but it improved on a great formula, so I can't be too mad
- Would have been nice to get a LITTLE more from Luke Skywalker
- Wish we got more insight into who Snoke is, but I'm guessing he's supposed to be a Sith and Kylo his apprentice, right?
- Who's the General guy? What's his story? He spoke to Kylo as an equal and not a subordinate, so I'm interested to see what his pull is.

Overall score is an 8.5/10 for me
never mind....this pretty much sums it up for me


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
It was alright...

I didn't like how Finn was marketed as a force user and apparently he wasn't. Rey is walking around with darth plagious staff apparently, what if her last name is palpatine or dooku? That would be cool.

Overall, It didn't feel like a complete movie. I didn't like it.

I liked revenge of the sith a lot

Definately a set up movie and the only way they can get away with it because its the new star wars trilogy

Bone Bender

May 20, 2012
So I just got back from the movie.

It was pretty good, although I kinda had to laugh at Finn's role in relation to how some on the board thought he'd be. Some thought he'd be badass, but he was more like the side kick that's totally out of his element who barely scrapes by in the end. Cant believe he survived having his spine sliced by a lightsaber.

He was the comic relief of the movie which was cool by me. Biggest laugh was when he was like, "We'll just use the force! :gladbron:" and Han's like, ":beli: Thats not how that shyt works breh." Lol.

So Rey's Luke's daughter. Gotta be.

Speaking of Luke, Mark really looked good in the end there. Regal and all that.

Kylo barely able to keep his anger in check was a good character trait. Liked the scene where's hes losing his shyt when Rey escapes and those two troopers are like,

I liked the more grounded saber battles. The flippy stuff was a little tired imo.

They wasted those two dudes from the Raid. Didnt even use any cool martial arts or anything. I dont even know why they even bothered casting them.

They also wasted Gwendolyn's Capt. Phasma. Seemed like shed be a badass but they didnt show any of that.

I left as soon as the credits rolled, so can anyone tell me if there were any after credits scenes?


Jun 26, 2012
finn is mace windu's son....

....also, darth maul's lightsaber will be in the next one

Finn is not Mace's son.... Mace Windu was killed nearly 60 YEARS prior to A Force Awakens.

Also, why can't Finn just be unrelated to anyone? Why can't he be what is automatically stated? A home-bred Storm Trooper since infancy? He doesn't need to be shoehorned related to anyone.


May 12, 2012
Finn going back and forth between being a boss and being a coward made perfect sense idk why nikkas are mad :what: he was the most "human" character in the whole film along with Kylo

in the beginning he only did shyt when he felt like his back was completely against the wall or something was stopping him from running away, he was just tryna disappear off the grid, on his survivalist shyt

after Rey got snatched he started takin the initiative cuz he was gaining confidence from seeing rey/han/chewy bein brave and also wanting to live up to what Rey thought he was

nikkas sayin he didn't "have" anything :what: he came up with the majority of the ideas in the movie, helping ole boy escape in the beginning, before Han and Chewy showed up he was finna have her release the poison gas, he masterminded the whole assault on the First Order, made sure the shields were down and everything, obviously his physical skills are gonna improve, they showed him clappin nikkas up multiple times and he was puttin in work with the lightsaber, let my dude live brehs he has the most potential to improve out of everyone imo, depending on how bad Kylo did him he's prolly gonna have some augments in the 8th film and it felt like they were hinting at him having some sensitivity to the force somewhere deep down

Rey was cool but i don't feel like they gave me a good enough reason to really "care" about her at all. i mean yea she had her conflict of clinging to her lie that her family was gonna come back home and being afraid to accept her newfound destiny but c'mon, how hard is it to decide to go train with Luke da gawd and use the force? Kylo and Finn had way better conflicts

a little disappointed they didn't flesh out the Han/Leia/Kylo relationship a little bit more, that little convo she and Han had was weak, but im sure they're gonna expound on the details of him being left with Luke/betraying him in future episodes

Rey definitely has to be the daughter of someone important tho, i feel like that's the only way they can explain how she was so raw with the force in that short ass amount of time, even Anakin and Luke had to get trained by some OG's, she out here counter Kylo(a trained jedi) on her first try like it's nothing

I have no problem with Snoke being a mystery because it's the first film in the trilogy so that makes sense, never understood how some people want the 1st of the 3 movies to not be purposefully vague about some shyt (if they're still being vague by the last one then yea fukk them, but the first? nah let them cook brehs)

im just mad they made him look like a cracked out Voldemort :beli:


The Coli
Apr 1, 2013
Finn is not Mace's son.... Mace Windu was killed nearly 60 YEARS prior to A Force Awakens.

Also, why can't Finn just be unrelated to anyone? Why can't he be what is automatically stated? A home-bred Storm Trooper since infancy? He doesn't need to be shoehorned related to anyone.

im joking lol....