Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


Apr 20, 2015
I'm sad that some you guys can't see the big picture on Finns character portrayal vs all the other characters. I know this board has people of other races and ethnic backgrounds who like to pretend to be black so they can get avoid scrutiny for their opinion on racial issues who always try to get racially charged conversations deaded and deleted when they get uncomfortable for them and then we have the really black posters who "don't see it" or "it isn't that serious" or "it's just a movie". If you're the latter then i hate to tell you that it is that serious. Hollywood has been doing this for over 100 years. Rooms of white people writing how minorities should be portrayed and these images then go world wide and that's how they view

The truth is Finn could've been played by any minority or a alien even because at the end of the movie he had no victories and stole no thunder from the real lead characters Han Solo(white male) and Rey(white woman). His lack of skills was used to highlight and amplify how much skill those two had. Rey beats him soundly the first time they meet,somehow speaks wookie,speaks droid,can pilot ships in contrast to....Finn who can't do any of those things but is supposed to be her partner and co-lead but she's carrying him.Crisis adverted the white female is leading the black male "co-lead" and not the other way around. Then they meet Han Solo and Finn goes from supposed co-lead to 3rd/4th string just along for the ride because of his lusting for the white woman who is treating him like he's an asexual droid. She wants nothing to do with him romantically and he gets ready to leave. He watches the people he's running from destroy a galaxy but doesn't come back cause it's the right thing to do. He comes back because of her. He gets a lightsaber, the moment people have been waiting he can hand it off to white female lead and gets a lucky kill then soundly gets beat by his first real competition while white male bails him out and pulls off best move in fight scene.Crisis averted white male still looks more capable than the black male co-lead and black male "co-lead" is not the going have the chosen ones thunder. Black male "co-lead" comes up with plan to rescue white female lead,white male lead commandeers plan because it's not really a good plan, then takes charge and white female lead rescued herself. Crisis averted, black male has not stolen thunder from white male or female lead. White male lead dies and enter new white lead with the same attributes as old white lead. Black male "co-lead" is still jobber status. Enter final fight part 1, new white male lead is set up to be great thanks to the plan of old white male lead, what's going on in final fight part 2 you say? White female lead is down and only person around is black male "co-lead" so the outcome of the movie is now on his shoulders. Black male "co-lead" is putting up a fight and thunder is slowly draining from white female lead and this movie is going to end with him taking back his original co-lead title. Nope, he's knock out cold along with the white female le...nope she got knocked unconscious into a pile of smelling salt snow and is back up and ready to save the day. We all sit and watch the thunder jump back to the white female lead except for the the black male "co-lead" who probably is having a nice dream where he has thunder like one of the white leads but we know that will never happen because in Hollywood if the black guy saves the day then the villain won and we can't have that. We can't have a black man saving the white damsel in distress. Think about the children.

Believe all of these thing aren't calculated if you want to. Just remember to bump this thread and give the few guys who see it their props when Finn doesn't end up with the white girl who he was doing all of this for and gets treated like a kid brother by the white man who gave him a cool nickname that goes on to take his love interest by being bold and dashing while Finn looks on applauding them. We've seen this happen before just never in a galaxy far far away


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
Even the split of the characters in the image. But then again BB8 is on the left too, same with the X wing fighters

But this is probably because Finn is Rens brother or cousin.
I know that but I'm talking how they side by side like shes also holding the red light saber as well.

That looks odd.

Edit: I think you meant to put Rey not Finn.:skip:

Lord Scion

Quality Games
Oct 22, 2012
I finally saw it. Despite reading the spoilers I was still :gladbron::krs: when Finn turned on the lightsaber.

That's my space Lamont Sanford :mjcry:


Apr 20, 2015
This might happen except the whole Ren going back to the light side(why would they put him back training with Luke again).

Why would they make her so mary sue without no struggle in the film? Either it a feminist agenda(possibly it is) or ready for a big plot twist in episode 8.

Just look at the movie poster

Why does it make it look like Rey is holding the red light saber?:wtf:

This has to symbolizes something.:jbhmm:
Rey's craving the black D gonna cause her to fear losing Finn.

Fear leads to hate

Hate leads to:demonic:


May 25, 2012
I don't think they're gonna get rid of Chewie. Though it was weird he went with Rey. What's Chewie gonna do while Rey is training? Would've been better to keep Chewie with Finn and the crew.

Mike Otherz

All Star
Jun 7, 2012
And you real c00ns who get mad because Hollywood tricknology is being pointed out and making you uncomfortable kill me. Moving goalpost to give Finns character credibility.

Ol' bu..bu..but if Finn didn't rescue Poe or hold onto the light saber after he got it kylo Ren would have killed him and Rey so technically he the reason everything was successful ass nikkas.

This is how you nikkas look :feedme:

Now keep rearranging the cards to try and find wins for Jar Jar Finn.

at this point its clear cats is just happy to see a black person have such a prominent role in a legendary franchise this big. but i was also skeptical of Avatar. to me they was undermining black masculinity. even though zoe saldana was playing a na’vi, that shyt could have read as african or native american or indiginous. i didnt like how that white boy swooped in and stole zoe from her na’vi boyfriend. i think the dude might even have died, while zoe and the white boy ended up together at the end. that shyt had me like :mjpls: as well. $2.8 billion world wide. and now we have another "black men are weak" subliminal blockbuster with TFA.

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
Just gonna let you simple nikkas continue to be simple nikkas,c00ns,and undercover whites. You either can't comprehend black male/minority emasculation by Hollywood or don't want to face reality. Same way some of you acted when it was brought up with the treatment of the black men on the walking dead.

Just ask yourselves, why were white racists mad at Finn before the movie came out? Why are they no longer mad at him AFTER they've seen him in action?:sas1:

Because he's not a threat to white superiority complex anymore and white people aren't afraid of a safe negroes.:sas2:

And you deep down you simple nikkas know that's true. In the spirit of star wars,search your feelings c00ns. You won't though, you'll just throw subliminals trying to make me seem crazy (I own every star wars movies and read EU books Darth Homoist,eat a dikk whiteboy) and circle jerk each other for cheap daps. I'm cool with that, may the c00n stay with you.


All Star
Jul 29, 2013
Just gonna let you simple nikkas continue to be simple nikkas,c00ns,and undercover whites. You either can't comprehend black male/minority emasculation by Hollywood or don't want to face reality. Earth and earth politics don't exist in GFFA.

Same way some of you acted when it was brought up with the treatment of the black men on the walking dead. Idgaf about the walking dead.

Just ask yourselves, why were white racists mad at Finn before the movie came out? Why are they no longer mad at him AFTER they've seen him in action?:sas1:
They are still mad. Idk why you think they backed off...
Because he's not a threat to white superiority complex anymore and white people aren't afraid of a safe negroes
.:sas2:Nah. they are still mad. They are upset about Rey too. All they got was Kylo and Han is dead.:mjlol:These dudes are shook.

And you deep down you simple nikkas know that's true. In the spirit of star wars,search your feelings c00ns. You won't though, you'll just throw subliminals trying to make me seem crazy (I own every star wars movies and read EU books Darth Homoist,eat a dikk whiteboy) and circle jerk each other for cheap daps. I'm cool with that, may the c00n stay with you.
There are always subliminals in Hollywood films. Do yo thang big boi. Don't sweat it.